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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. stuff comming out sure doesnt sound like corn. bet something is in there
  2. I cant help with words but wanted to send my condolences
  3. sweet Charm run pain free at the bridge. Hugs to you daddy
  4. welcome back I remember Raven
  5. hello cant wait to see your group
  6. welcome and you got a stunning crew there
  7. Welcome to the wonderfull world of greys & to the board
  8. I am so sorry your babe is no longer with you.
  9. all know is the "stuff" that comes out is icky and stinky. But prefer to get it out. When I use to have fosters I would do the warm towel. squeeze, then clense are with witch hazel. Takes a while but they look so much better with out the icky black bellie.
  10. run free pretty girl
  11. I am sorry she has passed but glad she was able to enjoy the year she had with her new family
  12. Hope you get some sleep cause once your girl comes home you will be so envolved loving being owned by a grey you wont be able to sleep
  13. Mike and Lidia I am so sorry to hear this news. It seems like only yesterday when I was lucky enought to be the last leg of her GUR. She was a sweet girl who I am sure loved her time with your family as much as you loved having her. Tho it pains me to say I am glad she is now in a place where nothing can harm her again.
  14. I am so sorry for your familys loss. Pammy was a special girl who had a wonderfull end to her time here. i am sure she is smiling down on u and your family
  15. glad ur back...your new addition is a living doll. cant wait to hear all the storys of your girls growing up together
  16. run with the angels knowing you are loved
  17. What a wonderfull tribute I am so happy I got to meet your 2 bridge angels when I got the privlage to be the last leg on Mustangs trip home. What a wonderfull gift Bluebird left you in Surf...
  18. congrats welcome to the grey club
  19. jamngrey

    Ec Lori Ann

    DeVon I just saw this. I am so sorry your beloved grande dame is no longer with you but she will always be in your heart
  20. get on the photos girl...(JK kudos to u for fostering)
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