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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. she is a beauty..enjoy your times and make lots of memories
  2. Agreed Water therapy does wonders. I third this advice....we had a grey in our group and h2o therapy is what worked for him.
  3. jamngrey


    I am so sorry for your loss. Oscar man u will be missed here but your memories will always be with us. Run fast and painfree at the bridge
  4. glad he is feeling better. hope Roo is all healed soon
  5. Hugs to you. Hope Frazzle is enjoying pain free days at the bridge
  6. jamngrey


    Run fast and have fun at the bridge "tasha" babe.
  7. i saw your other post bout getting rid of "wallys stains"..sorry late but welcome home wally....
  8. hum reminds me of the things my old boy (dont tell him that) who is 13. They are usually pretty small. If i pick they bleed like nothing elce but leave them alone with in 2 wks gone. they come up from no where. my vet said no issue but not sure if yours are the same
  9. oh DeVon i cant believe i missed this topic. I sure hope Raven was able to keep pill/food down. Give the girl a hug for me and then give yourself one. It must be hard but bless u for loving all your babys soooooo much. prayers
  10. we will never be sick of updates...I just wish they were stating he was eating...hugs to you and rusty
  11. prayers and well wishes are being sent from me and my crew
  12. just saw this...come on Rusty boy your gots to eat!!
  13. oh my She will be in my thouthts, God speed Oliver
  14. just saw this...glad to hear he is on the mend. BTW what was wrong
  15. I just saw this. I am so sorry you lost your baby girl. Hugs to you and Em
  16. Scarlette sweetie. Play with your brother again. I know your mom and dad will miss you but are happy you are painfree now and with your brother
  17. bump for those who might be able to help
  18. Skittles...run free with your brother Bart and Lori Ann. Please make sure to let you mom know your up there looking down on her.
  19. It sounds like your boy has it in him but is still too new to his enviroment and once he get comfie you will probably see him happy all the time. But if he has been with you for a while and is truely a "frightned" dog he will most likely suprise you often with happy dances. My cassie is like that and she has been with me 4yrs
  20. I am so sorry you are gaving to go thru this. I wish I had advice to give you but only have well wishes to offer
  21. jamngrey


    Blake you were one specal hound. Your mom and day did all they could but didnt want to keep you here just for them. I know you are waiting at the front gate at the Bridge for you beloved sister Scarlett. One day soon you two will be romping round the bridge pain free waiting for you mom and dad. Run Free Sweet Boy
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