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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. I hope Teagan is doing well now. I would prob give him some bread to just help bind & coat his insides. Psi has doe this before and all was fine. That is my hope for you
  2. Hugs to you and your Pebbles. Snowman to has os. So far we are able to keep him pain free (it has been 2months) He too isnt a candidate for amp so I am living every day for him and as long as he still "lives" not just exists he will be with our family
  3. hugs and prayers to you and I hope your babe is running at the bridge happly
  4. thanks again all If Im lucky I will have a "snowman" all winter long.....
  5. sending well wishes that all will be well in the new year
  6. thanks all Michelle he sure was
  7. Toby, Run and play at the bridge with your bud Mia (who better be with Max). No more pain, fits of coughing and trying to catch you breath. I wish you could have had a few more sleepovers but it would not have been fair to you. You were the funniest dog I had ever seen (lab on basset legs) but you were the happiest, and your tail was never still. I and my pups will miss you Toby was my moms dog (origonaly my brothers) He was 14 yrs old (we think) a basset lab mix. Toby boy I sure miss you hope you and mia are happy to be together again
  8. I really know how you feel. We are counting the months & holidays that are becoming a milestone for Hobbes. Each week is a victory - we never expected him to survive to Thanksgiving, let alone Xmas. He will be 14 in April so we are hoping and praying that we can really celebrate that birthday. Hugs and good wishes for Snowman and lots of enjoyment in your time together. I will keep Hobbes in my prayers and hope he gets to celebrate his birthday with you here Thanks for all the well wishes
  9. Snowman is still hanging in there. ( I am sooooo blessed) he is slowing down quite a bit,but he still enjoys life. So if we are lucky he will be able to celebrate his 12 birthday. (12/9/08)
  10. Im so glad you have your girl back with you
  11. run free sweet boy hope you and your bro are at the bridge having a blast
  12. hope all comes out fine. keep an eye on him and his poo just to makesure it comes out. BTW it is amazing how just a loud voice and body language can get to these guys.
  13. hope she continues to heal with out any setbacks
  14. hope he is back to his happy self soon
  15. good luck I ditto Batmoms advice. Psi hade this issue for over a year and unfortunatly I had to amp cause it wouldnt heal so fingers crossed for you hope it heals
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