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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. glad she is well....Ok not picking but can she drink with the cone. It looks a bit deep, but thats just me. Im sure the vet knows(pls dont take it as im bashing just wondering)
  2. Your Boy is sure glad to be home im sure (as are you). Psi is my food agression dog so I know the "no food" routine. They all have to eat treats infront of me (crums included) If they have a bone and I need to leave the room all bones get rounded up and returned when I get back. He has never hurt one of my pack regarding food but tore the ear off one of the foster dogs at his foster home. He is snappy but lucklly cause of rules &watching all food we have been safe. Now saying that he has torn into snowman 2x once in the car and once at home when i was not here. Both required stitches. Now they are all muzzled when I am gone. Neither of the insidents envloved food. Psi can be pushy and snow is a bit wimpy and I think that plays a part in the bites. I just wish you the best and honestly I would consider muzzling the pack. My 3 have them on about 6 hours at a time and have no issue. Infact when I put them on they are fine. But if I put them on at a "fun run" with other greys they are stright away trying to rub them off on my leg
  3. glad your boy is home. Hope he recovers quickly
  4. Psi is my only one I need to "have done" It is usually every 3 months and I know due to his obsessive licking. He does have one the vet says is "way down there" so I wonder if that is why he gets filled up? Never get a smell from him just licking
  5. well wishes for a quick and fast recovery
  6. me too! Isn't he just adorable! Add another one...fingers crossed for a good report
  7. i have no clue but i wish you well and hope it all works out
  8. welcome and keep your chin up
  9. welcome, wonderfull fur family hope to hear more bout the group
  10. Welcome and hope to see more of her and hear from you
  11. So glad she is still with you. She is a real trooper
  12. prayers...prayers...prayers for you
  13. Well get on it gal Your dog is cute love the eyebrows
  14. This is what I am thinking bout now. Snowman hates the vets he shakes so bad and it is a struggle to get him in the place. Unfortunatly my vet doesnt come to the house but there is a mobil vet who does. Only issue for me is the $. It will be bit over 400 with cremation. I am going to do what I can to let it be at home so his last moments are safe and happy ones. So I say if you can do it at home.
  15. If it was a dry blod like scab... Then I think they are normal. Snow has had several. They bleed like the dickins
  16. Im so sorry I wish you lots of great memories
  17. Hugs and prayers and great memories
  18. Welcome, your girl is a cutiepie. Hope to see more of her and hear from you family
  19. How cool to have ppl who owned and took care of him on this board. Welcome
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