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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. welcome to your forever home Tex
  2. You have a stunning fur family.
  3. I am so sorry you are having to go thru this again. Bless you for showing Derby what love really was. Run free Derby girl
  4. My mother help Mia to the bridge today. My brother found Mia wandering the steets with her pal Toby and took them both in. She was a timid girl but 4 years later and tons of patience she came out of her shell. She and Toby have been living with my Mother for the last year. 6 months ago she began to have trouble walking her hips were not working well...then she became the licker from he!! and had to have a cone on almost 24/7 unless you were watching her. The past 2 days she had been going down hill. So now she is pain free and will Never have to wear the dreaded cone. Mia amore I will miss you....but am happy you are pain free now.
  5. jamngrey


    run free sweet boy
  6. Batman run fast at the bridge, when you get a chance smile down on your mom and Zema.
  7. What a wonderfull and touching tribute. Annie had the love she deserved bless you for loving her
  8. I am so sorry When I saw your post in H&M I hoped it was nothing. Keeping you in my thoughts. Hugs and prayers for your loss. Heres to your pup running pain free at the bridge
  9. jamngrey


    Suzie run free and pain free.....you will be missed
  10. run free sweet Duke
  11. It has been a few days and Im sure Miss Nellie is running around rainbow bridge like a wild woman. Saying hello to all our bridge angels. I m so sorry for your loss, Miss Nellie has been quite the inspiration around here and it is due to the suport and love you two gave her
  12. Molly run free girl you deserve it
  13. jamngrey


    hugs and prayers
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Larry is at the bridge running and keeping the bridge angels in line
  15. oh how heart breaking well the bridge has a star to look over it. Run free and happy Star
  16. Hugs for all hounds that are safe at home and Huge prayers for all still posted on the Amber Alert
  17. jamngrey


    Run Ivey....keep an eye on your mom...but enjoy
  18. jamngrey


    Irska GodSpeed. run fast and free at the bridge
  19. she is a beauty...God Speed Luna. Sorr for your loss
  20. jamngrey


    Run free Baby I am so sorry you didnt get your forever home before you left for the bridge....but by your life you are prompting others to find theres
  21. run and go wild at the bridge Precious DeVon I will pray for you mom and hope her heart heals
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