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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. jamngrey


    Tom and Trish I am sorry for your loss and pain right now. At least you can be comforted knowing Annie is no longe in pain. Hugs and prayers to your and your family
  2. I am so sorry you cant celebrate Tex's gotcha day with him but he is in your heart so he is with you
  3. jamngrey

    Booker's Story

    what a sweet and loving tribute
  4. jamngrey

    Lary Hess

    im glad the pup has a home to go to
  5. Run free little man. I know our retirement was quick but you will enjoy the bridge
  6. Run free Heart..Hugs for you Diane
  7. jamngrey

    Sweet Edie Lee

    What a beautiful tribute to Edie. I am sure she is at the bridge now laughing with all her new friends at your "matching jammies"
  8. jamngrey


    hugs for you and sweet prayers for twinkie
  9. what a wonderfull tribute to Jessie
  10. Scarlette I am sorry your time with your mom and dad is over but run free girl at the bridge where you will never be hurt or sick again. I am sorry for your loss of you sweet girl
  11. run sweet bridge angel,run like the wind knowing no human can ever cause you harm. my heart goes out to Christine. Not only do you have the pain of your loss of your beloved girl, you also have the knowledge that trusted family members were the cause of all this pain
  12. so sad...run free at the bridge boy
  13. Bomber run and play with all the other bridge kids just take a few moments out to let your mom know you are ok and are waiting for her. Your time here was short but you were loved. I am so sorry for your loss
  14. Kim your tribute to your beloved Stryder will be in my thoughts forever. It is so sad that he is no longer here in body but the love you have for the boy means he will never be far away from you. Hugs to all in your family during this sad time.
  15. Wells i know you are up at the bridge running around with your sisters. The 3 musketeers are together again. Keep an eye on your mom. She will miss you but we will take care of her. God speed you angel
  16. jamngrey

    Old Fella

    Cheryl and Scott Bless you for all you did for old fella so that he could touch all of us. This is sad news but the Bridge has a wonderfull new member who will keep all on their toes.
  17. Godspeed Digby. Now you can meet your parents other love Boots. Run like the wind till it is time to meet up with your mom and dad
  18. jamngrey

    Gable Lolita

    run free and healthy at the bridge till time to meet up with your loved ones.
  19. Scully just wanted to let his mum know is doing great playing with his brother. It was his way of giving you a hug
  20. jamngrey


    Fynn I sure hope your are enjoying the freedome the bridge gives you. Have a great one and your mom will see you again
  21. How heart breaking to loose your Raven twice. Now she is free to play at the bridge and wait for you. I am sorry for your loss.
  22. jamngrey


    Sully boy I write this thru a blurr of tears. I am happy you and your bro are together again and I wish you both and enjoyable time at the bridge till your mom and dad join you both.
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