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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Lordy. We've had Stan at the vets this afternoon because he really wasn't well....and now we know why he felt so dire. He had a temperature of 105.5 We don't know if he's had a bad reaction to the new drug or whether it's just bad timing that he's picked up some sort of infection but for the moment, he's not taking the new drug and has had an antibiotic injection and has come home to have lots of cool towels, plenty of water etc and then he has to go back in the morning at 10.30 to be looked at again. The good news is that he does seem to have picked up quite considerably since he had the injection and has just eaten his first meal since yesterday morning, He looks a lot more 'of this earth' than he did a few hours ago. Now I'll go and update Poppys thread (which is in EEG)
  2. He's not very well tonight He was sick a couple of hours ago (just bile) but he's also refused his dinner this evening which is very unlike him indeed. If he's no better in the morning, he'll have to see the vet.
  3. Little Poppy is now home after her spey surgery. We knew she needed a lump removed from one of her back feet too, so that's been done (and she's wearing a revolting coloured bandage to prove it). When she was on the operating table the vet phoned to say that her top two canines were really horrid and did we want him to remove them so we said yes. (Its only 2 months since most of her other teeth were removed, a couple of weeks before she came to us). So, she's got a sore tummy from her spey, a sore foot from her lump removal and a sore gob from having two giant teeth removed The vet said that because the cavities left behind by these canines are so huge, they have packed the cavities with some sort of seaweed pack thingy but because this all lies so close to the nasal passages, we may find that one or both packs emerges....down her nose He warned me so that if I saw a large green....thing at 11pm one night, I'd not phone him in hysterics She came in, went to the garden, had a wee and then walked slowly (a bit like a drunken cow) to her bed where she is now sleeping.
  4. Wallace has had numerous, all in different places.
  5. Maddison had them and Darcy has had them but they seem to have stopped these days with her (touch wood). In Maddisons case, I do believe that they were caused by Frontline and someone this week started a thread on my UK rescue forum about head tremors and a number of people stated that their dog has/had them and they too made a connection with Frontline.
  6. I'm very sorry Thinking of Dallas and all of you today
  7. Ooooh, thanks for the warning! Did the Gabapentin help Gus in general though? (Parson me but I can't remember what he was taking it for )
  8. I went to pick up some new medication for Stanley today. We've had to fiddle (again) with his steriods because he just doesn't seem able to tolerate a higher dose so he's now back to one 2mg tab of Medrone, morning and evening, plus this new drug which is called Gabapentin. This works on nerve pain (as well as being used as an anti-epileptic drug in both humans and dogs). So we shall see how he does on this combination. He's actually been reasonably good this past few days (apart from the day his tummy reacted to the steriods) and I do think the accupuncture has helped him so we're going to arrange for some more of that. Hopefully, in a few days, I'll be able to report that the Gabapentin is also doing him a lot of good
  9. I'm very sorry Petra Thinking of you.
  10. Thanks everyone He's still not up to running (mind you, he's not really been up to running since he arrived aged eight and a half LOL) but he does seem a little more comfortable today. Phew.
  11. Stanley hasn't really been himself for a couple of weeks. There haven't really been big specific things that have worried us but he's had trouble with his back legs and he's had pain somewhere because he's let out some cries (well, screams....but he is a greyhound). So today he saw the vet. He has very little in the way of reflexes now in his back legs and he has some very tender areas over his spine. He was diagnosed with arthritis of the spine years ago and to be honest, I think he's done very well to do as well as he has, until now. (He was 12 in December). My vet gave him some accupuncture and he's having some medication changes and we will have to see how he goes. If you could send Stanley a good thought to make him stop being wonky and start being a bit more robust in the old leggies department, that would be good I know there isn't a fix for this but I just want him to have a little more quality time.
  12. Flashman - don't even think about it. Just be well.
  13. Good boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Winslowwwwwww
  14. Bevd


    I'm really sorry to read this Sleep tight sweet Hobbes
  15. I'ce just been having a look at Darcy's blood results from during her chemo and the 'normal' (or reference) range is quoted from 175 - 500 (covering all breeds). At her very lowest, Darcy's platelets went down to 35. The other two print-outs that I have show them at 190 and at 347. I can't get over what your vet said about not trusting his instrument What is all that about?! He needs to refund you your money so that you can use it with someone who's instrument works properly!! To be honest, I'd not even waste time telling this guy to buy a new instrument because he shouldn't need telling. Best wishes for lovely Murphy
  16. Brave Carrier. We will miss you.
  17. Oh my little friend Cody Angelo. I will miss you so. Patti & Fred
  18. Personally, I would not give any medication (so as not to mask any symptoms) and if things are no better by tomorrow, I'd get the vet to check things out. (But I'm a little sensitive to limps and the like...) Hopefully though, Monty will be better after resting him for today
  19. I was so scared before Darcy's first chemo treatment. It was a very strange feeling sending her for that first one. Thinking good thoughts for you and for Cannon
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