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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Fingers crossed here (and get well wishes being sent for your poorly broked arm).
  2. We took her out with Poppy today and she was so funny Poppy was in the 'boot' area of the car and Darcy was on the back seat. Each time Poppy lay down, Darcy would sneak a look over the back seat to see if 'that new dog' was still there
  3. Just thought I'd show you Darcy's new hair It's all starting to grow back - but it's coming through very very dark grey - almost black. Deerhound pups all start off black and then they change to a shade of grey ranging from dark through to very light, depending on the dog, so we'll see whether this new hair changes to some sort of grey over time Anyway, to remind you of where she was baldy, this pic is from 11th Feb (plus, she lost more hair, including on her head and face) And these two pics were taken today, when Darcy was trying to stuff herself into the smallest bed in the room There is nothing to report regarding Darcy, which I am very happy about The only thing to be said is that she's gone predictably sulky due to the arrival of Poppy and last night, had to be spoon fed her dinner She's been a little less sulky today (in that she ate her dinner by herself). She's such a brat
  4. Bevd


    Oh no. I am so sorry Diane Sleep tight Goods. Together again with Fudge, forever
  5. Good boy Dempsey Keep up the good work! Where abouts in England will you be in July Heather?
  6. Sending best wishes to Cannon and his worried Mummy
  7. We'll all take Not Big C Best wishes for Friday morning
  8. OMG I think I've nearly wet my pants Oh good gractious me - how fabulous this could turn out to be *leak*
  9. I'm really sorry to hear that things have taken a downward turn I hope your appointment this afternoon will bring some easy answers and remedies and that Jupp will be back on the road to recovery very soon
  10. She definately was one of a kind
  11. Ebay bugs me because they keep changing the goal posts and no matter how you try to fit in with their rules, if you do something slightly out of the ordinary, they automatically assume that you are trying to fiddle them for fees (when in fact you are not). I'd be interested as a vendor and as a buyer
  12. I've skipped from your original thread to this reply so forgive me if this has already been said... Firstly - I'm very sorry to hear about Loca's diagnosis I don't have any actual experience of this type of bone cancer but the one thing I can tell you is that when we were waiting for the results of Darcy's biopsy (which was done at the time of her amputation), I spoke to a canine oncology specialist and he gave me the facts and figures for three different types of bone cancer. The one we didn't want it to be was osteo (because that spreads in 98% of cases, even before you know the dog has a problem). We were hoping against hope that in Darcys case it was one of the other two - either fibrosarcoma or chondrosarcoma because with both of these, they spread in about 20% of cases. I know you must feel terrified and devastated at the moment. We send you a big hug from across the pond
  13. Sending lots of good wishes for Shadow
  14. See latest in C&F forum (Final Piece of the Puzzle thread) L)
  15. Ignore me. I added my update to the wrong thread
  16. Carrier! Do not disobey your Mummy!! Get properly well very soon
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