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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Thinking all good thoughts for lovely Cricket and for you
  2. Sorry for the delay. The vet phoned and said that the only thing showing was that his white blood count was low. Normal range for a dog is between 6 and 16.9 and Wallaces is 4.8. So he's going to be retested next Tuesday to see what the results are then. But - Lisa73 then reminded me that greyhound blood values often differ from other dogs and that 4.8 is actually quite normal for a greyhound. So, I have printed off a couple of things for my vet (including Dr Bills recently posted new greyhound health packet) and will be giving her a call tomorrow and will ask her to read them. So...um, at the moment, we're no further along.
  3. Wallybobs has been a bit off for some time. You may remember that I took him to the vet a while back because I was concerned about his shaking but the vet wasn't concerned. He didn't dismiss me or my concerns - it's just that he didn't think it was anything to worry about. Then a few weeks later, I managed to get the shaking on video and it was reviewed by the other vet at the practice and again, it was decided that there was nothing to be concerned about. Since then, Wallace has continued to do this wierd shaking thing (and I know from doing a thread on my UK forum, that many other dogs seem to do it to, with no specific reason being found) but more worryingly, he has dropped a lot of weight. He is eating and drinking fine and has no other symptoms but it was time to have some blood tests done. So we took him in this morning, along with a fresh Wally-Wee sample and he had his blood taken for testing. The vet (Helen) gave Wallace a good once over but couldn't find anything startlingly obvious which would indicate why he may be loosing this amount of weight, so we're sitting tight waiting for the blood results which she'll phone through to me sometime today.
  4. Happy 8th Birthday lovely Bodie! Darcy (fellow front right amputee) sends you a big birthday smooch
  5. Oh poor Baby Gus (but more to the point, poooooor Baby Gus's parents!!) I feel for you. I can't imagine trying to keep 4 month old Ned 'calm'. Get better soon Gus
  6. I'm glad the landlord has agreed to pay for all that stuff to be done. I bet he was pretty horrified to see the state of his house. Maybe he will be able to bill the previous tenants (not that that is any of 'our' concern). So - what colour paint are you choosing?
  7. Winslow - are you there? I wanted to let you know that today, I went to a dog show and I got a rosette (ribbon) for 3rd place in the prettiest girl contest I also had ice cream. Look - here is me, awake ( ) and eating my ice cream I hope that all is well with you and that you are nice and cool. Yours Darcy xx
  8. It's disgusting that someone should rent out a property in that state. Poor you Even the dogs look a bit horrified in their new...yard Hope you can find somewhere more suitable.
  9. Great news (the second pic really made me giggle)
  10. I thought you'd said JEFF will pee at will anywhere
  11. I loved the border picture And the bear pics and the glaciers and your cabin. Etc. Actually, I've enjoyed the whole trip and it's been really great because I've not felt car sick even once (Muzzles shmuzzles).
  12. She's lovely We made a sort of top knot in Darcys T shirt so that it doubled as a sling with a handle, so we could give her a little support when she was getting up to go outside.
  13. Could you put a t shirt on her rather than the satellite dish?
  14. She's so cute What tickles me about pups is that so many of the pictures of them have their mouths wide open, just waiting for something (anything) to go in there
  15. Welcome home Wilson (Kim - I saw in your other thread that you are in Leeds, UK. I'm just over the hill from you in Oldham)
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