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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Oh no. I'm so sorry to read this about lovely Jack
  2. I've just been sorting out our front room upstairs and got rid of loads of bits of rubbish that I've been meaning to sort for ages. I put my hand into a cardboard box and pulled out a little red hardbacked book and when I opened it to see what I'd used it for, the page it opened at was the page I'd made notes on, when phoning up to arrange to bring Stanley home, 5 years today (his 5th Gotcha Day would have been on Thursday). So, I think my Stan has let me know that he's arrived safely and that all is well
  3. Only a tiny bitttttt blocked
  4. What fabulous news *leak*
  5. I'm very sorry Sleep tight now Finn
  6. I'm delighted to hear about the doubling of the plateletts....and then worried about the little setback. I'm sure it *is* only a little setback though because Brady certainly seems to be a fighter of the highest order.
  7. Very encouraged to read that Brady was able to walk to the car himself Sending lots more positive thoughts for him and hoping for another 'upwards' update later
  8. Everything crossed on this side of the pond
  9. Stanley & Jessie shared a kennel for two and a half years. When I phoned to make my initial enquiry, the man told me about an eight and a half year old dog and an eleven year old female. We opted for the female and Jessie entered our lives. Six weeks later, we caved in and went back for Stanley Jessie was *so* happy to see him when we brought him home. For the first time since she'd been with us, she started to bark and play-bow as soon as she clapped eyes on him This was taken when Stanley had been home 2 months So yes, they are now reunited again
  10. What a fabulous update *leak in the eye department*
  11. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts
  12. Thank you for all your kind words. Stanley had a very simple and pleasurable final journey. He ate a big chewy treat en route to the vets and then once there, he shared some peaceful time with his Dad in the car whilst I went in to do all the necessary things. I asked the vet to come out and do what needed to be done in the car (there's plenty of room in there) and whilst the vet was gathering his stuff together, Stanley ate some liver treats from the jar in reception and he also had a couple of other treat sticks I'd taken with for him. He didn't bother at all when the vet started doing his work and his passage was peaceful. He left for the Bridge in the style of a true gentleman and that's the best way that Stanley could be described. He really was a gentleman in every way. He will be sorely missed. Stanley Doyle 4th December 1995 - 8th May 2008
  13. Stanley has put up a really good fight but he's tired now and The Bridge is calling. He has many, many friends there waiting for him so this evening at 6.50pm, we have an appointment to send him off with our love and a little piece of our hearts.
  14. Bevd


    I'm very sorry indeed to read your sad news
  15. glad yoo iz feelink bettah flashee did you KNOT get sea-weed pax up yoor shnoz? If you didunt, you mist owt on a treet pop-pee xx
  16. And this morning, after finishing his bowl of breakfast, he got up, walked over to Poppy's bowl and stuck his head in hers (He wasn't allowed to eat Poppy's food but it was very fabby that he went to have a go)
  17. I'd go to the vets now. It's probably nothing serious at all but personally, I'd rather have it checked out to be sure.
  18. I think the antibiotic combination is starting to take effect. Poppy has been up and about a little bit more today, she's not limping as much and the swelling on her foot has gone down. She also ate a good dinner tonight
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