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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Fabulous, marvellous and wonderous news
  2. I'm glad things are going well with lovely Hobbes and I look forward to reading about his birthday celebrations on 2nd
  3. I'm devastated for you Eva. I'm just so sorry.
  4. Kaopectate I'm KNOT shore we have that here in Real Ingland. I am able to eat yoggit tho without any awful kon-see-kwen-siz (phew). Stanley xx
  5. Hello I think he's nearly fixed He had breakfast this morning and nothing vile has happened through the day so we'll feed him a normal meal this evening and hope for the best! We have a vet appt for Poppy tomorrow (routine) so I can always take Stan along if necessary but hopefully, it won't be....
  6. Bray-king knewz I have done a poop and it was quite solid Sew I was allowed a very small bit of dinner. Mummy is now waiting to see if that was a big mis-steak. Stanley (no longer starving but could still put away a fair bit more food)
  7. I'd do the starving for 24 hours thing and then bland food such as fish & rice or scrambled egg for a day and then reintroduction of the normal food. That's what I'm going to doing with Squitty - I mean Stanley Hope yours are all feeling better soon!
  8. My Mummy will not be peering for WORMZ because if she seed a worm, she would faint and bump her head However, it is not very long since I had the "go-away-if you are a worm" medicayshun which is given to all us dogz as a matter of course so hopefully, it's not wormz wot is causing my delicate issue. Pee Ess:- Let it be known that I have not erm....had any further.....messy thing since this morning. However, I am still to be starv'd tonight Stanlee (tummy now thinks throat has been cut)
  9. Deer Geroge (ov Noo Ingland) Don't worry - thats not a bare. It's just my furry blan-kit which covers my bed. I have a trauma when Mummy puts my blan-kit in the wash in case it drownz but so far, it hasn't. I am pleased to report that thus far today, I have managed to not poop on said blan-kit. Yours (starvingly) Stanley (ov Real, Akchoo-al Ingland) Codee-Angelo-Poodul-Man You just made my Mummee do a loud noise and coffee went on the keyboard Yours (still hungry) Stanley xx <---- manlee kissiz
  10. It's Stanley, checking in from across the pond. Woe is very meeeeeeeeee. I have got a very poorly bottom. I am suffering from the Big D. I have just heard that tonight, I will have to miss my dinner Woe is Stanleyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I have also had to have a decrease in my steriod medication in case it's this which has made my tummy poorly. I've only been on my increased steriods for a short time, so it may well be this which has caused the rather.....squirty D My vet-man said to Mummy that she shouldn't stop the medication altogether as this may cause me to suffer some sort of collapse, expecially as I have Big D I'm very glad my Mummy checked with the vet-man because a collapse doesn't sound like much fun. But anyway - woe is meeeeeeeeeeeeee. No dinner tonight. Woe. Is. The Stanleyyyyyyy.
  11. I think there are two different 'things' being shown in this thread. The OP has posted something which is rough and looks like what angel Flo used to get (nothing needed doing with them) and then the smooth things look like they could be histiocytomas (which Wallace gets). Always worth checking ANY lump with the vet though, to be on the safe side.
  12. Darcy too used to lay on her amp side and it used to make me feel ill in case it was hurting her but I asked my vet about it and he said it was perfectly normal and was a natural way of the dog protecting the wounded area. I also think it has something to do with a natural way of dealing with swelling (but I might have made that last bit up!). Hoping that Cannon is being a good boy and recovering nicely now
  13. I'm really sorry to hear this sad news May Hobbes enjoy many birthdays
  14. You tell the stupid 4mm thing Carrier
  15. Bevd


    I'm very sorry
  16. Bevd


    I'm so sorry Nancy What a terrible shock for you
  17. Be gone, 4mm thing. Thinking of you and wishing you a great Easter
  18. Thinking of Millicent and her family.
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