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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Thanks for asking everyone Darcy is doing fine at the moment She's eating and drinking as she should be (phew) and she's 'enjoyed' some less windy walks Her pressure sores have all healed really nicely BUT.....she's getting so bald. Really. Her butt looks like something belonging to a baboon And there is a huge amount of hair loss and also hair thinning all over her body. I'll try and get some pics of her outside today as it's nice and sunny ( don't faint - we have sun and no rain or wind ) but in the meantime, you might be able to notice a big difference in her face in this pic which was from the other day She had a coat made by a friend here in the UK and she tried it on last week It's lovely I think though, I'm going to have to get one made which we can 'wrap around' her and the button it at the top, over her back because it's a bit difficult to lift a large, one legged (at the front) doggie into a coat
  2. Sending best wishes for Carrier and I hope you feel better very soon too
  3. Continued good thoughts for Harley
  4. I'm glad he's home and I hope you all got some sleep
  5. Sending lots of good thoughts for Beau and for you
  6. Darcy went to the vets for her check up today (can't believe it's a week since she was last there!) and he was pleased with her And, she doesn't need to go back for another check up for a month
  7. Sorry to hear that Ryan is poorly again Sending him (and you) lots of good wishes from here
  8. It can be windy We're particularly high above sea level where we live so if it's a bit windy elsewhere in the region, it tends to be very windy up here - and where we walk, it's higher still - as you can tell By the way, Darcy's temp is back down to 38.2 now and she's eating a decent amount each day....but still off a spoon
  9. Darcy was quie chirpy today so we decided to take her for a little outing with Duffy. This is how the 'walk' started Duffy was puzzled as to why there wasn't much walking going on Then, they were off. Only Darcy was trying to be off, back to the car Eventually, they got on their way And at one point, even broke into a trot, of sorts Then Darcy lay down for a rest so Marc took Duffy for a decent run. Darcy didn't want to go with - but she didn't want to be left behind either (please insert sound effects of crying when you look at this picture because she was having a dramatic moment) Duffy did some nice running but I didn't manage to get a single decent shot ( ) so here are some of him standing around looking windyfied Anyway, once that was all done with, it was time to go back to the car, much to Darcy's utter delight Having a symetrical sniff And then mad running, to get back to the car as quickly as possible She's been eating well, albeit sloppy foods and off a spoon but I don't mind - as long as she eats
  10. She's so lovely I'm glad she seems to be doing well
  11. She's coming back We're up to the stage of horizontal playing CLICKY FOR VIDEO (no sound, 3 mins long - very dark at the start but gets marginally better as it goes along)
  12. It was a bit breezy today. And then we headed out to walk Darcy and Radar It really was bad, so we only stayed for about 10 minutes (at which point, Darcy took herself back to the car) Here's Radar looking a little blustery And Darcy, having a bit of a trot (Those of you who are familiar with Darcy or her pics, will probably be able to spot the difference in her coat in some of these pics) With hindsight, it wasn't a good time to take her out but it wasn't that windy at home, and Marc had already been out twice with some of the other dogs and it wasn't that bad then, but it suddenly went wild when we were en route with Darcy Once I'd uploaded these pics, I went off to look for older pics for coat comparison and came up with these from June 07 *gives self a stern slap and tells self to move on*
  13. That made me giggle Sorry for the delay - Thursdays (as you should knowwwww by nowwwww ) are Red Cross days so a bit peculiar, forum wise Anyway, I can report that Darcy is still eating (not the same quantities as prior to poorlyfiedness but much more than last week!). She's definately feeling stronger because now, when she's fed up with me shovelling food into her mouth, she gets up and moves to another bed But I just follow her and continue with my mission Next time she gets up to go outside, I am going to measure her, so that her wardrobe can begin to be created
  14. Here, it's not practical to have the vet come to the house because we're pretty open plan and we don't have anywhere quiet away from the other dogs, so with those who have been very unhappy going into the vets surgery, we've arranged to drive there but to have the vet come out to the car and do what he has to do there. I'm very sorry you're having to make these decisions
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