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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. I can report that for the first time since all this began, Stanley has come to the kitchen tonight to stand and wait for his tablets, when he heard me preparing them
  2. For severe pain we use 100mg on a 70# dog three times a day, and I've even gone to 100mg every 4 hours. Whatever it takes when needed My vets are very good about pain meds. Stan weighs 34kg and he's taking 100mg twice a day but the vet did say we can increase this to 150mg twice a day if we feel we need to. At the moment, I'm happy with him on the 100mg dose so I'll save the increase for if/when needed
  3. We've been back at the vets as planned, this afternoon Poppy has a temperature (still). She's had her poorly foot undressed and it's now being left undressed till she's seen again on Friday. She's got a second anti biotic to add in to the first I mentioned to the vet that Poppy was really having problems breathing through her nose last night and he managed to fish out some more of the seaweed dressing. How vile. I was standing with my back to the proceedings, examining the light switch at the time Poor Poppy is feeling very sorry for herself. Her tootsie is swollen and sore. Her gob is sore. Her belly is bruised. And on top of that, Stanley bled on her during the vet visit. Can someone beam me uppppppp nowwwwwwwwwwww please to a place where animals are normallllllllllllll Pic taken a few mins ago, to show her sorry-for-self (and with good reason) face I did mean to ask for you today but I got side tracked and forgot I'll try to remember to ask on Friday
  4. luk at me fut itz bloo Stanley has been having tummy tickles this evening and batting us when we are roooooood enough to stop
  5. Stan has been back to the vets this afternoon. I was able to report (and the vet could see) that he was a little more mobile and was able to move in different ways now. For example, twice today, I've seen Stan in a play bow type position. He wasn't play bowing but he was in that position - to lick his foot or the bedding - and he'd definately not have been able to do that a few days ago, so thats good. But - because things are never simple and because I think we might need to make a TV programme along the lines of Faulty Towers but with a veterinary twist - as we went into the vets room, Stan managed to stub his toe under the door and promptly bled huuuuuuuuge pools of blood all over the floor and then got it on his chest when he lay down in it So he came home with a blue bandaged front left foot Even the vet was impressed at how much blood he managed to pump out from such a tiny wound in such a short space of time Other than that little diversion, Stan had his temperature taken and it's still a little higher than it should be so he's had a change of antibiotic. He now has three doses of medication in the morning (antibiotic, pain killer, steriod) and four in the evening (as morning, plus thyroid med). I have stocked up on ham, hot dog sausages and such like, to hide tabs in But Stanley fights on
  6. Glad he's home and on the way to recovery
  7. One large bowl of soaked kibble mixed with one snipped up pork escalope and a quarter of a tin of chicken soup has been eaten with gusto I *think* the Tramadol *may* be helping a little bit now. I wonder if the effect gets better over time. Does anyone know?
  8. I can't really say that the medication has turned Stanley into superdog or anything (yet) but I don't think he's any worse today. He spent some time outside earlier and enjoyed a tripe stick and he's just helped me eat a beef burger. I took some pics.
  9. I'm very sorry to hear your news We too are dealing with osteosarcoma with our one of our dogs (Darcy Deerhound) but as hers had not spread, we did go ahead with amputation and chemo (for us AND for our dog because I knew she was able to cope with it). I wish you as many happy times with Darryl as possible
  10. Poppy saw the vet this afternoon and had a nice new bandage put on her foot and got some antibiotics to take. Part of the seaweed thing emerged during out vet visit and I was laying across the vets table groaning and having hysterics Utterly, utterly gross She has to go back on Weds at 5pm
  11. We've been to the vets again. The vet isn't very happy with him really and used the words 'not responding' to treatment. We did have The Discussion but because Stanley was very interested in eating a big peice of liver treat (and his eyes were all giddy and happy as he was munching it) we've put The Discussion and The Decision on the back burner, just for a short while and brought him home with yet a different medication (Tramadol). I don't want him to be in pain and there's no doubt that he isn't as comfortable as he was even a week ago so if the Tramadol can do it's stuff thats fine but if it can't, there's nothing else we can offer. Part of me said we should have made the final decision whilst we were at the vets today but I was so unprepared and I want him to have this final chance, even if it's only a day or two, where he can have all his favourite foods and lots of cuddles. He's such a sweet dog
  12. I agree with the not thinking the worst thing at this stage. Just sending lots of good wishes
  13. Thanks for moving this for me Trudy Yes, I think you could be right She's going to see the vet at 5.50pm today (with Stan).
  14. Beak puffing has gone now. Bandage was removed from hind foot yesterday. Today she's licked the stitches off hind foot wound and made a gorgeous hole, into which we can peer and see the inside of her foot. Nice. We've wrapped it and she'll see the vet tomorrow. I may ask for this to be moved to H&M
  15. Hello His temperature has been OK today, so thats the good part of the update. The other part is that he ate his dinner this evening and then threw it all up about 20 minutes later. This really doesn't seem to be moving in the right direction
  16. woe iz ay veri hot meeeeee eye hav got new tabliks (yak). stanlee x
  17. luk at me pufft up beek yestah-deyz beek shot too-deyz beek shot pop-pee, thee pufft up won xx pee ess - pleeze note - eye iz skwinting, me eyez izunt shuttid awl thee tyme
  18. I'm sorry to hear your news too Sending lots of good wishes for Hershey!
  19. Morning. Stan has just had his half a paracetamol (on the vets advice) and before he had it, his temp was still the same as last night. He's going to be seen by the vet at 10.30 so we'll see if it's come down any by then. He did sleep OK and he's had his breakfast so things are better than they were this time yesterday at least PS He says "fank yew" to Polli for the cookie
  20. Just done a temperature check and it's now 38.9 (102.02), which is a big improvement from 5pm when it was 40.83 (105.5). (I'm using this converter http://www.onlineconversion.com/temperature.htm)
  21. Poppy now looks like an English Bull Terrier because her shnozzle has swollen after having those two big teefs out yesterday Other than that, she seems to be recovering well She's a big snuffly though, so I do hope those seaweed things aren't about to make an appearance
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