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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. We weren't looking to adopt another greyhound but I came across this picture on a rescue website and within 10 days, she was home. This picture, taken on the day we went to collect her (with angel Maddison, Mokka & Darcy) should have given us an indication of the way things were going to be... She went to various fun dog shows and won some rosettes (not that she needed rosettes for us - or her - to know she was special) She shouted quite a lot at shows (as well as at home) And she very much enjoyed meeting up with her 'bee-luvid', roar-ee (Rory). This was their first meeting and this is when he prow-powz'd (proposed) and Sally shouted it from the rooftops She was a bit puzzled by the Royal Wedding (Charles & Camilla) Sally liked her treats and enjoyed her birthday parties (if we didn't make her wear a hat) She loved her walkies (as long as all strange dogs remained farrrrrrrrrrrr away) And she made us laugh because much to her horror, pups always gravitated towards her and wanted to be close to her (but not tooooo close, as they learned pretty quickly) She had her own settee and she liked to lay on something soft and fleecy (perish the thought that she may have to snooze on actual leather) and if the blanket got ruffled up, she would stand and bark at it until a human came and flattened it for her She had a lot of funny, Sally Ways and she's left a big hole. We're sorry she's gone and we shall miss her greatly but she's left a whole lifetimes-worth of funny memories, packed into the three and half years we shared with her Sally (Silly) Doyle 18th June 1994 - 15th Feb 2008
  2. Look at him with his snout in that box Is the party today?
  3. Thank you everyone. Sally passed very quickly and easily and she managed not to bite anyone in the process so I was pleased (and a bit amazed) For the first time, I was able to cover her little head with kisses and I gave her some from her aunties too, because I know they would have wanted to do it if they'd have been there. I also told her that roar-ee (her beloved) would see her again one day. I told her to go and find Maddison and Jessie and Flo and that they would explain all the rules (which she could then go and disregard). Sally & her beloved roar-ee (May 06)
  4. Sally has let us know that although she's had a lovely time, with lots of fun and laughter, she's ready to head off to The Bridge now. She's fought a very good fight, which began with the first instance of 'wibbly legs' back in October 2005, followed by cancerous mammary tumours in January 2006 and she's always bounced back but now, her legs are very tired and this morning, even her bark (which has always been strong....and frequent) is tired, so it's time to let her go so that she can become whole and strong again. I have no doubt that once she arrives at The Bridge, her legs will no longer wibble and her bark will be as barky as ever. She will meet up with old friends (Maddison, Jessie & Flo to name but three) and she'll also meet Del & Tess and the others who went before her. She'll meet those who were not part of her family but who she knew of anyway. And she'll bark at them to keep them in line. Our appointment is at 3pm this afternoon and the vet and nurse will come out to our car to help Sally on her journey.
  5. I'm really sorry Wendy Safe journey Snowman
  6. I'm off to bed now but will check in again in the morning. Hope you have a decent night
  7. This one is a minute long and he was roaching http://www.my-shops.net/videos/maddisontremor280104.wmv This is about 43 seconds long and you can see that the tremor seems more pronounced but also, he could be 'distracted' from it for a short period if something (cat or toy for example) caught his attention http://www.my-shops.net/videos/maddiheadtremormuted.wmv Now...I think Maddison used to yawn quite often during his episodes (you may see a yawn or two in the videos). I do think something was mentioned about this but to be perfectly honest, I can't remember the details
  8. No, he never did anything other than have the tremor. Ironically, he did go on to have bone cancer though (fibroscarcoma). Hmm. Anyway, I'll just go and find the clips for you...
  9. It might be worthwhile asking about giving the anti emetic medication as a matter of course, rather than on an 'if he needs it' basis. The only reason I mention this is that I've heard it said that once the nausea begins it's much harder to control so it's better if it can be prevented in the first place (if that makes any sense at all! Pardon me - it's approaching my bed time!)
  10. He saw a neurologist and the diagnosis was idiopathic epilepsy. Do you want me to dig out a video clip?
  11. Hello Winslow and Glynis Darcy is a little tied up at the moment (sleeping) but she wanted me to let you know that she appreciates being thought of as beautiful by one as handsome as Winslow () and she says that yes, it is often windy here....but it's not always to do with the outside weather (not mentioning any names....Wallace...) She also said that she would be very happy if Winslow moved over here because she finds him rather attractive ( ) She and I are very much looking forward to the party pictures
  12. Thanks for the link I do have it but you've reminded me that I've not visited there for a while I'm not sure if you saw (or if you even want to look) but I posted some new pics of Darcy in C&F yesterday.
  13. That parkinsons movement you described is exactly how I used to describe Maddisons head tremors. I hope he's OK
  14. Glad she's doing well Our vet also told us to remove Darcys deposits immediately, for 3 days after each chemo.
  15. I felt that I 'knew' Heath from your tribute I'm very sorry for your loss
  16. Bevd


    Sleep tight Tiger.
  17. I'm glad he seems to be feeling better
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