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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Mahogany - milk bones are good but something a little more....meal like would make your Mummy (and us - and you) feel happier. Feel better soon!
  2. We're thinking all good thoughts for the check in 6 weeks
  3. I've just had to go and search and catch up on Jupps story (I'm so behind ) but am very pleased to read that he's had his op and is now home I can imagine that it's very difficult to get him in and out of the crate. I was wondering whether a 'pen' set up might be easier for you all? When Darcy had her amputation, we wanted to confine her but knew that the crate scenario just wasn't going to work for us so we went to Pets at Home and got a small animal garden enclosure thingy. It was just panel sides and you can make it into various shapes. It's not got a floor or a roof. I think it was about £25 ish. I'll go and find a pic to show you (because my description is dire) Here we go I'd offer to lend you ours but I'm not sure how we'd get it to Hastings (We're in Oldham).
  4. Bevd


    Sprite was a beautiful, brave girl I'm very sorry for your loss
  5. Bevd


    What a terrible shock for you I'm so sorry Sleep tight Otis
  6. One extra day is always good I'm really glad that things in general are good and I'm delighted to hear about his clear lungs Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  7. Thanks everyone! A slightly calmer vet visit report now Firstly, when we were in the waiting room, one of Darcys main nurses (from when she was very poorly for that week) came out to say hello and then got all tearful and upset because of how much coat she's lost and how different she looks - and then she was all embarassed about getting weepy but we thought it was lovely and sweet. I'm just glad she didn't see Darcy 3 weeks ago when she was at her most...hairless. At least now it's starting to grow back (black) and cover up some of the bald patches Then we went in to see the vet. He did all his usual stuff (including laughing at Darcy's....Darcy-ness) and then he said "well, I think we've done pretty well" There is of course, no guarantee that *it* has gone - only the passage of time will tell that for sure (and the vet said something about the fact that if within the next couple of months Darcy doesn't do anything odd which we won't even think about, then that's really good news and looks very positive indeed). When we were talking about her hair growing back again, he said something about 'next year'. I do so love it when he uses words like that So, although we are realistic in that we are aware that there are no guarantees about *it* having really gone away altogether, as things stand, she's signed off and he doesn't need to see her again After we got all that sorted, I produced a printed sheet for the staff notice board, inviting all staff to Darcy's 6th Birthday party which - all things allowing - will take place on Sunday 6th April. Without those people, there would be no chance of her having this party. I know some peeps will be on call so they'll not be able to come but some of the nurses and other staff have said they will definately be there. Mr Thomas (the vet man) would come....if he wasn't in America on that day (He gets back the day after - grrr). I don't think the staff know what they're letting themselves in for, agreeing to come to a party, Chez Doyle :
  8. Darcy went for her vet check-up this afternoon. She was checked over, peered at, listened to, tickled and then.......... SHE WAS SIGNED OFF Tonight, all the dogs (and us humans) are having cake to celebrate And we'd be happy if you wanted to help yourself to a slice of cyber cake to join in with our celebrations
  9. You know what - when I bought that for Jilly's SS parcel, I didn't get one for my gang and was really fed up about it when I thought of it afterwards, so I was very pleased indeed when a friend included one in the dogs stocking (I'm such a child) Today is vet check day (5pm) so I'll update after that
  10. Hi - sorry to hear about what sounds to be a pretty big surgery. Rather than changing his diet over to canned, could you not just soak the kibble in boiled water from the kettle? That's what we did for our angel Sally (who only had 2 teeth). You could still add a little canned if you wanted to Edit - posted at the time time as ZoomDoggy
  11. Hoping your new meds technique works and that Scooter gets to enjoy lots more treats
  12. She's developed a new trick over the past few days. Her bed is in the corner of the room, next to the settee and I sit on 'her' end of the settee when I'm eating my dinner (cos can't be bothered sitting at a table). Anyway, Marc eats nice and peacefully at the far end of the settee whilst I get whined at, poked with back legs (well, the side of the settee gets poked) and if I glance over, I just see the very top of her head and her eyes gawping at me as she reminds me to hand over part of my dinner. Repeatedly I start to tell her to shut up....and then I remember the days of her surviving on one lick of custard or an inch of hotdog...and I duly hand over various parts of my meal She's very norty. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  13. My heart aches for you Sleep tight, much loved Mattie
  14. Bevd

    My Baby Flecka ....

    Night night sweet Flecka Gail
  15. There's not been much to report in recent weeks (thankfully!) but last night, for the first time since Darcy was very poorly in January, she had a bit of a play with some toys She wasn't doing the leaping and jumping thing - she was just laying down but still, toy playing is toy playing and it's something she's not done for a looooong while so I snapped a few pics ( ) And this was the look she gave one of the other dogs who'd gone over to see if they might like one of those toys Darcy has her check-up at the vets next Wednesday (it will be a month since she was last seen). I think they'll be surprised at how much hair she's lost (although we can see the start of some regrowth in certain areas now) but I'm hoping that overall, they will be pleased with how she's recovered from her 'little' hiccup
  16. Bevd


    I'm really sorry Wendy Sleep tight lovely Snowman
  17. Sending you strength - and another cyber shoulder
  18. Hello and welcome from up the road (Oldham) Where did you adopt Blue from? Edit - just been to look your boy up and found that he's a Tia dog One of ours (Wallace) is also from Tia
  19. The eating and rooing and running sound very good to me Those photographs with the horses are just gorgeous
  20. I'm so sorry to hear this news
  21. Depending on time zones (which I can never work out even if I try) the party may be taking place right now
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