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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Sprout (crossbreed aged 14) had a partial rupture and had the surgery last year. He went to 10 hydrotherapy sessions, starting a few weeks after surgery and he has made a total recovery. I also know a number of dogs who have had a full rupture and who have had to have the more complicated TPLO surgery and they have also made very good recoveries (although the recovery time was a lot longer).
  2. I just need to make sure you are straight with your facts (as hard as the facts are). The amputation will cure the pain - but it is not guaranteed to cure the cancer. The reason for this is because statistically (pardon me sounding like a text book), in 98% of cases, the cancer has spread, BEFORE you ever know your dog has got it. So that leaves 2% of cases where it hasn't already spread. If you do nothing (because thats what is right for your particular dog) then statistically, three weeks to three months is about the maximum you can expect. If you do the amputation and chemo, it can stretch to a year or two...and sometimes three....and in some cases, longer. I hate to give you these facts but it's vital that you have them, so that you can make your decisions based on them. Edit - to clarify that my 'facts' are based on information given to me by a canine oncology specialist here in the UK so may differ slightly from other countries.
  3. I'm very sorry to hear of Designs diagnosis As has been said, there is no right or wrong answer. Designs chest is currently clear which is great news (if her chest was not clear, there's not much of a decision to be made, I don't think). Only YOU know your dog and if you feel that she will be able to cope with surgery and recovery and if YOU feel that she will be happy to manage on three legs, thats fine. If Design hates all types of vet visits and/or if she has other health conditions to take into consideration, then maybe amputation is not the road for you and her. But as I said, only YOU know the answers to these things One of my own dogs was diagnosed with Osteo last October (she's a Deerhound, not a greyhound). She was 5 years old at the time and because she was otherwise healthy and because she's not afraid of the vets (etc) we went ahead with the amputation (front right) and then she had chemo and on Monday we will celebrate 8 months since the surgery. So for us, it was right. If (god forbid, a million times) we had to make the decision again, I would do it again - if it was right for the dog in question. Whatever you decide is right for your dog, you will get support here
  4. Hi Winslow I'm glad to hear that you are shedding some of your hot-stuff-fur and that you might be a little cooler soon This is a recent picture of me and you may notice that I am not shedding. Oh no - I am GROWING my new fur and if you look very closely, you can even see the start of my new beared and new windscreen-wipers (eyebrows) On Monday of next week, it will be 16th of the month and that means another celebration for me. This time around when we hit the 16th, I will be celebrating 8 months post amp. My people hardly dare think of it until we reach the actual date. I hope to be able to show you some more pictures of me shortly - maybe ones where I'm actually doing something active - but I'd not recommend that you hold your breath because what I love to do best of all is sleep and be waited on Love, Darcy xx
  5. I'm very much enjoying your trip (How rude though, to have wiped out my wally truck guess on the very first day)
  6. Remembering you Iberia
  7. I think a trip to the vet is needed, no matter how scared you are. It can't be sensible for any of us to recommend anything other than a vet trip for a dog who has been limping (on and off) for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but seriously, its the vet you need to ask. Hopefully, it will be something really really simple and you can stop worrying but on the off chance that it's not something simple, you don't want to be wasting a precious minute longer.
  8. I'm glad he's doing so much better Take lots of piccies for us please
  9. This worked like a charm! I cooked a new batch of rice in chicken broth and he gobbled it down for dinner along with a half cup of kibble and a cup of boiled chicken. He hasn't had a bout of diarrhea since noon and he's looking even better tonight! I think he's rallying! That's great!
  10. Can I also add this link for all those with tripods (or for those who may need to consider surgery) http://www.tripawds.com/forums
  11. I was thinking the very same Congratulations on your new boy - he's lovely
  12. Sorry to hear that Hershey has had a setback and is in the hospital It was the doxorubacin that Darcy had a reaction to aswell (and which put her in the hospital). She was in for almost a week on a drip and then came home and didn't eat properly for nearly two weeks...but thats all in the distant past now as it was back in January. Sending best wishes for Hershey and for you
  13. You can't fault someone (human or canine) who tries
  14. 11. Have a safe journey! (And please may you see 11 or less Wally Trucks)
  15. We'll never forget Skittle
  16. Bevd


    I'm really sorry Hilda
  17. Yes, medical summer camp - for the benefit of all canine-kind
  18. That's fantastic!!!! I'm so pleased for you Heather It also means that for all of us who are living with a similar situation, when we hear a little cough or two, it doesn't necessarily mean The Worst has happened!
  19. I am with you on the paranoia Heather Darcy is now seven and a half months post amp for osteo and every time she makes any noise which is out of the ordinary, my heart skips a beat. She does the very very occassional gag/cough thing (maybe once or twice every few weeks) but then I figure that most dogs probably do (they have hair in their throat or some other simple thing). I hope Dempseys results come back as you (and all of us) wish for
  20. I think you've made such a brave and courageous choice. I'm not sure that I could have been as brave and selfless as you have been.
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