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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Millions of folks survive without central air OR a ceiling fan! Including ME. However, I understand you feel hot...how about trying a regular floor fan??
  2. I was wondering about that because my last dog had a TPLO. I was thinking maybe that's an abbreviation for something else... Do you mean your vet thinks your dog has a torn ACL? You don't need a greyhound vet for that. Any competent ortho can diagnose a torn ACL. I would not, however, trust just a regular vet. When my dog tore his ACL, he could not bear any weight on his leg at all.
  3. George LOVES coffee! One of the reasons I adopted him is because when I went to meet him he drank out of my coffee cup. I knew we were two of a kind. Obviously I don't just let him chug coffee! But a class of iced coffee? Don't worry about it.
  4. Sounds like possibly she has allergies? Have you ever tried Benadryl? If she does, that will stop the itch, which will stop the licking, which will allow the paw to heal. It would be somewhat odd that it's only one paw, but it's worth a try.
  5. Five minutes before work??? Wow. I walk George longer than that before I go to the bathroom in the morning! He is going to be 11 in Sept. He has a 45 minute walk every day before work. Yes. Rain, snow, sleet, ice, heat. 45 minutes.
  6. No, but a flea collar doesn't need to be snug. On the off chance it got caught on something, he could pull right out of it.
  7. Exactly. I don't play games with my dog and meds. He needs them and I have better things to do than screw around trying to find a pleasing way to do it. It can't be too awful, as he doesn't even move when I come towards him with the pills. Just takes it like a good dog and then he gets his meal. You don't ever have to worry about running out of that special treat if you don't use 'em!
  8. Consider a DAP diffuser, perhaps? I tried some calming remedies on my old dog and none of them did a thing, but I think the DAP might have helped George a bit. I think you have a great plan laid out, and it should work nicely!
  9. George will eat anything, so I don't bother looking for anything "high value," but when I was trying to teach him to walk up stairs, I tried everything including liverwurst, and NOTHING was good enough to overcome his fear! Had to go all old school and walk him up the stairs, paw by paw, over and over, until my back hurt so badly I could barely stand
  10. They're junk food for dogs, but harmless, I'm sure. As Beth said, those varieties are sold by the millions. Sorry about the dog.
  11. I'm not sure why you would think this has ANYTHING to do with racing or not racing. I'd rather drive a knitting needle through my brain than listen to a baby crying. Apparently Peggy feels the same way! This is NOT a "greyhound" issue. This is a dog issue, and an unfamiliar and annoying noise.
  12. Four poops is quite a lot. How MUCH are you giving her? Don't get obsessed with "quality" of food or listen to too many people. What works for your dog is all that really matters. I agree with the suggestion to take a stool sample to the vet if you have not already done so. My boy had chronic loose stool upon adoption until I treated him with Panacur despite negative fecal tests.
  13. George's creatine has ALWAYS been out of "normal" range. My vet insisted on running tests over and over. I finally emailed the results to Ohio State and they responded that his results were totally in line with "Greyhound normal" and that "this dog should not be subjected to further tests given he is totally asymptomatic of any problems." It remains high to this day at 2.4. My vet no longer worries about it as all of his other values are normal (enough).
  14. Could have been a dream--George is very noisy when he sleeps! I prefer to just wake George up by saying, "It's OK" or "Wake up George!" rather than telling him "no." No what? No WHY? He wasn't doing anything wrong. Please note that when my dog was new he actually slept with his eyes open on a fairly regular basis!
  15. Try not to panic! George was peeing a little blood not to long ago and showing all the signs of a UTI, so I started him on the antibiotics that I would have gotten at the vet--and within a couple of days he was MUCH better. Had it been more than "a little" blood, of course I would have taken him to the vet, but he's had so many urinary troubles and so many tests... I hope your fellow feels better soon.
  16. Sorry, but those are CLASSIC signs of allergies. Dogs can be allergic to ANYTHING just like people. Antihistamines will work wonders if it's a pollen allergy, which is very likely is.
  17. She'll go sooner or later. She has to. I'm flabbergasted that so long after being adopted she still won't pee on a leash! You mean when you take her on walks she never goes??? Good gravy!
  18. Crating a senior in the HOUSE is not really going to translate to crating in the car IMHO. The dog has almost no where to go in the car in the first place, you'll be right in front of him at all times, and honestly, he'll just fall asleep. If you really think it's safer, then I'd just put the crate in the car, put the dog in it with a Kong, and just go on your trip!
  19. Ohh, I have a picture of ME hugging Dr. C! I also have a picture of Dr. C with Virtual George!!!
  20. The ONLY symptom my old dog had when his thyroid went wonky was coarse hair. He was not a greyhound, but his fur went from normal to really brittle seeminly over night. A few months on thyroid supplements and it went back to normal. We also had an English Setter whose priimary symptom was a weird coat. I'd get a panel run if she were mine.
  21. T/D is a bit of a scam if you ask me. All it really is is giant pieces of kibble. You'd get the same "cleaning" benefit from feeding Milk Bones. However, if you don't mind the cost and the dog likes it, then go ahead with it. Just add some more of the regular kibble and see how he does!
  22. No, you're not! You can see all of George's ribs when he's laying down too.
  23. Short answer is yes. I'm having the same problem with two cats! One is OBESE and eats like a pig, the other is skinny and just picks. The fat one has started stealing the skinny guy's food, so I have to take it away. I'm noticing skinny guy is eating faster, and more at a time now! Finally!
  24. My George does snark at Mister Bigglesworth (who is know as Da Ebil Won and also YLB (you little bastard)). But if George wanted to hurt him, he would have. Truthfully it was Mister Bigglesworth who bit George on the tail once hard enough to make it bleed! I believe he weighed about 5 pounds at the time. I never give a second thought to leaving George and the cats. Never. Any more than I did with my former dog, a pit bull mix. I happen to think a cat safe dog is...cat safe! Yes, any animal can do unpredictable things, but I'm not going to crate my dog for life on the off chance that he's going to go nuts one day. It's his home too.
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