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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. If she were being PAID as a professional, this might be true if she did something negligent that allowed the dog to get hurt. Doesn't sound like she did. She used her judgement and didn't call. Sounds like it appeared to be a minor injury. Of course we live in a society where people spill coffee on themselves and then sue the person who sold them the coffee...
  2. George has the weirdest dewclaws I've ever seen--they stick out a mile--but they don't bother him. He's also really pigeon toed, and I have always been amazed he could actually run competitively with massive dewclaws and pigeon toes!
  3. My dog was terrified of the bed for 18 months--just throwing it out there that not all Greyhounds are furniture lovers! And even now, after six years, he won't get on the furniture--just the bed. And only because I forced the issue and physically put him on the bed repeatedly until he got over shaking like a bowl of jelly when he was up there! Some take to it right away. Not a good idea to move too fast. I'd be inclined to have him sleep on his own bed in your room until you establish a relationship.
  4. I'm with Judy. Don't panic, but remain vigilant. He COULD have the beginning stages of L.S.S., or he could have pulled something, or it's not out of the question, I don't suppose, that it's a reaction to the Advantix. I had a dog once who was projectile vomiting within 30 minutes of me putting a flea collar on him! Some dogs are very sensitive.
  5. Dr. Couto recommends all greyhounds be given Amicar pre surgically. I thought it was am amino acid?
  6. I can't even imagine going six weeks between nail trims! If you do it weekly, it just takes a few minutes! I think a LOT of the hounds I see photos of on GT have nails that are more aptly described as talons and way too long.
  7. I've had dogs my entire life and I've never seen one, ever, chew their kibble. And I don't know where you got the idea that chewing their food lessens the chance of bloat.
  8. George doesn't care for the heat, and neither do I, but we don't curtail our daily exercise program because of that. We can't. I have to work, he has to be good in the house all day while I do so. I get up far earlier than I normally would to insure I have the time to take him on a long walk every single work day, all year long. He had some pretty bad S.A. when I first adopted him, and part of our program was sufficient exercise to tire him out EVERY DAY. I see on G.T. over and over people who stop exercising their dogs in summer and/or winter, and I wonder why. Sure, you don't want to walk 2 miles when it's 90 degrees. But if you have to set your alarm for an hour earlier, you can do that. He's not going to get heat stroke in 70 degree weather at 5:30 AM. Nor am I. I agree with Robin though; this is probably not "sadness," but she's passed through the velcro stage and is just doing her own thing. You're interpreting her independence, maybe, with being sad.
  9. If you can't trust him with the cats, if he's in a crate in the bedroom, they're still safe! Or use a babygate across the bedroom door that the cats can get UNDER. If he's crated while you're not home AND at night, well, I'd whine too.
  10. We have had 60+ years of almost exclusively male dogs, and I assure you, this is not a "normal" run of the mill thing. I'm glad your vet figured it out, but as a matter of course, dogs are not running around with mounds of pus and goo in their sheaths. Some? Sure. What you discribe sounds like a pretty good infection and I hope your boy is feeling much better ASAP.
  11. My dog doesn't like dogs that aren't Greyhounds. Period. No dog parks for George.
  12. Yes. Strange place, strange dogs. Who wouldn't be a little freaked out?
  13. Advantix is fine for Greys. Unless you HAVE cats--and then it's not a good idea cause it get get on the cat. George used it for two months until my vet told me it was too risky with my cats
  14. I don't know why Vaseline would promote healing as all it will do is keep air from getting to the wound. Some antibiotic ointment might help--but George has red areas on his hind feet like that. They don't seem to bother him so I leave them. If she's licking it, she could have a small foreign body in there. You might try some epsom salt soaks a couple times a day for a few days and see if it comes to a head.
  15. You can't give your dog the option of not going out because there is a storm. If it's time to go out, the dog MUST go out. And if that means you suck it up and put on your raincoat and leash walk her, that's what you have to do. I assure you, dogs don't get to just pass on the turnout yard at the kennel, and no dog has EVER melted in a rainstorm! A previously housebroken (potty training is for children!) dog who starts to habitually soil in the house is USUALLY a medical issue. If your vet didn't check her blood too, you might consider that. Otherwise, it's behavioral, and that's a LOT harder to deal with. I'd get her back on a rigid schedule. Clean, clean, clean the area. And if it's only one are, consider putting her food dishes on that spot!
  16. He doesn't do stairs because he CAN'T or because you won't let him? In an emergency, you can be damn good and sure I could carry George down the stairs, one way or another! I've done it before. Adreneline takes over and you might surprise yourself.
  17. I have a dog and I have had multiple cats for years now-- My #1 recommendation is this: don't even THINK about just turning cats loose in a new place. Find a room you can use just for them for at least a week. Outfit it with ALL of their familiar stuff (litter box, cat tree, toys, whatever they have now). Leave them in there all the time for AT LEAST a week. Otherwise they might just hide and you won't see hide nor hair of them! They'll be able to smell the dogs, and vice versa. After a week, I'd set up a baby gate. That way the cats can get out if they want, but the dogs can't get in. If the cats aren't jumpers, set the gate up from the floor about 6 inches so they can go under it. This creates a safe escape room. If the dogs show a LOT of interest, you may have a problem. If they don't, I would just let the cats discover the dogs and explore on their own time.
  18. The trainer doesn't sound like she knows anything about Greyhounds if she suggested hip dysplasia-- But it's an absolute myth that Greyhounds "can't" sit. Of course they can. It won't be pretty, but it's certainly possible.
  19. Deep breath! No need to be broken hearted. It's totally normal for dogs to do a little feeling out of each other. I would recommend keeping them muzzled when you're not supervising them, but I would NOT discourage a little growling. That's how dogs talk to each other, and you cannot expect to strangers to just live together in perfect harmony from day one! MOST greyhounds get along with MOST other greyhounds just fine. I expect a month from now you'll be chuckling at your concern!
  20. Lettuce? The one thing my dog eat, and one that has virtually no nutritional value even for people.
  21. I would imagine you teach a three legged dog stairs the exact same way you teach a four legged dog! Given Dr. Couto's assertion that Greyhounds are "three legged dogs with a spare."
  22. I use Amazon.com 'cause I get free shipping (Prime member).
  23. I'm sorry you were hurt, but clearly you already decided what to do BEFORE you posted, so I'm not sure why everyone is trying to help.
  24. He is absolutely limping. I have never seen a dog walk that slowly either. What's going on? I've had George for six years, and to this day he always trots. He never, ever, ever just walks like that.
  25. I agree 100%. First, you can't force a dog to love you. Some dogs seem to favor men, some dogs seem to favor women, and some dogs are equal opportunity. Ever notice if you have someone who doesn't like cats visit, it's usually the first person your cats approach? It's because that person isn't looking at the cat and cooing over it and wanting it. Perhaps your dog finds your overtures overwhelming? I would back off and let him settle into his routine. Truthfully, he may ALWAYS favor your wife. Dogs are individuals. My last dog would have (literally) died for me. He would have walked through fire if I asked him to. My Greyhound? Not so much. He's happy to see me when I come home, and he'll whine if I leave him with someone, but if he had a choice between me and a Milk Bone? No question which one he'd pick. I'm OK with it. George is all about George, and I can appreciate him for who he is. My quite companion.
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