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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. First thing that comes to my mind is Jerry Seinfeld saying, "Straight off! Like a Band-Aide!" I have never worried myself with a dog losing a tiny bit of fur when I have to remove a band aide. Then again, I grew up with a Marine for a father and that's how we took off band aides--peel up a tiny bit and rip it off. Hurts for a fraction of a second, and then it's over.
  2. There are thousands of nice dogs available RIGHT THIS SECOND. Why take on one you already know you really can't afford? It's not like you know this dog, or have fallen in love with him.
  3. Most dogs have to go out after a meal. Dogs, when they're new, may need to go out after playing, sleeping for a long time, chewing a bone... Here is my schedule 5 AM--quick out for a pee 5:45 AM--2 mile walk Go to work 3:45 PM--quick out for a pee 5 PM--stroll about the condo complex 8 PM--last outs George woke up at 4 AM when I got him. I felt lucky I was able to shift him to 5.
  4. I'm sorry I didn't see this until just now. Yes, I got the BIG kit! Having the black light is helpful for finding any pee you never knew about! Good luck Frannie! PM me if you have any questions! Susan
  5. It looks photoshopped to me. I can't imagine any university anywhere allowing a herd (flock?) of rabbits hanging around the lawn. They seem to be extremely large too, which makes me think they aren't actually there.
  6. We had an English Setter who went IN for a spleenectomy, and was euthanized on the table. When they opened him up, they found cancer had spread everywhere, and we opted to have him put down. He was 8.
  7. I doubt very much that contract is legally binding. I have a piece of paper from the NGA showing that dog #92A-15005 is mine. My adoption group has nothing of the sort. I cannot imagine any law enforcement agency, should you elect to go to court over such a contract, would actually enforce the contracts.
  8. The pills sold as fish tank treatment are the EXACT SAME PILLS as human Doxycycline. I know this because I have a co-worker who is a pharmacist by trade and owns several pharmacies. That's how I treated George when my vet gave up on my theory. Fish pills! Amazon.com
  9. Isn't there a Canada version of Amazon.com? Like Amazon.ca? That's where I get my Panacur. And I would change vets. A vet who won't listen is not someone who I would continue to see. You're a consumer--you don't have to pay for repeated poo tests. If you can SEE the worms, he's just ripping you off insisting on fecal exams.
  10. George used to hang out in my parents yard. There fence was a classic "white picket fence" on Nantucket. Not tall at all. It never entered his mind he could jump it. My mutt, on the other hand, sailed over the fence when he was 5 months old and followed the family to the park! It's only by the grace of God he wasn't hit by a car doing so!
  11. I expect your dog is allergic to something. It could be anything. Inhaled allergeries can be tough to pin point. If it's an infection, "four weeks off and on" antibiotics is confusing. A really tough infection might take a good solid 4-6 weeks on one or even more antibiotics. My last dog almost died from a bone infection, and he took two antibiotics for two months.
  12. George's bed is big enough for both of us to lay on and watch a movie. Where do I find him on my web camera many a time? The LL Bean waterhog doormat. It is not soft. It is not smooth. It is not comfy. He does not care. I wouldn't worry--although 24 inches seems awfully narrow.
  13. My father, who is now dead, his lips were turning bluish. Turns out his heart was not pumping enough. If your dog has something enlarged in his body, it could be pushing on his heart.
  14. It really doesn't matter how much it cost. What matters is what it's WORTH now that it's a peed on rug. Which is zero. And not worth $400 to clean. George peed a LAKE on my carpet at my old condo. I used, I kid you not, and entire gallon of Nature's Miracle, and it STILL smelled. I cried when I came home from work because the stench was overwhelming. Then I bought the kit from Planet Urine. It took a while to dry (thanks to the added gallon of liquid I had poured on it!) but once it did, and I vacuumed it out, there was NO smell and no stain! I sold my condo a year later, and my realtor commented on the excellent condition of the carpeting! If she only knew... I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the buyer tore out the carpet to put in hardwood floors and found, no doubt, a HUGE stain on the concrete floor! Cause it was the biggest pee stain I can even imagine!!!! He urine was dark orange at the time too. Yuck!!! Give the stuff a try! It's not expensive, it's easy to use, and it may save your rug!
  15. It's your dog, and as long as you understand the risks and your liability, he is legally your property and yours to do with what you choose. My last dog was often off leash. He was not a sighthound, and I got him when he was a puppy. It was not an issue. I miss being able to play fetch in the snow with the dog (where the dog exercises, and I get to just stand there!). You know full well you opened a can of worms, and eventually someone is going to flame the you-know-what out of you. But it won't be me.
  16. You know, you really should be happy! He's comfortable enough at home he's gained some independent spirit! I'm guessing it's the heat.
  17. I assume you mean the rug is MACHINE made and is therefore worth nothing in $$, particularly since it's already been peed on. I'd toss it. Also, try the urine removal powder for future incidents. I find it much better than liquids. Check it out at www.planeturine.com (just a satisfied customer, nothing else).
  18. Me too, but I think the OP's point is that she is (or at least feels she is) not physically capable of forcing him in. I find that I can lift things I never would have thought I could if properly motivated! I would be all kinds of ticked off if my dog refused to get in the car. The old "males can't jump" is bunk. How do you think they get dogs from their kennel to the track? I'm sure at some tracks the kennels are on-site, but they are not at Raynham Park. George has actually jumped into my old CR-V through the tailgate window (window down, tail gate still up!) and not even skinned his back. And this is a dog would is terrified to get on the couch! So it's not a matter of he cannot jump in. He WILL not jump in. Some of us are comfortable having a battle of wills, and some of us are not. I always figure if the dog wins, I am no longer head of the house!
  19. Most premium food is guaranteed and thus returnable. You could always open the top of the bag, pour it back in, and take it back and exchange it with no problem.
  20. There is nothing magic about chicken and rice in terms of loose stool. That's just a typical "bland diet." I have not found it actually does a thing toward firming poop. Canned pumpkin works well, as do (so I hear) Metemucil wafers. As to raw chicken, I found it hard to believe myself when I got George, but yes, they eat it, they love it, bones and all! I just started giving George a turkey thigh on weekends to replace a meal. He loves it!
  21. Lots of good advice already, but whatever command you use, shorter is better. Take it nicely is too long. I use "gentle" and that seems to work just fine.
  22. I use an IP camera, and can watch George from anywhere via my iPhone or iPad. Saying it was easy to set up would be a LIE! It's really easy to get the camera to work and to view inside your home. Getting it to work outside was tricky. Far too complicated to explain on Greytalk, but I purchased a Foscam and their web site has lots of helpful stuff. It involves opening ports, arranging for a fixed IP or a service that monitors your IP for you (dyndns.org is what I use--$20 a year) and an app for your phone. It is WAY cool, however! And now I know that I can stop feeling guilty about not paying $2,000 a year for a dog walker, 'cause when he pees, it is at totally random times and has nothing to do with being home alone for too long! I also know he rarely moves! And apparently my cats conserve their energy all day so that they can be active and alert all night...cause they NEVER come into camera range!
  23. I don't know where you got the idea she "never had the opportunity to play before." Greyhounds are allowed to be dogs, and play, with their siblings, for the entire first year of their lives. Compare that to your typical pet who is taken from his litter at 6-8 weeks old and expected to behave the way humans want it to for the rest of its life. Suggest perhaps you look into some videos of life on a Greyhound farm. They have a MUCH more normal life for dogs than regular pets.
  24. As someone who suffers from arthritis, not putting her, and keeping her on an NSAID out of fear is really depriving her of a comfortable life. I could not live a happy normal life without daily medication. Deramaxx gave my last dog probably two more years of life--he had very severe arthritis, and I would have had to put him down because of his pain level. Obviously your dog is not at that stage, but wouldn't you prefer her to be comfortable? Deramaxx or Rimadyl requires every 6 mo. or annual blood work (depends on the initial results, your dog, and your vet!), and as long as those results are good, there really is no reason not to use them. I find Deramaxx works better for George. There is also Meloxicam, which we have never used, but is less expensive and well tolerated. Supplements only work on cases that are very mild. My doctors literally laughed at the idea I use glucosamine and such because I just have NO cartilidge left, and all those things can maybe do are increase the lubrication in the joint--but once you have bad arthritis, all you're doing is wasting your money. Fish oils are alleged to reduce overall inflammation. They don't help me at all, but I keep taking them anyone in the faint hope maybe they'll at least make my hair shiny! I wake up and take my medications, give myself 40 minutes for them to kick in, and then go about my day which includes DAILY exercise--the best thing you can do for an arthritic dog is keep it moving. Keep their weight down and their muscle tone up since strong muscles relieve some of the pressure on joints. George has LS, and I make a point of doing a hilly walk--nearly 2 miles, six days a week. Not moving is what you FEEL like doing, but not moving makes everything about arthritis worse.
  25. Agree. Dr. Guillermo Couto, who few can argue is THE Greyhound expert, says that he has almost NEVER encountered a Greyhound who truly has a thyroid problem, and that it is the most over-diagnosed condition in Greyhounds. And FYI, Batmom is one of the most knowledgeable folks on this board... This is ridiculous! Just flat out ignorant. I imagine they mean well--but they need to educate themselves.
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