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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. One more thought. If you know for sure that he can not tolerate the pred, there is always budesonide which most vets don't use. Including mine and they treat mega #s of greyhounds. We switched Beau to budesonide after 1 year 1 month on pred. Big difference in his personality. But before you start switching, you need to stabilize.
  2. We started on 40mg of pred too, but the flagyl made Beau sicker. After 3 weeks we added in imuran and upped the pred to 50. We were able to lower pred slowly after 3 weeks on the 50 of pred. How was your pup diagnosed? How do you know it's IBD? ETA- you need to not give him cheese. If he has IBD, he needs to be one one food. There is so much reading on this subject. One of the best places to get all the info in one place is http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/IBDogs/
  3. ] I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree. Dr. Couto and my vet both reccommended to start at 40mg BUT it wasn't until we added in the 50 mg of imuran and upped the pred to 50mg that we started to see some changes. Susan, reread my original answer to your previous thread and feel free to PM. I can you you with info.
  4. Your pictures made me smile, your story made me cry. I am so sorry.
  5. Lucy, my heart breaks for and with you. I am so sorry.
  6. We carry a stun gun which can be purchased online.
  7. He sounds like such a love. I am so sorry.
  8. No, the vet came with a blacket although we covered Polli with her own blanket too and very gently carried her to his car, the trunk was open. He very gently placed her down and before he closed the trunk, he said "Im so sorry Mommy". The tears were running down all our faces. As it is mine right now, just remembering it. Then then took her right over to the office. We had her back 4 days later.
  9. Which doc? I told the vet exactly what happened. The ER doc...that was a little tougher since my sister was right there saying "she has too many damn dogs, that's what happened". The plastics doc...I didn't go into a lot of detail...just that I was breaking up a scuffle and got in the middle of it. Everyone seems to think it was an attack...it wasn't that at all but that's hard to explain to people who don't know. Hitchie would never, ever, ever bite me...he didn't know what he was doing and unfortunately, we're all paying for it right now but we'll get through this. I was referring to the ER doc. I too had an incident with Teddy and I wound up with 8 stitches in my face. I drove myself to the ER and lied. They prob thought Rich did it!!!! But breaking up a scuffle is a good explaination and it's also the truth which helps! Glad everyone is home. I do hope you heal quickly.
  10. Been thinking about you. Just curious, what did you tell the doc?
  11. If you can get YOUR doc to write for you, you can give augementin which is exactly the same drug, just a heck of a lot cheaper! My Chloe gets UTIs a few times a year so I always have some in the house that I have my own script for.
  12. RobinM

    Nike Is Gone

    What a shock. I am so sorry.
  13. Polli did down OK but triped once going up so we carried her up for 5 months! Is there any reason that Tina can't come on GT anymore?
  14. Susan, I sympathize. IBD SUCKS. We almost lost Beau last year. First thing is how was he diagnosed? Beau was diagnosed via open exploratory abdominal surgery. The biopsies revealed severe IBD. Beau was down to 52.4 pounds. It was so frightening. The first thing we did after the surgery and because we had a diagnosis was put him on prednesone. 40mg. He was not eating, he was so sick. We elimated ALL proteins he has had in the past and gave him tilapia becasue that was the one thing we were sure he didn't have and it was mild enouigh for his stomach. After lossing more weight over the course of the next week or so, he slowly began to eat the tilapia. I keep a journel of how much he ate. I brought him to a board vertified IM but she waas saying basically the same thing as my vet. 3 weeks later we raised the pred to 50mg and we added in the imuran. that's when things staarted to turn themselves around. He was eating every 3 hours round the clock and I do mean round the clock. We would set our alram in order to wake up and let him out to pee and to feed him. The pred was making him ravenous and we were thrilled. When we started Beau on the imuran we also started him on z/d which is a hydrolized protein. Which is a predigested protein. There is no allergic reaction. Some dogs have loose poops on it. Z/d has a wet and cookies too. We bought a dehydrator and we make tilapia strips for him. So, Beau has treats like everyone else. This past Feb. after 1 year, 1 month on imuran and pred, we weaned him off and put him on budesonide. That has a lot less side affects. You should join the IBD dogs yahoo board. In order to join you have to have your dog diagnosed by either scope or surgery otherwise they will not let you join! Just tell them what they want to hear. The people although, not warm and fuzzy are extremely knowledgable. Feel free to ask me any questions. As long as you are really diligent 110% of the time, and stick with the diet and meds, Wizard will do fine. It's a challenge in our house with 5 dogs and crumbs which Beau can not have any taste of, but we are so diligent. Remember, a crumb of something he should not have could throw him into a full blown flare. ETA- Dante2zoe- it is true that IBS and IBD are 2 completely different things. I only wish Beau had IBS which is very manageable and not life threatening. An IBD dog would not have the same treatment as an IBS dog.
  15. 10mg for valium every 24 hours. 100 mg of tramadol every 6. That was the dosage for Polli at 55 pounds The valium gives them the "munchies".
  16. I am so sorry you all had to endure this. Please update when you can.
  17. Totally amazing and stunning pics. too bad this was such a he77 hole to live in. It's visually spectacular.
  18. So young. So unfair. I am so sorry.
  19. I received Tina's email last night. Hold Cofax and Tina in my prayers.
  20. Yes, Nancy, thank you. I had intended on including that, but I forgot. I am so stunned.
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