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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Beau has a long history of IBD- with a form of poly arthritis secondary to the IBD-in his right leg. The same leg he had his at home injury on 3 years ago. He also has a hip issue. Every once in a while we have to bite the bullet and give Beau a shot of metacam with something for his tummy (since he is on steroids for his IBD). So far, so good. He has not had a flare of the leg since Nov. However, he is tripoding on the OTHER leg now and does not have the strength in the right leg to hold himself up. This is what I walked into today after leaving work early. We are off to the vet at 2:10. Please keep Beau in youur thoughts and prayers. He has been through way too much, my poor baby.
  2. thanks. We are all OK. Rich finished his cyberknife 2.5 weeks ago. All done!
  3. Never off topic if it's good news pertaining to a health issue! Thrilled to hear that Frankie is OK too! Today, out of nowhere, Ollie (3 years old) is holding his right leg up and it was his back right that was broken! He'll be fine too. This one, I will wait it out!!!!!
  4. Oh God, No. I am so sorry. soo soo sorry.
  5. Donna- isn't he a doll? OMG- he is sooo sweet and not a bad doc either!
  6. Yes, when she is a little better, I will restart acupunture.
  7. Just walked in the door. Good news. Dr. A does not feel it's cancer. He said he thinks it's her neck which has previously had some sensitivity- a couple of months ago. He manipulated and twisted her neck to the left- her head turned all the way, almost parrallel to her body, no problem. When he went to move her head to the right side, she had a very limted range of motion. He then manipulated her right leg and there was no discomfort. He felt pretty comfortable saying, it's her neck and it just needs some time. He gave her a cordisone shot and we will start the medacam tomorrow late afternoon. Twice I asked him if he thought she needed x-rays. Twice he said no. If there is no improvement in a week (he feels she should be fine in a few days) then we can do the x-rays. What a load off my mind. It was hard not to "go there" even though my vet via email told me it could very well be her neck. But after going through what we went though with Polli and what I read on a day to day basis on GT, it's hard not to "go there". Thank you all for your loving words and concern. It helps get me through the day! You be da best.
  8. Appointment at 7. Will update as soon as I can. I am nauseous.
  9. RobinM


    Dana has asked me to post this for her... God Speed Beautiful boy. He lost his battle with kidney disease. ____________________________________________________________________ For all that touched him . . . may you all know you touched our lives as much as he touched each and everyone of yours. Thank you all for caring for him and touching his soul. In the short months that I was able to share with him were poignant. He touched so many people all around the world. Cartier my sweet sweet Guammie Bear passed away last night. I was trying to get him to the emergency vet and he passed away in the van before I got there. He passed on his terms. He was eating more and seemed to be stabilizing and then started last night at midnight just throwing up violently, pooping and in distress. He lost his battle with the ugly kidney disease. May he run forever free . . . Dana and my little angel boy Cartier
  10. here you go, Dick. http://www.holisticvetlist.com/
  11. Did you see the threads about off-leash posted here recently? I believe they were in EEG. One was "Did You Agree Not To Off-Leash Your Hound?" and I think the other was "Do You Teach Your Grey Recall"? Some of the people that let their Greys off-leash posted in there. You get to hear both sides of the argument. About the 30 foot leash, I would not use that anywhere where you expect your Grey to get up to speed. If it wraps around his legs he could break a leg. If he hits the end of it going fast he could break his neck. Chances are you would be propelled/injured or the leash would come out of your hand, but there is still the potential for injury for the dog. I have used long leads (and Flexis) on other breeds before, but I would be very wary of using one with a Greyhound because it doesn't take much for them to reach top speed. ~Lindsay~ 110% agreed and they can reach top speed in 3 strides. Recall? My Beau, Chloe and Teddy after 4 years when push comes to shove still have no recall. I did the clicker training and in theory it works. But "out there", never. They will go along their merry way so I am very sure that any place they can wander is enclosed.
  12. We get ours from http://www.greyhoundgang.com It's 100 pure and all proceeds go to the greyhounds.
  13. We did not walk her at all today. She woke up and was walking so much better. But it really had me thinking... not the best of thoughts. She is 11 and although she acts like she is 2... she is 11. But as of now, she is looking and acting greyt. Walking well. If all OK tomorrow, walkies will resume. Well, maybe one walkie.
  14. RIGHT? May 27th On Monday, Elsie was limping. I gave her metacam in her food and no walks for a day and a half and she was fine again. We walked her once yesterday morning and last night her gait was off so no walk and today she is limping and holding up her front right. Big sigh. I am going to bring her in for an x-ray tonight. I am having a sense of deja vu that does not feel very good. She is otherwise looking and acting ok. I gave her a dose of metacam in her food this morning so hopefully by the time we come home, she will be better but I will still bring her in. I'm scared.
  15. Thank you Susan..I assume she was pricey? I have been spending so much $ on my dogs.... Yes, she is pricey but extremely thorough. EXTREMELY. She won't touch him until you have a gizillion tests done at A&A that you may have already had so that would be greyt. And she will not do it the first visit. it's a consult. But there is another holistic vet in Long Beach who is very, very good, just a little more lax about all the tests before treatment. I've used both. He will treat the 1st visit. Let me know if you want his name.
  16. Thank you Susan..I assume she was pricey? I have been spending so much $ on my dogs.... Yes, she is pricey but extremely thorough. EXTREMELY. She won't touch him until you have a gizillion tests done at A&A that you may have already had so that would be greyt. And she will not do it the first visit. it's a consult. But there is another holistic vet in Long Beach who is very, very good, just a little more lax about all the tests before treatment. I've used both. He will treat the 1st visit. Let me know if you want his name.
  17. RobinM

    My Seany Is Gone

    oh Pat- I am speechless. I am so sorry. I remember meeting him last Sept at Makepeace picnic and we commented how my Elsie and your Sean could be brother and sister. God Speed Sean. You will be so missed.
  18. I am very sorry your DH got hurt. I hope he is healing well both physcially and emotionally. I was bit by my "love bug" Teddy about 3 years ago. It was over my eye and I required 8 stitches. 6 over my eye, 2 on my cheek and the other side of my face needed dermabond. This was from one lunge from him. It was my fault 110%. I stuck my face where it didn't belong when he was lying down, attempting to sleep. The lesson I learned was never to bother him when he sleeps. I too was so afraid of the Teddy with my soon to be granddaughter (who is now 2.5). No, she is not here 24/7 like your baby will be but she is here a lot. She already knows NO touching any of the dogs when they are in their beds. And regardless of what breed dog I had, I would never for a momemet leave any baby in a room with a dog unattended. I had a Lhasa who would try and take your leg off if you accidently brushed against him when he was in the bed.
  19. RobinM


    I am sorry. RIP little kitty.
  20. I am so sorry. It's a very hard thing to get through. You will never get over it but you will learn to live with it and that's all you can do. You allow yourself as much time as you need. For us, it's been a year and 3 months. We talk about our angel Polli almost daily. And still, with 5 dogs in the house, we miss her presence and speaking of her brings tears to our eyes. It gets better in time but she will always live on in your heart. I am very sorry.
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