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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. My friend Valerie who is not on Greytalk lost her beautiful Carlie today. Carlie was 11 and suffered from kidney disease although Val had a greyt handle on it for a long while. Carlie was an interesting girl. Although she could be testy and snippy, she could also be just so sweet. She had a particular love going for Rich! We often do long walks with many greyhounds on Long Island. We will miss Carlie on our walks. Val has another greyhound, Harley to help her through her grief. I do hope they can help each other. God Speed Carlie, you will be missed. http://greyhound-data.com/d?i=312020
  2. Jeez. This is unbelieveably scary. Sending loads of prayers.
  3. First and formost, I am sorry. We did opt for amp with our Angel Polli- did the chemo and only had 5 months. When the time came, (it had mets) the vet came to our house which we felt was the best way for Polli- and that's what was the most important thing to us. No matter what, we owed it to her to not make her suffer and to make her the least stressed she could be. The vet came and we were all sitting on the floor by her bed. I had my head on her face just holding her and kissing her. The vet gave her a sedative shot to make her very relaxed. Then he left went out to his car and gave us another 20 minutes or so. He then came back. That was so unbelievably hard. But I know it was in her best interest. She died at home, her home, in her bed, surrounded by love. What better way to go. You will make the right decision for Riley. Again, I am so sorry.
  4. congrats and welcome! She is very pretty!
  5. Nothing helps Elsie, calming signals, canine lullabies, benedryl, holistic calming aids, capes... until we used 10mg of valium. It works. She is not happy, but at least she can stay in one spot. It gets so bad that when I have my arm around her, my teeth are chattering from the vibration. I am afraid she will have a heart attack.
  6. Thanks, Jordan. I just really looked at it and it's not yucky. It is raw because he has been licking it like crazy. After I sprayed it, he stopped and now I can see what it looks like. It's in the thinnest point of the ankle area where there is no hair and very thin skin to begin with. He has gotten sores before. It actually looks a bit better. Probably a combo of him not irritating it anymore and the spray.
  7. 4 out of 5 of ours get rabies every 3 years, distemper too. That's it. Beau gets nothing, not even rabies due to his immune system.
  8. As most of you know, Beau has autoimmune deficiency seconadary to his IBD. Every once in a while he gets some "things" on his legs. Tonight I found 2 raw, open spots that are really yucky. Too late for vet so I will bring him in tomorrow. In the meantime, I gave him a spray (HE FLIPPED AND SCREAMED BEFORE I SPRAYED!!!) of Bentagen. http://www.1800petmeds.com/Betagen-prod10872.html After the fact, I noticed that it expired. So, I want to use the gentocin. Will there be any further issues if I use the Gentocin at 11PM. I used the betagen at about 7:30 ish. Thanks. http://www.1800petmeds.com/Gentocin+Topical+Spray-prod10090.html
  9. God Speed Beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  10. He sounds amazing. I am sorry.
  11. I am terribly sorry. Having been there done that, I truly sympathize. I hope he remains comfortable and that you are able to make many more happy memories together.
  12. There is an article about that this month in The whole dog journel. Without writing the whole article out, they suggest: 1) Excercise first. EG- in the backyard play ball. If you have steps in the house but no backyard, run up and down the steps with them following you. 2) Teach him to sit and wait. "say please". 3) pick up leash through out the day. Drap it over your neck and wear it for a while. Those are 3 of the 5 things mentioned.
  13. Ditto ditto above. We learned the very hard way about NEVER leaving any valuable treats out when we are not home. My Beau JUMPED from the bed over the x-pen that was open and used as a large gate into where my Teddy was just about to eat his kong which we gave everyone prior to leaving for work. That GOD my DH was still in the garage getting into his car when he heard the GSOD and it really was a GSOD. Teddy attacked Beau and just missed his jugular. By the time DH ran upstairs, Beau was in shock. DH rushed him to the vet where he had emergency surgery. We never leave ANYTHING that they can't eat on the spot. And we got higher e-pens in which to seperate them. Don't leave anything of value to any of them out when you are not there to supervise.
  14. I am so sorry. It's so hard.
  15. Beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  16. I consider all my hounds my babies. I feed them, I give treats, clean poop. DH does 90% of the walking. I am the one who gets down on the floor every night and spends cuddle time with each of them. I am the one who goes in the back yard and plays zoomies with them. I am the one who plays inside games with them. If we are both downstairs along with the pups and he goes up, they will stay down with me. If I go up, they all go up. With that said, they all love him too! Elsie is the only one who likes Rich and tolerates him but she is 100% my girl!
  17. We tried the cape and Melatonin but it didn't help Polli or Elsie. It must be a broodie thing! Weird when you think about it that both my girls lived on a farm out west where there were must worse things than T - storms and yet both broodies were in baaaaad shape when a storm was approaching.
  18. My almost 11 year old broodie is so thunder and firework phobic that it scares me. I am afraid she will have a heart attack. When I go to hold her, me on my knees and my arm around her, MY teeth will chatter from her vibrations. I have tried everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Nothing worked. So, I do give 10mg of valium which is prescribed for her. It sounds like a lot but dogs metabolize it different than humans and it really helps, a lot! I also give her a place to hide, like a closet with a comforter on the bottom of the floor, door open, bathroom- you can put the comforter in the tub. If the storm is going to be longer than 10-15 minutes ( I will listen to the reports to find out) I will give her the valium. I also give it on July 4 prior to the fireworks starting. She is so unhappy. ETA- I asked about xanax, and my vet said no to xanax- yes to valium.
  19. Don't panic. 10 year old Elsie had a lump (actually several) but it was bigger than the others. It was cancer. It was removed, stage one and clean margins. 3 weeks later she had them all remove and they were benign. Clean bill of health. I know that Kennelmoms brood had a very large cancerous mammarary tumor and she is 13. She too is doing greyt! your girl will be fine!!!
  20. I didn't read through the posts, I only read your question. We have a landscaper that comes once a week. My front yard gets treated but my backyard does not. It looks like crap but it would anyway because of the urine burn spots, digging and track marks. I wouldn't take the chance. We walk in the street and only go up on the strip of grass by the curb where there are no flags or of people we know have dogs themselves.
  21. In food, is not going to do much of anything. You need the pure stuff. You can get it at www.greyhoundgang.com Claudia is very helpful and will advise you. It's 100 % pure and all proceeds go to help the hounds. Win Win for all!
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