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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. There is nothing we can do if it's cancer. They don't feel it is but if GOD forbid it was, there are no options anyway. It's the not eating that is the issue. If after 3-5 times of acupunture there is no improvement, then we will do that. But to do that Beau has to be very sedated which means he will be out of it for at least 2 days. He is over sensitive to any anethesia whereas 11 year old Elsie- you would never know she has had anethesia. Beau has a lot of medical issues.
  2. We have a nice big backyard where 4 out of 5 of my hounds pee and poop. Chloe won't. She pees on the patio and poops there as well. Sometimes I find a piece of poop situation right between the 2 doggie swimming pools and wonder how she did it- since I KNOW it's Chloe. But I pick it up. No problem. I too am not understanding what the big deal is.
  3. Last week it started with his left side affected. He was lame and tripoding holding the left leg up. That was a huge concern because of the weakness and lameness on the right side. We gave him a cordisone shot even though he is on steriods because there were not too many other options. It got a little better, but he is still having a lot of weakness. The bigger problem now is that he is not eating. His weight was at 60 last week which means he has already lost 4++ pounds from the last time we were there which was not that long ago. We can not offer him anything but the prescription food and fish so there are no options for Beau. Vet is not sure if he is having a true flare of the IBD OR this is secondary to the discomfort. He had acupunture yesterday. He WANTS to do walkies which we are not allowing. I did let him walk on the grass strips for several houses just so he could get out. He is subdued but happy to wash your face with kisses. We will have to switch him fro budesonide back to pred tonight which is really unheard of. But with Beau, most of the treatment we've had to do has been rather unconventional. I am praying that the pred helps both his inflammation of his leg and jump starts his eating. This is so scary when you can not offer anything to eat other than one thing.
  4. Welcome home Bullet! He is adorable! We have 4 GAA pups too!
  5. God Speed Lucy. I am very sorry.
  6. I sympathize. Beau needs close to a general every time he needs x-rays. They can have UP to 20 mg of valium in a 24 hour period. 10mg at a time is fine. They aren't even out of it, just calm. Beau is on budesonide which is a steroid (he was on pred for over a year) and sometimes yo ujust have to "bite the bullet" and give whatever they need for their pain, IE: NSAIDS as long as it's not long term. Whenever we did that with Beau, we also asked for the vet to give a shot of something to coat his tummy. Hoping your baby is comfortable.
  7. RobinM


    He put up an amazing fight. I am so sorry.
  8. I am sorry you are hurting. The pain never really goes away, we just learn to live with it...
  9. We were told not to use it when chemo was happening. We did use it after chemo until the end. For us, it made no difference, Polli was gone in 5 months.
  10. How long have you had her? It takes some dogs longer than others to "get it" but just keep doing what you are doing and she will get it. You are walking her with your girls, correct? She will start to do it after seeing them do it. Throw a small party, bring a small treat for her so she sees it's a good thing to pee/poop on a rope!!!
  11. Well, as the night progressed last night, so did the decline of how Beau was walking. The shot was a 24 hour shot so it was wearing off. He was starting to hold up the left leg where he had been walking gingerly on it earlier. This morning, he will tripod when going downstairs or moving quicker than a snails pace. But again, he is walking gingerly on it. I am not going to bring him in as of yet but will wait a few days to see if it gets better. He is not unhappy, his tail is wagging, but he knows his limitations right now.
  12. Beautiful tribute, beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  13. Beau too has something "going on" in his hips and IF Greyhounds got hip dysplasia, that is what it would be called. If I were able to give Beau supplements for this (he can't have due to his IBD) I would start him on PURE glucosomine, MSM and CMO. You can purchase this at http://www.greyhoundgang.com All proceeds go to the hounds.
  14. Totally amazing. Gives greyt hope! keep it up Jamey.
  15. Beau is defintely MUCHO better today. In fact, he wanted to do the morning walkie which we did not allow. He starts jumping on us using those back legs- you know he is feeling better. He's either down for the count OR a maniac. As much as I love him to be the crazy maniac he is, I feel he winds up hurting himself. I will be starting acupunture soon so that we can avoid this type of emergency again. At this point, I would say NO x-rays tomorrow. thank yo uall for your thoughts and prayers. We have all been through so much with Beau over the last 4 yerars. He is everyone's beau !!! I tell him that all the time.
  16. If she truly has IBD- raw is out. Their immune system can be compromised if on sterioids and the bacteria alone from the raw which would not affect a "normal" dog could cause serious problems. My Beau almost died prior to being properly diagnosed with IBD. We opted for a full open exploratory surgery. Scoping is OK but not 100% accurate. He has been on z/d wet and dry since Jan. 09
  17. I have been there and done that. I am so very sorry.
  18. With Polli- she was at home and the vet came here. She was ready. Vet gave her a shot which made her extremely droopy and you could tell she was in la la land. Then 20 minutes later after we had some time with her, he gave her the final shot. I made the BIG mistake of having my head on her when that was administeded and felt her go into cardiac arrest- it was over. She did not suffer. I did. That is OK though.
  19. We are back. Not all that much to report. Vet feels it's his hip again but the left side. Problem is he has such weakness on the right. He was screaming SO much that this vet (not my usual again) said he never heard any dog carry on the way Beau did. He had a severe reaction to his knee but it felt ok to the vet. He gave him a cordisone shot that is systemic with some pepcid- no budesonide for today. IF there is no improvement by Saturday, we will need to do x-rays. Very scary.
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