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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. yes, little detail I forgot! I edited it and added that. it's .5mg 2x a day. She was just retested 2 weeks ago. She is doing very well clinically and her numbers are good. Still a little low- I don't have the numbers here.
  2. This past Monday when DH got home from work, he walked into Chloe having a head tremor. She's had head tremors since the day we brought her home almost 4 years ago. She is hypothyroid and is on .5 mg of soloxine 2x a day. Her labs were just done (2 weeks ago)- clinically she is greyt. The tremors tend to come at the very beginning of spring, during extreme stress and other times, that I haven't been able to pin point. Someone on GT told me to give her a piece of cookie when this happens and sure enough, it stops automatically. Prior to the head tremor on Monday, the last 2 tremors she had was in December '09. I did notice that they seemed a little stronger and it took more than the little piece of cookie to make it stop. I beleive I had to give her a whole chicken strip rather than a little piece. Rich said that the tremor on Monday was the worst he has ever seen and it took almost 3 full chicken strips to make it stop. I emailed my vet. Apparently, I did not make it clear about giving Chloe the chicken strip and she thought that I think it has something to do with hypoglicemia which I know is not the case. It's just the act of concentrating that causes her to stop tremoring. This is the email and I was wondering if anyone thinks of anything else to do? In addition, Chloe's gait is off. I think it's her front left. She does have an old racing injury that causes that to flare up a couple times a year. Chloe is 5.5 years old and my girlie girl, sweet biotch. She is perfect. ___________________________________________ ...I'm a little concerned about the progressive nature of Chloe's head tremors. I don't think they're related to hypoglycemia, so I think the previous response to treats, etc. is probably coincidental. There are dogs that experience mild intermittent head tremors and they never progress to more than that. However, there are others that will progress to true seizure activity. There is no test to diagnose head tremor disorders or epilepsy. The way to do it is to rule out all the other causes of seizures (i.e cancer, liver disease, etc). Usually this is accomplished with bloodwork and it may be appropriate in Chloe's case. However, greyhounds, as you know, like to be different. They do have very thick blood which likes to clot spontaneously and makes them more prone to throwing bloodclots and having "mini strokes" similar to TIA's in humans. The treatment for such dogs is to start them on low dose aspirin therapy. Again, very difficult to know exactly what is going on. I wouldn't worry yet as the signs are still mild, but I think it's worth running full bloods with a bile acids test to rule out an underlying problem. If all is well, watch her. If the tremors continue, we may want to start her on the aspirin....
  3. RobinM

    Mokka Doyle

    Oh no Bev- I am so sorry.
  4. Oh God, Tom. I am just seeing this. Keeping you and your boy in my prayers.
  5. Just rereading some of the posts and like with anything else, if you've had neutral or good experiences, then it's a good thing. If you have had bad experiences, then it's bad. So, you will have to gauge how your boy does on it and give the feedback.
  6. It's nice having them up there, but there is something to be said to be able to move a little at night!
  7. Oh, no. I am so sorry. God Speed Sweet Boy.
  8. Our vet prefers deramaxx over rimydal for long term use. We always use deramaxx when we need to. Beau, Teddy, Polli and Ollie have had to be on deramaxx for about 2-3 weeks at one point.
  9. RobinM


    So sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  10. Thinking of you today.
  11. Not to worry. All my pups paced for days when we first got them! Walkies and just following your routine will settle her in.
  12. He'll be fine! Looking for the good updates!
  13. RobinM


    How sad. I am so sorry. God Speed Eddie.
  14. How scary. I am so sorry. sending lots of prayers for your girl and all the others who need prayers.
  15. As sad as I am so read about his passing, I have a smile on my face for his the wonderful and "soft" life he had. Reading about him, there was a softness in your descriptions. God Speed to the king of GT, Simon. I am very sorry.
  16. Who's got a problem with bald butts?
  17. Having seen the drastic and immediate gain in her weight, I too was concerned. However, she is back. Freddy was always a very happy social girl. On the high doses of meds, there was no life to her at all. It was sad. But now it's just scary to see how big she is getting. Everytime I see her she is bigger and I see her @ least 2x a month. Here's hoping thaqt she will continue to be happy and start to lose a little weight.
  18. Oh Pat- I am so sorry to hear about Ester. Sending prayers.
  19. RobinM


    Beautiful tribute. I am so sorry.
  20. We have 5. No difference from 4. After we had 4, lost one, it felt just not right so as adopted our broodie. Ollie, just sort of just happened later on! Good friend of mine has a very small house. My master bedroom and bath is pretty much the size of her living area and she has 4. They say when there is room in the heart, there is room in the home.
  21. We have always used soloxine and get it for pennies at 1800petmeds.
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