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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. IMS = internal medicine specialist. I believe you spoke with someone. Did they give you a plan to follow?
  2. He can get hurt so I can't tell you he can't. he can also become so freaked that that will become another problem. The cheapest way to fix the problem is to buy many non slip throw rugs. Simple solution! This is not an unusual problem.
  3. it was soooooo good to see you. As far as the seminar, I was telling Rich about it. He really did not want me to go because he felt it would ruin the weekend for me. I would be on the phone, on my email and getting insane (more so than I normally am). he knew I would be filled in (Surprise surprise) and after gathering all the facts, I would be able to set a plan in motion if that was what I need to do. Cerenia- isn't that what I gave Polli for her nausea after chemo? Will that make him drowsy? I still have it if it's what I am thinking of, it's really expensive. I thought he would be so knocked out too, but the stress kept him wired. He is perfectly fine as soon as he steps out of the car and he jumps in voluntarily! We do go in the van at least once a week, whether it's to the store, to our PA house (2.5 hours away) or the vet. My vet says a big NO to xanax and so did the vets I had before GHs with another breed but they both say valium is fine. I was hoping for something either holistic or benedryl- I need to find out which is shorter acting and how much for a dog his size. Thanks.
  4. Ollie does not travel well. He stood and panted both ways for 5 hours to Gettysburg and back. Poor thing just couldn't lay down. Wouldn't take a cookie or water. Even when we stopped for pee break. He ate fine when we were there and was OK as soon as he was out of the car. But, it's pitiful listening to him and quite annoying since he stands behind me and just pants. The inside of the van door has wads of saliva on it! I need to give him something to make him comfortable but I don't want anything long acting. I have valium but would prefer something more benign. He weighs 90 pounds.
  5. Read this in GIG, was so upset, especially because of her age. I am so sorry for the loss of your very beautiful angel.
  6. I did not read through all the threads. What did the IMS say about all of this? Did he/she have a plan?
  7. I am so sorry. He was such a cutie. How lucky that you had so many wonderful years together.
  8. We have 5 and no one is really high prey drive, however we did have an overnight guest from Rhode Island () who had a prey drive like nothing I have ever seen before and it was challanging to walk her with the pack. We only had 4 at that time and Lexus made 5. But I did manage to them all together, safely!
  9. I am so sorry MP. God speed Baby girl. Diamond & Peral, together, forever. 2 beautiful jewels.
  10. Was at work and missed this whole thread. Glad all is OK!
  11. I am so sorry for your friends loss. Sincere condolences.
  12. I have 5 hounds and only crated one of them for 5 days. I do seperate bu tall gates but no crates.
  13. Prayers from LI too, I will drop her an email.
  14. Hate it hate it hate it. I will open door, they will take one step out and turn around and come back it, then comes chasing them around the house blocking the steps so they don't run back upstairs. Finally get then out and they will stand on the deck in the rain rather than go down to pee/poop. It's unreal what we go through,
  15. Oh no. Hoping it's an easy fix for Mr. Murphy. Sending prayers.
  16. So sorry that your first post is one because your baby isn't feeling well. Sounds like he is either in pain or very stressed. I hope it's an easy fix. Please update when you can.
  17. I remember DH saying to me, "I don't think Beau likes me". That was within a 3 week period of when we first got him. Do your reading about GHs. They need time to adjust. Some adjust within 3 months, some take a lot longer. It's all worth it, and before you know it, you will be adding #2!!!
  18. Jey, I am so very sorry. She was very beautiful. My heart breaks with and for you. God Speed beautiful girl.
  19. RobinM


    You did good. You wrote a beautiful tribute. When my Polli died, I remember feeling that I wasn't sure if I wanted the pain to stop, because if it did, that was all I had left of her, the pain. If it stopped she there was nothin left. But, I was wrong. It's been a year and a month and although I can now talk about her and smile or laugh, I still "well up" when speaking of her. Losing our hounds is so very difficult. Riley was a beautiful hound, inside and out and he touched many people. God Speed Riley.
  20. My boys pee a gazillion times on a walk. And they poop normally 3 times a day. When the food wasn't agreeing with Ollie he pooped 5-8 times a day. Just mounds. Now, on raw, he has the best of everyone's poops and they are small. Hard to believe they came out of a 90 pound dog.
  21. For Beau's diagnosed IBD we started him on 40mg of pred. upped it to 50 mg in 3 weeks, plus 50mg of imuran, down to 30 and held there after 1 month- held there for 6 months, then lowered all the way and now on budesonide after 1 year, 1 month on pred and imruan. He is off imuran too.
  22. No. The only one I would remotely take a chance on is Elsie but that is only because she is so far up my butt, the only way to get her to run is to take her to an enclosed field where DH holds her while I walk to the far end and I call her, she runs to me! And then stays velcroed. The others take off like banchees and we have to go to them to get them. And the votes for "yes, all" should really read "for now". Nothing is fool proof.
  23. Welcome from LI ! There are several greyhound events coming up in the near future within a 50 mile radius of where you are, I hope to meet you.
  24. I am so sorry. I have been there and I know how devastated you feel.
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