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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I think Splenda is poisonous to dogs. Please check before you do that. Aspertame is a no no and artificial sweetners. PLEASE CHECK!
  2. I did not read all you have written as I do not have the time to give it right now, BUT Tylon Powder is really bitter. Try putting it in capules. You can buy it and stuff them. I had to do that for Beau. It really is bad, taste it. Tylan powder is known to work,however it did not work for Beau. He has IBD. You will need to try an elimination diet to see what's causing the D. It could be as simple as the food. But you have her on quite the variety. Try one food. EG: same dry as wet. Same type of treats. Do this for 10 days. If she has explosive D after 3 days- forget that food. It could be grains she is allergic too. I hope it's nothing serious like what we had to go through with Beau. I will try and get back to this later.
  3. I am so sorry. She was a beautiful girl.
  4. We don't like the coupler. We tried it when we had 2 dogs. We use the rope leashes.
  5. We have 5 hounds and a total of 12 beds in the house and 4 very large beds in the back of the mini van. They like having choices!
  6. Beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. yes, that is pretty much it. I don't allow them to stop by themselves when I am around as it's obviously neurological and it can't be good for her brain! Chloe has been getting them since I adopted her almost 4 years ago, but last week, it took longer to get rid of and it was more powerful. Something is not right with these tremors.
  8. Shana, good friend of mine here on Long Island recently adopted a very sweet girl she named Maggie. I had the pleasure of meeing this beautiful black beauty at a walkie 2 weeks ago. Maggie was a very happy girl. Shana had recently lost another hound and she thought that Maggie would help her, her family and her 2 other greyhounds cope better. She was so right. Maggie was just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, tragedy stuck. God Speed Sweet Maggie- you were very loved. Please say a prayer for Shana and her family. http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1470783 Cross posted from GAA pro board. I don't know how I am being given the strength to write this to all of you. I wanted to call the kennel, to call Robin, to call Nancy, and to all those who have shared my joy and pain in rescuing all these wonderful hounds. I always knew better but I guess I saw this hound as an active one and wanted to give her all the joy in the world while she was with us--and it wasn't even two months. My brother came with his mutt and family yesterday. All the dogs got along greyt. We decided to get them out and go to the "dog park". I know many of you are cringing already because I know how some of you feel about bringing the pups there. Before Maggie came around, we never did it but she was such an active girl. Well yesterday, there were not even a dozen dogs there. All the pups were having a greyt time. Maggie, in particular, was in all her glory. We had brought her there a few times since we've had her and she had a ball. We were getting ready to leave and I see Maggie take a fall. My daughter and I ran to her. I didn't see anything happen to her and no one was around her. I thought she might have broken her leg. When we got to her she was down and breathing heavily. After about a minute, she stopped breathing...One of the people came running and he started doing CPR. She seemed to start to breath a bit and threw something up. While this was going on, I ran to the riding stables next door for help and no one was helping...... By the time I got back, my husband was carrying her out. She died very quickly. Why, why, why.... Why did I ever bring her there. She didn't know her limits and just ran, ran, ran. My other two girls would run and then stop and do their own thing. Why is all I ask. I feel responsible for this loss and I'm completely sick over it. My husband brought her to the vet and he said she either had a heart attack or a blood clot that exploded. Maggie was such a wonderful girl and adjusted very quickly. She ran the house and bossed everyone around. She was very playful and always wanting to run and play. She was into everything and everyone. She would steal items from everyone and hide them-and never destroy them. I have no more words as the grief is too great.
  9. I came home today earlier than DH. All was fine. But, Chloe looked "off". And I can't really explain. She had almost a blank stare to her. I said to Rich, maybe she just had a head tremor??? I made dinner and right after dinner she had a head tremor. I called her into the kitchen from the den, she got up came in and I gave her a small cookie. She took it and before she even started chewing, I could tell it stopped. So, I would classify that one as a very minor one. The look on her face earlier... was that a sign of the head tremor to come? A sign of one that happened? I'll never know. There can be nothing going on with my Chloester. I do have a 6:30 vet appointment on Wed eve.
  10. So unfair. I am so sorry.
  11. RobinM


    Beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  12. RobinM

    S Go Unruly

    What a beautiful, beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  13. Bobby & Nancy were at my house for dinner last night. She decided to bring Bobbi so she would not worry about her not being home. Bobbi- although not wanting to put weight on her back right was comfortable and not stressed. She hung out and took in all the activity. Bobbi is very special to me, she is my Polli's sister. They are on their way to the vet now and I will be getting call before they leave to come home, Bobbi is very different from her sister. Polli had a very big mouth and was very demanding, Bobbi is more demure. Both sisters are so totally sweet. Bobbi is close in my thoughts and prayers today.
  14. Greyt news for Frankie!!! (and Chelsea too, of course!!!!!)
  15. Having had a senior that was very difficult to feed (but nothing like her sister Bobbi, owned by FreddyGirl). Polli liked boiled chicken breast, tripe (the real stuff- I think every house should have it just in case) http://sitstay.com , Wilderness canned by blue (it's greyt and it's 475 calories a can), granola bars (peanut butter) I would rule out medical and then see if there is something different he may like.
  16. Having had a senior that was very difficult to feed (but nothing like her sister Bobbi, owned by FreddyGirl). Polli liked boiled chicken breast, tripe (the real stuff- I think every house should have it just in case) http://sitstay.com , Wilderness canned by blue (it's greyt and it's 475 calories a can), granola bars (peanut butter) I would rule out medical and then see if there is something different he may like.
  17. Sorry you experienced that. No flames here but why would you do that? You will definitely get back on track, don't worry about that. She was scared and it happened so fast for her and she was in a very vulnerable position so she had no time to just growl for a warning. She had to bite to get her message across. I have 5 dogs who I consider myself extremely bonded with, big time. I sleep with 4 of them every night. Up close and personal. With that said, I would never try and blow raspberries on their tummy. I'd get bit! And I've already been bit pretty severely so I don't want that to happen again! You learn by mistakes!
  18. Goodness! How many teeth did she even have left after losing 17? Poor Polli Enough to demand (by foot stomping and yelling at me to hurry it up) dried chicken strips, bully sticks, chicken breast and kibble, etc. She ate everything that everyone with teeth ate... plus some! God, I miss that firecracker.
  19. As greysmom said, the breath is a telltake sign. My poor Polli had the worse teeth. When she came to me, her breath was so bad, she was able to stink up my 3200 sq foot house. No joke. At her first dental, she lost 17 teeth. After that, her breath was better and I brushed every single night. EVERY night. But it did not last long. I had to give her full dentals every 8-10 months. No matter what I tried, her teeth were just horrible.
  20. Ok- I will bring her in either tomorrow (if I don't get charged for an emergency) or Monday after work. She will have a full work up done along with her BP which will be exremely elevated because she realy stresses at the vet. But I am sure that is taken into consideration. Chloe puts the breaks on when she is there. Once when she was there for a recheck of something, the vet checked Chloe out in the waiting room since she was not budging and the vet didn't want to stress her out more than she needed to be!
  21. Original pre meds? I got her on soloxine. After she settled into our home, I weaned her off the soloxine and waited 6 weeks. I did the whole panel. It was a disaster. Way way way low. And she was a basketcase. Back on the meds = wonderful, sweet, crazy girl! So, I should show him the tests from when she was off the meds, the next one after she was on the meds and the current one? Other than pericodic head tremors which admittedly are coming more intense when they come, she is asymtematic.
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