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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Deb- I am so happy I got to meet this gentle soul. His tribute is just beautiful and most fitting. I am so sorry for your loss. God Speed Luiggi.
  2. I am due to take Ms. Elsie in for her annual tomorrow and I will run it by my vet. She treat a lot of greyhound and I know she treats several seizure dogs. For Beau, with his compromised immune system, he gets nothing. Not a one.
  3. I am so sorry. I was so hoping things would turn around.
  4. We did opt for amputation and chemo but it got Poli anyway 1 day short of 5 months later. It had spread to her lungs. Many times the symptoms are wheezing and coughing as others have said, for Polli- she had lumps pop up on her body. I am so sorry you are both going through this. You will know it's time. She will tell you.
  5. MP- I feel for you and understand, I really do. We had taken our master bed off it's frame so Polli could come on the bed. It stands at 33 inches from the ground. When we put it back together, it hit like a ton of bricks. I am sorry.
  6. all the supplemens above plus CMO with it. It truly works. http:// www.greyhoundgang.com Claudia will help you purchase what you really need.
  7. Not only is it about the dog getting hurt, it's about protecting your dog from small dogs even if he is deemed small dog tolerant. All bets are off when 4000 years of breeding to hunt and chase a small dog who is running around a dog park. have you read about Lexus, the greyhound from Rhode Island who was deemed a vicious dog (sweetest dog in the world) when she killed a small dog in front of the horrified owner at the dog park? She was sent to a kill shelter. Here is the link: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/241385-lexus-vicious-dog-formerly-of-ri/page__hl__lexus,%20vicious
  8. Bland diets are usually for upset tummies. If it's allergies you'd want to start doing elimination. You could start with the main protein she is eating. Example: chicken- no chicken products of ANY Kind. See if it gets better. If not, try grains. Make sure you look at the ingredients of everything that goes in her mouth. I had to do this with Ollie. He is allegic to chickem and grains. he is now on a totally 100% raw diet and is doing soooo much better. Good luck.
  9. I am so so sorry. I am so so sorry.
  10. You had me crying at his story. I will watch videol later. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. No UTI here, just checking out the goods! (sorry, I couldn't resist!)
  12. One year for so many of us... so hard, I know. Sending hugs- now that you are closer, they will get there faster.
  13. I hurt so much for you and what you have had to endure this past year. I am so sorry.
  14. I use Road Runner for Beau's budesonide. They have been good and reliable for that.
  15. Oh Gosh. This is so upsetting. Poor poor Teddy. Hoping for a quick and uneventful recovery.
  16. I agree not normal. My almost 11 year old is just as active as the 3 year old. Hope she is OK.
  17. In my house, it's excuse me, pardon me, ''cuse me, pardon me, coming though... 5 in the way, all the time!
  18. Welcome from Long Island, NY. There are several NYC peeps on here. Hope to meet you soon.
  19. You could add some glucosomine and CMO to his diet. It does seem to work if used long term. There are 100s of variations but for these particular things, I prefer no fillers and nothing added. I get mine from http://www.greyhoundgang.org/store/index.php/cat_5 It's pure and 100% of the proceeds goes to help the hounds. A win win situation. Confused on what to get? Email Claudia @ claudia@greyhoundgang.com and she will answer all your questions. For the temp relief of pain, we give 75mg of deramaxx. I always have it in the house, just in case.
  20. RobinM


    I am so sorry for the sudden loss of you beautiful kitty.
  21. RobinM


    Oh, no. I am so sorry.
  22. We use a non toxic / organic peppermint spray that works too. It is very heady- keep the windows open. I often get headaches from it- it's very strong.
  23. get the z/d wet and warm it a bit. ANY kibble will be too much for his sensitive system right now. The wet is mild and that is what kept Beau alive. I pray this works for your boy too. It's never too late to give it a try. Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. Your vet (any vet) will carry the z/d canned.
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