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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM

    Dexter "bumpy"

    Way, way too young. I am so very sorry.
  2. A lot of dogs and people have loose poop when nervous!
  3. Just checked on and saw this for the 1st time and read through it all. I feel awfull knowing what you are all going through. Are they able to sedate her so she will get off her feet? I am keeping Lily high on my prayer list. Hugs to you all.
  4. Beau haa been surgically diagnosed with IBDnot IBS. I wish it were IBS. IBS is easy to control. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/889387/is_it_ibs_or_ibd.html What you are describing sounds like the heat kicked his butt. What would make you think IBS?
  5. T had one on the roof of his mouth behind his 2 front teeth. I had it removed during a dental. B9.
  6. We have a very very large bedroom and there is a baby gate up. But if we didn't, I would close doors of any room I did not want them in and use baby gates were appropriate.
  7. welcome from Oceanside, Long Island. Where were you from?
  8. It's been 2 weeks today since the beginning of something that we still don't know what it was. The left side lameness, the sudden stopping of eating. We had no choice but to stop the budesonide and restart the pred as a appetite increaser and in the event he was flaring from the IBD- a anti-inflammatory. He is back to eating. As much as I hate pred, it does do it's joob. Hopefully, we will be able to wean him off of it in another week or so and put him back on the budesonide. We also found out that he can have solid white tuna with water which is like chocolate candy for us!!! This dog has not had anything but prescription dog food and tilapia for 18 months. It's nice to know he can have this as a add in to his kibble. It makes him happy and of course when Beau is happy, mommy is happy! He has his 2nd acupunture tonight, but he is walking so much better. A wonderful update for my Beau Beau.
  9. I am so sorry. Hoping for much quality time with your special boy.
  10. Yup, 1 in 4 will get it. When I had 4, Polli was chosen. Now, I have 5 and I cringe.
  11. RobinM


    Holli- I have often thought about Sunny, I am so sorry for your loss. God Speed Sunny.
  12. Do you get the "frequent client discount" too? Ours is only 10% Hope Chloe feels better soon and bet you'll never know what really happened. Bill was $442. The 343 was the end result. DH once said please don't ever let me know what we spend annually. Heck, everytime I place a cookie order it's over 300 and that's not for Beau's 10lb a week tilapia habit or prescription food. Lots of dogs= lotsa money. No way around it. We do without, the pups have. Just like kids!
  13. I am so sorry to hear of Sherman's diagnosis.
  14. Yeah, that's what I meant by maybe she PO someone here today. It wasn't Teddy, that much I know. He is separated. She is with Beau, Elsie and Ollie.
  15. Came home from work. DH had already been home and was TRYING to feed Beau (nodda) and took the 5 of them on a walkie . I came home and he comes back with them and says Chloe has a cut on her face. I look and there is a gaping hole about the size of a nickel on the side of her face. We have NO idea how it happened. There was no flap. Just an open wound. $343.00 later (we get a 20% discount) she is back with 3 stitches and no explaination as to what the heck happened. What's really weird is right behind the wound are 2 scratches. Wondering if she did this to herself or if she pissed someone off today! She is fine and resting comfortably. Actually, she is pretty upset with having to go alone. But all is OK. Now, to get Beau to eat. Argh.
  16. Just reading this. I know that Soul has been dealing with this for a few years too. Hoping that things stay stable for you all.
  17. We managed to get him to eat by the end of the day yesterday but it did not come easy. Vet called this morning and as we thought, his labs were perfect. So, we will stay on course with 10mg pred and increase to 20 mg every other day until that jump starts him. He is not acting like himself. He is usually highly insane. He is subdued. Subdues and Beau do not go together. He is not depressed. Just kinda dragging. Can't figure this out.
  18. He doesn't eat the hoofs. Just the food. Not an issue. And he has not touched a hoof in 48 hours. He's just not wanting to eat. I will speak to the vet tomorrow when she calls about his labs and my guess is that we will have to increase the pred although it's only been 5 days. It's been a real struggle getting him to eat. So far today 1 cup of kibble (254 calories) and 3/4 of a tilapia fish. That's it. And that did not come easy.
  19. EEK! That's greyt! I love seeing him go!
  20. Tough decision, I am sure - but you did the right thing. Please don't give up on a Greyhound! I have 5 greyhounds and 3 cats. I was scared to death to get my first greyhound because my kitties were here long before the thought of a greyhound even entered my mind. 2 of my cats are very long haired (think bunny!) They all get along wonderfully. One of my cats THINKS she IS a greyhound and trys to be one of the pack. If you do a search, you can see many pictures of greyhounds with kitties. I have many to share if you would like to see. Tell the adoption group you want to see the cat testing.
  21. Ollie is the only one who eats raw here, and no he does not get dirty, he eats over his bowl, never taking anything away from the bowl. I think he is the exception but I am grateful he is that way!
  22. zuke. They make the mini ones for training. http://www.zukes.com Greyt stuff.
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