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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. How long and how much pred? what are seeds? have you looked into budesonide? The pred did not work alone without the imuran. But, Ipersonally would not give any dog pred without a definite dx of IBD.
  2. My Beau is an IBD dog, diagnosed by open abdominal surgery Jan. 09. His weight went from a svelte 65 pounds to 52.4 It was horribly frightening. IBD by definiton is inflammamtion. Something must be given to bring the inflammation down. Beau was put on 50mg of pred/50 mg of immuran 3 weeks later and just as important, he was put on a novel protein= something he has never ever eaten before. That was white fish. JUST white fish. To this day, the only protein he is eating is poached tilapia. His kibble is prescription z/d and he eats the wet z/d too. As a treat, he gets the z/d cookies and we bought a dehydrator and we make 10 pounds of dried tilapia fish sticks for him a week. Anything else will put him right back to where you are right now. His pred has been lowered and he is off the imruan but it was because of that combo that we got our Beau back.
  3. My vets say no xanax but 10mg of valium is fine. I have a script for them all! I have more valium in the house now than I ever did before. I also have xanax but was told not for the dogs. (greyhounds)
  4. Valium baby! If I could main line it, I would. It's pretty bad here and it's the weekend. Oy. I am NOT looking forward to this.
  5. I am so sorry to read this, Heather. I know you do not have a diagnosis yet. It doesn't sound too far off of what we had experienced with Beau at one time. Is he swollen in the spot where there is the lump? If so can they take some fluid to test it? What about doxy for 10 days? If there is nothing they can find and if they don't think it can hurt him, I would definitely try the doxy. That has saved us on many occasions when we (they) had no idea what was going on.
  6. Beautiful tribute, beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  7. We crated him at night for the first few nights but he wasn't crated during the day at that time. I have had the past week off to spend with him. He is out of his crate at night and starting tomorrow will be in the crate. I will be going home at lunch to let him out. He has gotten so much better in the crate that we are going to crate for a few days then do a trial run out of the crate. We have been making his crate a positive place by hiding treats under the mat. It's greyt that it's being viewed as a positive place. How much time is he actually spending in it at this point? Can you leave him out at night and baby gate your room with him in it?
  8. Oh Jordan~ I know how much you adored Bailey and I am heartbroken with & for you. God Speed Bailey. Together, forever with sweet Lexi.
  9. be very careful with that leaning over and kissing routine... I did that to Teddy not too long after I adopted him (maybe 9 months) and I was lunged at, got bit in 2 places on my face, came close to losing my eye, and required 8 stitches in my face. Totally my fault for sticking my face where it didn't belong! Just saying...
  10. I did not read through all the posts so please correct me if I am wrong.. you are crating him from 8-5 AND all night long? When is he out of the crate?
  11. Just because they are not cat safe does not mean they are not other breed safe!!! My Teddy is not other breed safe at all, NO other breeds other than a greyhound BUT loves loves loves the 3 kitties we have here at home with him. Have you considered another greyhound as a possibility! That's a good fit!
  12. What a beautiful and very lucky boy to have found you. He will remain, for always and forever in your heart. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart hearts for you.
  13. Keeping Rocky in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. yes, Beau was dx with polyarthrtis back in 08. He also suffers from severe IBD which we came close to losing him from. My poor boy was down to 52.4 pounds. Quite frightening. He too was on high doese of pred, imuran but we did the non traditional shot of metacam with a dose of a stomach settling shot as well. It worked miracles. We also gave him doxy for 10 days when he has a flare. We weaned him all the pred and imuran and put him on budesonide.Budesonide is non systemic and localized to the intestines and not absorbed throughout the system only the intestines which helps the IBD. He had what we think was a recent flare (he stopped eating and he was lame in his left hip (It's usually the right side) and we took himn off the budesonide an dput him on 10mg of pred to jumpstart his appetite. That's where we are right now. Beau was diagnosed with all of this just shy of his 5th birthday. It sucks.
  15. How we think they will react and how they actually will in a situation, is 2 competely different things. By the looks of things, if anyone came near me, and I was not ok with it, Teddy would go after them, but who know if he REALLY would given the chance. Just becasue he bears teeth and growls & barks doesn't mean he would actually attack. I hope I never find out.
  16. You've gotten greyt advice. I too had a member of the tripod club. I am sorry you are now a member. In addition to some things mentioned, ask your vet to put a compression type of shirt on Avery immediately after the surgery which will hold the dressing in place. With the compression, there is no bruising. Polli wore the compression garment for 4 days post amp and she had 0 bruising which was amazing. Stay on top of the pain meds even if you think she doesn't need it. it's harder to get pain under control when they are already in pain. Give as prescibed. You may want to ask for valium (not for you! ). Sometimes, they get very stressed about the aftermath and they are very frightened. it's sad and scary. I am so grateful I had it in the house for my sweet and beautiful Polli- to be woken by her screams of terror were quite unnerving and broke my heart. Careful about your bed and couch, steps etc. She shouldn't jump for a while. We took our bed off the box spring until we lost her. She went up and down the steps within 5 days but she tripped going up one time so for the 5 months we had her after her amp, we happily was her servant and carried her up the steps 9 million times a day. All 61 pounds of her. best of luck to your sweet girl.
  17. OMG! How cute is she. Congrats she is beautiful! Welcome home beautiful girl!
  18. you may need to lift water but I would hesitate to do that in this extreme heat. Put down some wee wee pads. Sleep? I haven't had a full night sleep in over 4 years!
  19. Might we be taking about Ms. Camp? this will take time and the others will show her the way. Elsie, who was just about turning 10 when we got her was a bull in a china shop. Since she has come to live with us, the others have accepted that she is a pushy biotch and let her get her way but sometimes there is a grrrr when she is being too much. Your pack will figure it out. Give it time, Supervise and when you can't ... muzzle.
  20. Oh, she will be fine. Beau has had anethesia so many times, that I don't even give it a 2nd thought anymore!!! And Ms. Polli had to have dentals every 6-8 months. Lexy has an extremely strong constitution- she will be just fine. On a side note, ask vet to go very light on the gas- it makes a world of difference when they come out of it.
  21. Would Dr. Calo know of anyone? There is the list on GT which has state by state vets. Grey savvy, of course!
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