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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Kyle- My heart broke when I saw Charlies name. I am so sorry. We are here for you. Seems like just yesterday with my beautiful Polli. CANCER SUX
  2. Get him stoned on valium, less side effects and very sedating. Then the vet will sedate too. hugs to you. At best, it sux.
  3. It is fading. Gradually. Very strange. But when it comes to Beau- because of all the other mishagus (<-------Yiddish for craziness), we need to check every little thing out.
  4. No branches. no trees ....and Beau rough house?? Surely, you jest!!!!. No, not Beau. He might get hurt! It's no worse, and a tiny bit better... so we will watch it. Having babesia for Beau is just not an option.
  5. RobinM

    Wilbur's Dog Bed

    Hugs to you. I have the bed that Polli was lying on when she left us. I didn't even want to wash it. Eventually I did and now it is one of the beds in back of the van.
  6. Stump the vet. She has no idea. Not a hematoma, not a bite, looks like a rug burn or bruise. The hair is missing there too. She said to watch it to see it it forms a head, crusts or any more appear. just weird. No charge.
  7. Sending good thoughts! Wow, you vet had wonderful hours! Yes, wonderful vet, wonderful hours. 7 days, M-Fri 8-9 and Sat Sun and holidays 8-6. I know all the vet's different schedules. That's NOT a good thing!!!
  8. This is on Beau. I noticed a small spot last night, the size of maybe a dime from across the room. Made a mental note to recheck, came home from work and DH said take a look at Beau's stomach. He has IBD and an already compromised immune issues.
  9. RobinM


    Way too young. I am so sorry.
  10. Way too young. I am so sorry.
  11. you really don't want to know, Heck, I REALLY don't want to know. A few years back, DH was calling Beau his LamBEAUgini and that's just one dog. You can use your imagination from there...!!!
  12. When my guys have had anethesia, and Beau has had it more times than the other 4 multiple times over, he has always been allowed water, just not gallons of it.
  13. I may be able to dig up a picture of Teddy's neck, but I did not deliberately take any neck pics. I will look sometime this weekend.
  14. Aprox. 6 weeks ago, I started Teddy and Ollie who both have bald necks on 3mg of melotonin. They have hair. A bunch of it too! It's so weird for me to see Teddy who had a 100% completely bald neck, and chest covered with hair!!! Ollie had a bald neck but otherwise had hair. Now, he has hair on his neck too. Praise the rogaine for doggies!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!
  15. Oh God, One of my worst fears when I am out. Sending loads of prayers for your pups.
  16. RobinM

    Oslo....my Kitty

    What a sweet kitty. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. Merlin is beautiful! And thank your adoption group for a greyt small dog testing!!!! Good luck and keep the pics coming!!!
  18. Just seeing this and so happy he is home and recovering well. Hope he stays cool and comfortable.
  19. Wonderful to hear. Thank you for not giving up on Bessie! Now, we need some pictures.!
  20. Teddy had the same thing on the roof of his mouth. The only reason I noticed it was because he roaches so much with his mouth hanging open, I could see it. When he had his 1st dental, I had it removed. it was benign and I suspect Merlins would be as well.
  21. Oh, it's really really really bad tonight. Even poor Ollie is FLIPPING.I just gave Ollie 10mg of valium. Elsie ran down to the basement which is ground level and I had to pry her out from behind the oil burner. I closed the door to the oil burner and I put a bed down there and she is laying flush against the clothes dryer. I have the tv on loud as well as the A/C and fans going. She is beyond panicked. That is WITH 10mg of valium.
  22. Good looking boy! Congrats and welcome to GT!
  23. All over. Thank DoG. I can still hear the little ones here and there and this is with the fans, ac and tv going, but at least the big "show" is over from across the canal. Tomorrow will be the amatuers.
  24. And the valium has been given. We live on the water, opposite our home across the water is the country club which hosts a 30 minute display of fireworks every year. In addition, we have all the amatuers who shoot off the fireworks into the water. It's endless and my poor dogs; especially Elsie, Chloe and Beau have such a hard time. Hoping everyone gets through this OK. From our house to yours... be safe.
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