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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. OMG OMG OMG OMG- I just loooooooove them cowboys!!! He is just so beautiful! Congrats!
  2. RobinM


    I am so very sorry.
  3. Hey, that was my answer when I saw the name of the thread.
  4. I feed 100% raw for Ollie and I agree with Ola, none at all. Give duck or chicken or even turkey necks.
  5. No need to. It's in the system after 20 minutes. Unless there is something different about this med?
  6. RobinM


    I am so sorry. Beautiful girl, GOD SPEED.
  7. NO NO NO. There are so many other correct ways to get the results you want. Please don't let someone talk you into something that is not in the dogs best interest.
  8. Ollie raced @ 84, I got him at 70 and now he is 92. Ribs show, he is a BIG boy! Beau raced at 63 and he is 64- it depends on the dog!
  9. We did the 6 treatments of Carboplatin and we had one day short of 5 months. When you think about it, it's actually less because you "lose" 5 days for every chemo. They are down and out and they should be- that means it's working! So, minus another month of quality time. I suppose there are many different angles to look at it. Bottom line is I have no regrets, only that it didn't give her more time. It still hurts like he77.
  10. I am so sorry. We have been this route too, although we did opt for amputation to end her pain. I hope you can manage his pain for many days to come and build many more memories.
  11. Big smile on my face. She is adorable. Congrats!
  12. They seem to be getting younger and younger. So very sad and I am so sorry.
  13. Heather, watch this. Beau had his foot wrapped but that was not what was causing his him to walk like this. We never did find out. But he was on steroids at the the time. We had to wait it out. This was about 18 months ago.
  14. He is better than yesterday. Still no walkies for him but so so much better.
  15. RobinM


    So beautifully said. He will be forever missed. I am truly sorry.
  16. RobinM


    I am sorry for your loss. God Speed Mick.
  17. i never gave them pb in a kong. Too many calories and way too much fat. We gave som kibble (and that much less at a meal )with broken up cookies mixed in. To "Seal" the top would be a token smear of the low fat PB (maybe the size of a pinky finger nail) and that's it. they loved it and maintained their svelte look. I would hate to pack the pounds on my hounds and then have to force them to diet. So, I really try to keep them on track so to speak and it's worked for us.
  18. RobinM

    A Place For Ryan

    Oh No. I am so very sorry.
  19. agreed with all above. When it doubt, check it out.
  20. OMG that face! Enjoy!!! (you are brave!)
  21. He jammed his toe. I know when he did it too. Last night we were out looking for a lost GH. We brought Ollie because he is so easy and Beau because he is so social. We got home late. Teddy was so happy to see us and his pack he did his infamous zoomies in the bedroom with the spins that go along with it. He must have done it then. He got a short acting cordisone and if not any better by Saturday, we will have it x-rayed.
  22. Teddy woke up today unable to bear any weight on his left front leg. Rich is dropping him at the vet this morning and then we will get him. He has had neck issues in the past and during the past few weeks I have been noticing alterantely holding up the left and right paws but today there is no weight on the left. I had planned on taking him for acupunture with Elsie on Friday but now, I will try to get him in tonight. My poor Teddy is going to be so upset. Please keep him in your thoughts.
  23. It kinda comes in waves. My heart breaks that much more every time I read it.
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