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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Apollo, please feel better soon! Your Mom loves her sweet brave boy, and so do we.
  2. Kerry, I always worry too, and Doug tends not to. We will all be thinking about Merlin tomorrow and sending loads of good thoughts and white light his way. We LOVE the Wizard!
  3. How you loved her! Thank-you for sharing her story and wonderful pictures. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Luna. You were truly soulmates.
  4. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Andy.
  5. Oh, your poor babies! And your poor Dad, to have to experience something as scary as that. People are right---an attack can harm mentally as well as physically. I hope that Fast continues to recover quickly, in every way.
  6. Oh, the sweet little old lady.....it's wonderful that she was with you for so long, but that makes her loss so painful, and her absence even greater. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Oslo.
  7. So glad your boy is home. Sending more good thoughts for a fast and uneventful recovery.
  8. This must be so very puzzling and frustrating---wish I had some insights, but can only join in with prayers for you and Sid.
  9. Your beautiful tribute shows how deeply she was loved. So many are sharing your sadness at the loss of your precious Cofax.
  10. What an exceptional dog, as beautiful inside as he was outside. And he found the perfect person to join him in living life to the fullest. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Perry.
  11. Glad the surgery is over, and hoping he is home and feeling better soon. Dentals are no fun!
  12. Your tribute is both beautiful and heartbreaking. It is clear that Dallas was exactly where he was meant to be, and I know you will miss him terribly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  13. Sweet girl, just checking in, and hoping you will start feeling better. We love you, Ekko!
  14. I think we all can understand those feelings of helplessness, watching our precious Greys decline, and knowing the our time together is more and more finite. But something that I try to hold onto is this: they live in the moment, and don't see the sadness to come. As difficult as it is for us to not see that too, I think we have to try, for their sake. Don't let the monster steal your precious time away from you now because then it will have won twice. Sherman knows he is safe and loved NOW. You are there for him, keeping him safe and as free from pain as possible because you love him so much, and when it is time, and you know you can't keep him from pain any longer, you will still do what you have to do, out of love. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Sherman.
  15. Jen, you have such a strong bond with all your hounds, but the first one...Palu was truly special because he opened your heart to Greyhounds, and made it possible for so many more to come into your life. Doug and I always say when we place a really wonderful foster dog, that it's doubly great because the owners will undoubtedly adopt another Greyhound because that one is so perfect. And that was Palu. I remember meeting him for the first time in Gettysburg, and thinking that he had this kind of mystique. Such a lovely, gentle, patient soul. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Palu.
  16. Hi guys, I'm on the computer in the Hampton Inn in Winston Salem NC, just checking in on Ekko and Tessa. I'm so glad to see that they are both doing well. I've been thinking about you both.
  17. Oh, what a lovely little old lady hound. How happy she was, right till the end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Angel.
  18. These are the ones that especially make me cry. They so deserve to be loved and spoiled in their forever homes, and it's doubly sad when some of them never get the chance. Sweet Rebel, you will be remembered.
  19. You and Mandy were a special part of Ella's life. I'm sure it helped her to have a best friend. I'm so sorry for her loss.
  20. Oh, my God, that is so devastating. Any loss is painful, but this is doubly traumatic. Even though there was no blame, the random suddenness is so hard to comprehend. Thinking of you with much sympathy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jack.
  21. Oh, Ekko, I will be on vacation on Friday, but will remember to say a prayer for you. I'll try to find a computer (no laptop for me) to check on how you're doing. I know it's always worrisome any time they are anesthetized, but we'll be looking forward to good news, and seeing pics of her nice, shiny white teeth!
  22. Ah, what a sweet and quirky little soul she was. You just don't have the chance to prepare yourself for a loss that comes so quickly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  23. More tears while reading your lovely tribute. It's clear that Lily had found her perfect forever home. You understood her so well, and loved her without question. You all worked hard to build trust and respect, and I'm sure your bond was strengthened because of that. During this past horrible week, you did everything you could for her. I know you are feeling such pain now, but as time passes, your many wonderful memories will help ease that sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lily.
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