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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. How you loved her! I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  2. I know you're so glad she can come home. So are all her fans, but we'll continue to keep the sweet girl in our prayers. And yes, Darcy pics are ALWAYS good.
  3. Oh, Darcy, the many people who love you will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
  4. How very sad. Sending much sympathy to you and John's family for the loss of a wonderful man.
  5. We visited Glynis, Craig and Winslow in May, just as they were preparing to move to Arizona, and Doug turned and took this picture as we were leaving. Winslow knew that something big was going to happen, and he was ready for the newest adventure. I think that was pretty much how Winslow looked at life, as a series of adventures. How could you not be in awe of this presence, of the love and determination that he and his family so clearly shared. And because Glynis also shared his stubbornness, they both turned his journey into something that would inspire everyone who knew them. He brought us so much hope, smiles for his joy, and good tears for his victories. I'm so glad he made it all the way across the country to his new home. I think he knew it was important to his family that he did that. If anyone missed the last part of this journey, can you go back and find Winslow's Diary? The thread is locked since Diane posted that he passed away last week, but just seeing him standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona with his Dad will make you smile even as you realize just how much he's going to be missed. Thank-you, Glynis, for sharing your beautiful boy with us, for everything you did to fight the osteo, and for your perfect, fitting tribute. We're all thinking of you and Craig with much sympathy, and sharing your sadness.
  6. Well, Joe, I think your Mom will be glad to forgive you for destroying that stuffie! It's wonderful to see them returning to enjoying life and adjusting to being a tripod. Wait till he starts doing zoomies in the yard.
  7. Sending prayers for your poor guy. You gotta be fine, Ruger, your Mom loves you so!
  8. This is such a hard time. We know you are trying to share as much love and quality time as you can, and that's the best thing you can do. Just remember that he lives in the moment, not aware of sadness and pain in the future. Treasure the memories you will make until he lets you know it's time to say good-bye. And remember that you and Duke are in our prayers.
  9. Oh, Sheila, he must have known that he had landed in a wonderful family, and he wanted to be on his best behavior until you fell in love. And you did. You loved him and understood him so well, and shared so much happiness. There will be many smiles and tears when that calendar comes out. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Snake.
  10. Marcia, thanks so much for putting Winnie's (long!) story in. I was proud to have her included (even though I cried when I read it again), and I know she would be too. It was my girl who only had the amp, no chemo. We did use the artemisinin, though. Oh, Winslow's story would be amazing. Glynis did so much for him, down to having him swim on a regular basis. I think it would be very informative, as well as a huge inspiration. He is greatly missed.
  11. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, no! I'm so sorry. Such a tragic loss. Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone here.
  12. Your tribute was so touching, and the love you shared is clear in every word. Rivie sounds like such a wonderful dog---quirky, loving, and filled with a joy for life. How blessed you were to have her as a true member of your family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  13. Oh, what a beautiful boy....I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tank.
  14. What a wonderful presence he had. And he knew how much he was loved, right till the very end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Red.
  15. How blessed you were to have shared so many years with your beautiful lady, but her loss must be devastating. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tobey.
  16. How heartbreaking. Sending much sympathy to his family
  17. Oh, the sweet little old lady. Those toofers she has left are so shiny clean, and I'm sure she feels so much better. That's great that she's safe at home, and eating already.
  18. Hi! Yes, my Winnie was a long term osteo survivor. Though we lost her in 2007, one month shy of her 12th birthday, to kidney failure, we believe that, like Winslow, she kicked the monters's butt. And Winnie could sure kick some butt. She had 3 1/2 great years with us after her diagnosis and amputation. I will PM you with more info.
  19. I'm so sorry. This is devastating news, made even more unbearable because Sherman's loss is so fresh and painful. We can't blame you for being angry. Please know that you're not alone---you and Patton are in so many prayers. Come and vent when you need to. And give your precious boy a gentle hug.
  20. For Braden, Martin, Rachael and Pudge Four souls were sent to teach us, and what lessons we did learn of love they shared unselfishly, of trust we never had to earn. They taught us of forgiveness, and of courage when we need to fight. They shared their gentle spirits. And through darkness, they brought light. Though their precious lives were far too short, like shooting stars across the sky, they gave us faith to carry on in all the times we wondered why. We learned through overwhelming sadness, that love and hope must intertwine, and when that night sky seems the darkest, we'll see their stars forever shine.
  21. Meredith and Jen, what you said is exactly right. So many tears here all morning, but gradually there were smiles through those tears. Winslow was (still is) truly one in a million, and a perfect example of a dog who reached (and surpassed) his true potential because he was precisely where he was meant to be, with the family who understood him, encouraged him, indulged him, and loved him unconditionally. He was a hero to so many not only because he kicked the monster's butt as only he could do, but because Glynis shared her hero with all of us. I think EVERYONE knew Winslow, not only here on Greytalk, but anywhere people knew about Greyhounds, knew about osteo, knew about taking the saddest diagnosis and turning it into an inspiration. How could you think of Winslow without smiling? I've often talked about Greyhound's (and Winnie's in particular) quiet determination, but Winslow's determination was anything but quiet. It was LARGE, just like the guy himself. You can see how impressive he is in pictures, but anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him in canine, will tell you that he was much LARGER when he was right there, filling a room with his presence. I'm so glad, so honored that I had the chance to meet him several times, to pay my respects. His celebration of his birthday and the years beating the monster (10 plus 3) was cut back by the horrendous snow in DC in Feb. The last time we visited was in May, right before they moved out of their house in preparation for the sale, and the long adventure out west. He was well. He was Winslow. He and Glynis and Craig were dealing with the other health issues that were always on their minds, but Winslow was okay. I'm sure he knew that something big was afoot, and he was ready. I'm so glad he made that trip. It wouldn't have been the same if he hadn't been there as his family started their new life. It's so right, and so fitting that he will be there with them always. I feel especially honored to call Winslow and Glynis my friends, and it started with a chance meeting in Dewey, right after Winnie's amputation, when she was pulling me down a street, eager to be moving forward. Glynis stopped us, fascinated by this tripod who didn't seem to know she was handicapped. She told me she didn't know if she'd ever be able to do that, and admired my beautiful Queen. She told me later that Winnie was HER inspiration, and thinking of Winnie's courage gave her courage of her own. Who would have guessed that Winslow was to become such a bright star in the Greyhound community. Who would have known that Glynis had a stubborn streak to match her boy's, that she would increase awareness, be responsible for raising a huge amount of money, would make sure that Winslow inspired and influenced as many as possible. Her kindness, generosity, talent and tenacity are one in a million as well. Glynis and Craig, we are all so sorry you lost your precious boy. Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing him with us. We share your sadness now. Hey, big guy, please go find Winnie. She'd be proud to show you around. There's gonna be a celebration like you wouldn't believe.
  22. Oh, what a lovely, touching tribute to a very special dog, and a life well lived. When you have shared so much for so long, it truly feels like a part of your life has ended with her loss. During the changes, the many homes, she found her home with you, and you were each other's constants. So many thoughts were with you on her final day, and many are sharing your sadness now. I'm so sorry you lost your Tuna, your precious senior queen.
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