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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. There is a new angel in the heavens today. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ali.
  2. Oh, how terrible! I'm so sorry they are having to go through even more sadness and stress, and I'll keep poor little Yoko in my prayers.
  3. Ah, how you loved that little guy! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jared.
  4. I can understand how heartbreaking it is for you to know she was in pain. You let her go unselfishly, with love, and even at the very end, she was safe within that love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Kyshi.
  5. Ah, Deb, I'm so sorry! I hadn't seen you and the boys (here or in person, it seems) for quite a while. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see that he was 13---time sure flies---but I guess I just thought that he was such a presence that he would be with you forever. Your tribute is like a lovely poem---poetry for a deep and gentle soul who would have undoubtedly appreciated those words. You honored him beautifully, as he deserved. He also deserved to be loved by such a wonderful Mom as you. He was perfect for you, and you were perfect for him. I was going to ask about Brad. They are so different, aren't they? I hope he will find his smile in time, just like you will, when you think about the joy your precious boy brought you. Sharing your sadness, and sending hugs.
  6. Your precious Jewel was happy and loved until the very end. I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your beautiful girl.
  7. It's so heartbreaking to know that you are feeling so much pain, not only from the loss of your precious Layla, but from your feelings of doubt and uncertainty. So many of us have echoed those feelings, and we can only assure you that they are normal, and part of the process that we must go through in order to grieve in whatever way we can. Sharing your sadness, and sending you healing light.
  8. Oh, Jen....this was the Remembrance post that I knew would be coming, but wished you didn't have to write so soon. Nothing I could say would compare with the beauty and love in every word of your wonderful tribute. It's so fitting that such an exceptional dog would spend the last months of his life with the person who understood, appreciated, and loved him best, a person who can create something very real and inspiring from your time together. You are right---he was precisely where he was meant to be, and I believe that his life will have meaning beyond his time here with us. The lessons he taught everyone who knew him about courage, patience, joyfulness, and love given freely without limits or expectations will continue like ripples on a pond. Hugs to you and your family, Jen. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. Run free on all four legs, small white angel---you were truly loved.
  9. You've been through enough sadness, pain and loss for several lifetimes! I wish I could tell you with certainty the best way to survive and endure. I don't think any of us can do that, but we can offer our support, prayers and good thoughts to you. Sometimes feeling less alone helps just a little bit, and I hope that by coming here to share what you are going through will let you know that so many people care, and share your sadness. Boo Boo was a light in your life that will never be extinguished, though her ashes being returned truly brings home the reality that she is not with you physically. We understand that bittersweet finality. I think the most meaningful way we can honor their memory and help us to heal is to open our hearts to another dog who needs us so much. You may not be ready to adopt, and that's understandable---each of us grieve in our own individual way. Give yourself time, and know that you are in our prayers. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Boo Boo.
  10. You loved and understood him so well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ozzie.
  11. Deer Winslow, Mom sez we will be seeing you soon---before you leeve on yer big xcitin rode trip! You lucky guy, you will hab a hoooooge trip to get to yer new home. Mom will gib you a hug an kiss (good-bye, safe trabbels), but we will frow kisses frum the car! I fink you will like it in Airy Zona cause there will be no steps. We will bring you a prezunt too, to take wiff you fer the long ride. It is BIG, so we hope it will fit in yer car. You shure look hansum (as always) in yer videeo. Lydia, soon to be trabbellin hound
  12. Perfect, just a perfect tribute to your beautiful girl.
  13. Such a sudden loss makes that empty space even larger, so hard to comprehend. I think it adds an extra layer to your grief, as well as the anger that osteo stole him from you so unexpectedly. You need to grieve by your own timeframe, and when you are able to write his tribute, it will help your heart heal. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Psi.
  14. Oh, she was so lovely. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little kitty, especially in such a sudden way.
  15. What an incredible amount of love you have packed into the time Whitey has been with you. And there seems to be an equally generous spirit inside both of you that has made this time so meaningful. I believe they truly do live in the moment, and Whitey, in giving you moments to cherish, felt that joy as well. You know and love him better than anyone, and will listen to what he tells you. You're both in my prayers.
  16. Such a gentle soul. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bob.
  17. How you loved your tiny princess! Reading your tribute, I was crying because your words were so moving, she was so very young, and it's horribly unfair that such a bright and beautiful and unique little soul was taken from you way too soon. You were truly blessed to have shared your lives with each other. I've always remembered and loved these words from a sympathy card I received years ago. They seem especially true of your BeBe. "If we measure lives not in time, but in grace, in the joy with which they are lived, and in the love they leave behind, then we have much we can learn from our Greyhounds." I'm so sorry you lost your precious angel.
  18. Yay! Gentle nose kisses from Lydia, Polly and Tess. And hugs from their Mom.
  19. I loved all of Mel's pictures, but the one your brother took of the two of you is just perfect. He looks like he's saying, "Aw, Mom...." You shared so much, over so many years, what a big empty space this little kitty will leave.
  20. Oh, Mary Pat, I wish she could have stayed longer. So much sadness in your life in too short a time. Your poor heart needs time to heal. She was so special. You know, she reminds me a lot of my Winnie, in looks, personality, and the way she handled being a tripod. Talk about being proud. And rightly so. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diamond.
  21. Yikes, big guy! You're not gonna tell Mom how that happened, huh? Please heal quickly, and be careful out there. ETA 'Cause I can't spell either.
  22. You are going about this very intelligently and trying to be as informed as possible. Of course, making any kind of rational decision when facing this horrible diagnosis is so difficult. Follow your heart based on your best information, and know that any decision made out of love and concern is right for you and Moscow. Sadly, we know what you are going through. I'm so sorry.
  23. Oh, no! I'm just seeing this now. She was your heart, your soul, and your angel on earth. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Zema.
  24. Oh, Lucy, don't be afraid that you couldn't do him justice! You have written a lovely, sensitive tribute to a dog who was just as beautiful inside as he was outside. Your love for him, and his for you, shines through in every word, and we can feel and understand your pain and deep sense of loss. That loss is still too fresh and too enormous for you to feel any other way. When a person and a dog share such a history, it feels as if a very basic foundation has been pulled out from under you. In a way, Riley was even more than a beloved companion, he was your HOME, your constant in the face of so many changes. Though it is a shared sadness because we do understand, it is also a very personal and unique grief that you must process in whatever way you need to. I don't think that emptiness ever truly disappears, but the spaces, in time, are filled with memories so precious that they will always be a comfort. Please know that so many are sharing your sadness. And looking at his wonderful pictures with smiles and tears. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Riley.
  25. Jen,I can understand why you would be totally, heart swellingly, unconditionally in love with this boy. Isn't he amazing? You should SO paint that close-up profile pic. I think it is the loveliest of all your photos of Whitey. Your family pics always make me smile, this one especially.
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