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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, how did I miss this? I saw something in the BDR, but didn't know what was wrong. It's so upsetting when you don't know what you're dealing with. Impossible not to worry. I hope you get some positive answers, and that Sterling is feeling better. He's got all that lovely water to enjoy! High beams on!
  2. That is such a lovely story about the little girl counting Jamie's legs. It's wonderful to know that he's gotten so much quality time. And yes, that is cause for celebration! I know what you mean about feeling sad when so many other Greys do not get that kind of time. We had Winnie for 3 1/2 good years after her amp, and while I was grateful every day for that time, I couldn't help feeling almost guilty because so many owners weren't as lucky (I do think luck is a big part of it). Live each day to the fullest with your precious boy. He is truly a blessing.
  3. Well, Jake, we're glad you're feeling better, but you know your Mom is still worried about you. Janet, let us know how the sweet old guy is doing---hope he's back on track soon.
  4. I believe exactly what Hilda said. You can't help but be angry at the people who would throw a dear little soul away like he was trash, but he forgot them the moment he knew he was forever safe and loved. You were Stevie's angel. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  5. Oh, my gosh, she had enough personality for a dozen cats! And how you loved her. For such a little girl, her presence was huge, and the empty space created by her passing will be huge as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Xena.
  6. What a sweet, sweet boy. He got lucky and became part of a wonderful family, and it's a shame and so unfair that he had to leave way too soon. Damn osteo, it's such a blind monster. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dexter.
  7. I'm not as knowledgeable about pain meds and their side effects as some people here, but could the tramadol and/or residual anesthesia make her more restless? This may be a wild guess, but years ago, my collie-shepherd Chelsea had lupus, and one of the symptoms was copious nose bleeding. I really hope you can find some answers, and Lily feels better soon. Sending prayers for you both.
  8. Even though it is so unbearably sad and difficult for you, you know you are doing what is best for Dexter. And you are making it as calm and peaceful for him as possible. I know you've been through so much heartache, and this loss brings that back as well. Sending prayers and white light to you Steph. I'm so sorry.
  9. Kulee, we're very glad you're better, but WHY must you worry your Mom so? Sheila, maybe she thinks you need continuing education to be on the cutting edge of Greyhound veterinary medicine! Hope things are very boring with her for a long time.
  10. Steph, my heart is breaking for you and Dexter. Please let us know how he's doing, and how you are doing. You're both in our prayers.
  11. Oh, Pam, I'm so, so sorry. My heart is breaking for you and for May's Mom. Mary told me about what happened, and I couldn't imagine the shock and pain you experienced. You couldn't have done more for May---in fact, I know there are many of us who wouldn't have known how to do the CPR, to try so hard to bring her back. Thank God you were with her---it could have happened when she was alone. My heart cat Daphne died in my arms. I think it must have been an aneurysm, because it was so sudden, and though she was 17, she wasn't even sick. I had the most horrible time dealing with that shock, not only of losing my precious girl, but having it happen in the space of minutes. It adds a layer to your grief that takes a LONG time to process. But if it had happened 10 minutes later, I would have gone to bed, and she would have died alone, without me even knowing. My vet told me that though it was hard for me, that Daphne hadn't suffered. She was in my arms, and I was telling her how much I loved her. I guess we can only wish that for our pets---that they don't suffer, and that they know we love them. And May knew that. She was with her second Mom, safe and happy till the very end.
  12. queenwinniesmom


    What a fine dog he was. His giant personality just jumps off the screen in those pictures. It's clear that you loved him so much, and no wonder! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sunny.
  13. I'm so, so sorry that Sherman has gotten this terrible diagnosis. Too many of us know just how you are feeling. That time after your world is turned upside down is horrible---you are faltering and just don't know where to turn. There is so much excellent information here, and comfort as well. Please use that knowledge, and know that you can ask questions, vent, cry, and celebrate each small victory. Like others have said, you know your boy best. If he is a candidate for amputation, it is a consideration, if not, you do the best you can to keep him safe and manage his pain. I believe you know if he still wants to be here. And if he does, it's not selfish to do whatever you think is best to make that time meaningful and filled with love. You and Sherman are in our prayers.
  14. Ah, your poor boy.....I'm so hoping that it is not bad news, and keeping you both in my prayers.
  15. It's clear from your lovely tribute that Kelsy was so very loved, though your time together wasn't nearly long enough. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  16. I wish Foley could have had more time. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  17. I'm so sorry you and Beau are going through this. Your frustration is understandable. Your try so hard with your babies, and have gone through so much. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts. Beau, baby boy, you just have to eat!
  18. I can only echo everyone's shock and sadness. Words just don't seem like enough to ease the pain of such losses so close together. She was really lovely, and what a wonderful life she had in your loving, happy family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Poppy.
  19. Those pictures of him are magnificent! It's obvious that he had the most wonderful life, right until the very end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tetley.
  20. What a lovely, quirky, dear little soul. My heart is breaking for you, Ducky. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Nina.
  21. It's clear that Lucy was in the perfect home, and with the person who helped her grow into the dog she was meant to be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  22. queenwinniesmom


    He sounds like perfection! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Wizard.
  23. I gave her 1 capsule a day, at a different time than the artemisinin. You can get pycnogenol at Vitamin World---it's actually an immune system booster for humans.
  24. Okay, sigh of relief.... Hoping the hulling and cream will help, and he's not in any more pain.
  25. I used 100 mg a day with Winnie after her amp. We didn't do chemo. I also used pycnogenol, another immune system booster, and fish oil. I don't know if any of this helped, or if we were just incredibly lucky---maybe a combination of both---but Winnie had 3 1/2 great years with us before we lost her to kidney failure a few weeks shy of her 12th birthday. I was kinda clueless, as the only thing I knew about artemisinin was what I'd read in Celebrating Greyhounds, and then researched online. So I just continued to give it to her the whole time. Sending lots of prayers out to you and Neyla.
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