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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'm so sorry you and Boo Boo have gotten this devastating news. It makes you feel so helpless, doesn't it? But what you are doing is important---making her feel safe and loved, and controlling the pain.
  2. I know these days are precious to you, and filled with love for Whitey, and that is what is important. I have no doubt that when it is time, you will know.
  3. Oh, he was meant to be with you! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bear.
  4. My God, he is stunning! I looked at his incredibly elegant picture, and started crying at my desk at work. Even knowing that this day was coming, it's almost impossible to comprehend that he is gone. Pat, we are sharing your pain and sadness, and wish that we could offer more comfort than just words. Cancer is a blind monster that steals our precious dogs away. I'm so sorry you lost your magnificent Zeus.
  5. How you loved him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gator.
  6. Oh, I'm so sorry. Words seem ineffectual in the face of such a sudden, shocking loss. Please know that we are sharing your sadness and holding you in our prayers.
  7. Such a heartwrenching decision. I'm so sorry
  8. Oh, no! Poor Katie and poor you! I will keep this strong and brave girl in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery. Please let us know how she's doing.
  9. My heart is breaking for you. I wish she could have stayed with you longer, and I wish there were words to ease your pain, and fill that emptiness. Please know that we share your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lucy.
  10. What a heartbreaking, devastating loss. It's always so hard, but that suddenness makes the empty space that much larger. What a lot of love he packed into that tiny body. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Shadrach.
  11. Oh, his eyes! He looks so beautiful, sensitive, intelligent. You were blessed to be able to "go to work" together, but he left you way too soon and way too young. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Demon.
  12. God, please let this brave boy recover! He has fought too hard, and he's not going to give up now. I'm so glad he is improving after that horrendous injury. What a wonderful, amazingly resilient boy he is. Keeping him in our prayers for a steady and uneventful recovery. We would love to see a picture of your Manny.
  13. Tom, we'll keep Hero in our prayers, and hope that his surgery goes well, and his recovery is uneventful and quick.
  14. My heart just sinks to the floor when I see that dreaded word. I looked at his incredibly beautiful picture and couldn't help but cry. It's such a shame that you and Riley are faced with this, and heartbreaking that so many know exactly how you are feeling right now. I'm so sorry. Sending prayers for you and your sweet boy.
  15. Yep, the boy has a lot of fans. That face, those ears, that spirit.... That's why you do what you do.
  16. How eloquently---with smiles and tears---you captured the essence of your precious heart dog. What a wonderful character he must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Sterling.
  17. Hi Curry! We hope you did well with your spay and dental today. Let us know how you're doing, okay?
  18. What a lovely little lady. She reminds me a lot of my Tess, who is quite a "singer" too. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lily, way too soon.
  19. Oh, the precious little old man, with you through so many changes. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Licorice.
  20. What Lindsay said. When you posted the video of Whitey trotting around the yard on 3 legs, we saw a happy dog. Jen, he's still happy. Because he lives in the moment and knows he is safe and loved. Keep him out of pain as much as you can, and don't let the monster steal these precious days from you. Give your boy a gentle hug from everyone who is loving him right along with you.
  21. I think we can all understand the paranoia. With so much cancer lately, you can't help but worry. I'm REALLY weird---sometimes I think if I expect the worst, I'll be really happy when it's not bad! Glad she's feeling better. You're a normal Mom.
  22. It's clear that you understood her so well, and loved her with all your heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tally.
  23. What an absolutely gorgeous little old lady. She will leave a huge empty space for such a tiny girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Oki.
  24. What a dang crapshoot this disease is. You DID do everything right. And you'll continue to do what you feel in your heart is right---for Whitey and for you. If that is simply loving him unconditionally for however long he is with you, you are absolutely perfect at doing that. And you're a fighter---even though you've been through too many battles recently. He couldn't have landed in a better family. He is truly a part of your family in every way, and I pray that he will be with you for quite a while.
  25. queenwinniesmom


    It's heartbreaking that the monster osteo has stolen another precious dog. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Gryffin.
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