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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Poor little lady. And you too---Christmas at the E vets isn't too merry. Hope she feels like eating soon.
  2. Oh, my gosh, he was so beautiful and so full of joy! He clearly was very loved. I can't imagine how devastated you are to have lost him so unexpectedly. The past year has been so very sad for your family. I wish for you peace and healing and happiness in the coming year. And I hope that looking into the eyes of another dog who needs you will help to ease your pain. Surely Obie will have a paw in sending you just the right one. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Oberon.
  3. Oh, Judy, I'm just seeing this now too. I had a feeling that something was going on with him. You know that you both are in our prayers. My heart aches for all that you have gone through, and are going through now. Please get better, sweet boy. We love you!
  4. So much sadness and so much love in your post. How wonderful that you welcomed her into your family and took such good care of her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Agnes.
  5. It's a difficult decision no matter when, but you understood and loved your sweet boy better than anyone. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Romie.
  6. You understood her so well. How blessed you both were to have found each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious princess Molly.
  7. Your words are heartbreakingly beautiful. It's clear how much you loved each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Widow.
  8. I'm so sorry you and your husband lost your precious EZ.
  9. It sounds like she was truly a force to be reckoned with. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Phoenix.
  10. Oh, I'm so sorry. You have truly lost a heart dog. But you both were so blessed to have found each other. At some point, the pain will not be so huge and so raw, and you will realize you haven't cried that day because thoughts of your sweet boy will bring a smile instead of tears. Those precious memories are yours forever. Please know that there is no time frame for your grief, and that you need to be gentle with yourself. Also know that the hardest of decisions is made out of love. And he knew that. Sharing your sadness, and sending much sympathy.
  11. I am crying with you. Your heartbreak and pain are palpable, but the love you shared shines through in every word of your beautiful tribute. How you loved him! You and your DH were truly the perfect family for Lucas. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  12. So glad to see these positive updates! Yes, that bruising will be extensive---lots of soft tissue trauma. But that will pass, and his fur will grow back. I know that many people say they didn't think about, or even notice, the leg being gone. Wish I could say I was one of those, but I wasn't. But still---I was glad we did the amp because it was the right thing to do for many reasons. Just remember what Dr. Couto says---Greyhounds have 3 legs and a spare. And there is no stigma against tripods in the animal world. Try and get some rest before he comes home. You'll need it. There will be an adjustment period, of course, and things might look worse before they look better, But that will pass. He's young and strong, and he'll do fine!
  13. I guess you were at PVSEC? Though we thankfully haven't been there for a long time, I remember Dr. Rexford. He saw our Nick back in 2006. Back then he didn't know much about Greyhounds. I remember printing out the different Greyhound lab values for him, as he wasn't familiar with the differences. It's nice to know he's now a Greyhound owner. So is my vet at Avalon. You're in excellent, if expensive, hands. Wish I knew who the Galgo owner might be. I couldn't help from crying when I was reading all the posts. I think that horrible, surreal, time after the diagnosis and before you have a plan is the absolute worst. I'm so encouraged that that time period didn't last too long for you. That's the way it has to be, I think. I wasted way too much time crying and writing Winnie's obituary in my head, when she would have told me to quit screwing around and get on with what needs to be done. Even after that hesitating, we were lucky, and she had 3 1/2 years after the amp. You can never be sure how things will turn out, but you have to do what you can, and what you think is best for your dog. You are doing what is best for Henry---always remember that! I will be thinking of you both, sending good thoughts, prayers, and white light for a successful surgery and a quick, uneventful recovery!
  14. Oh, Alicia, not your sweet boy! God, I'm so sorry---my heart just sank when I saw his name here. You know him best, and will do whatever is right for him and for you too. If you haven't already, go to the osteo thread---so much info and support and understanding there. And please let us know how he's doing. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
  15. It's easy to understand why these pictures mean so much to you. They seem to capture the spirit of a lovely, gentle soul. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Maya. If at some point you are able to write her tribute, I think it helps to share those good memories.
  16. Such a lovely, but heartbreaking tribute. So many things you said about him resonated with me. Especially this: "I said goodbye to the dog that I didn't feel I was finished loving." Losing a heart dog (and it's so clear that he was yours) is devastating, but almost too much to bear when they are so young, and it is so sudden. Sending much sympathy, and white light for healing. I'm so sorry you lost our precious Kowalla.
  17. Shirley, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Miles. He was such a lovely guy.
  18. Not only was Scout the perfect dog for you, who understood you better than you even knew at the time, but he gave you the gift of welcoming a Greyhound into his family. What a force to be reckoned with he must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Scout.
  19. Thank-you for sharing your lovely pictures. We feel as if we know your precious Tex, and are sharing your sadness now. Petra and Jack, I'm so sorry.
  20. queenwinniesmom


    It sounds like Shadow was the perfect dog for your family. I'm so sorry you didn't have more time together.
  21. I know you'll feel much better when you are able to be at home with your sweet boy. Hope he is doing okay. Let us know.
  22. Thinking about Iker, and wondering how he is today. How is he feeling about going in and out?
  23. Wow, I could have written your post! We're in PA (after moving back here from FL, where we had all the above problems), but now, after 23 flea free years, we have an infestation! We are beside ourselves. We love Adams products, which always worked on industrial strength FL fleas, and have been using them now as well. Bombs, sprays for the house and yard, washing EVERYTHING, including the dogs, But we're still seeing them. I knew the 3 inside cats would be affected too, but bathing them would be traumatic (and dangerous) for them AND us! We were spraying them too. But I think we made a big mistake in not getting a systemic flea killer sooner. Yesterday, I did the best flea control option for the cats---I bought a flea comb. OMG, I knew they had some, but I didn't know how many. They are little flea factories! I've been combing them obsessively, and can't believe the fleas I've gotten off them. Flea combs are awesome---best $3.99 I've spent! We ordered some Capstar, and will give it to everyone when it arrives, then probably do the same environment control all over again. Sigh....We've spent literally hundreds of dollars on this. And I have no idea why we're getting them now when we haven't ever had them before. My poor PA dogs suffered when I moved to FL in 1980. They had no resistance like most FL dogs do. Even a few fleas made them scratch like crazy---dry, flaky skin, sores, hair loss, etc. But there are lots of new things now that we didn't have back then. We kind of resigned ourselves to the fact that we might be able to get ahead of the fleas, but we couldn't ever eliminate them entirely.
  24. Seizures are SO scary! Can't blame you for over analyzing---once you've seen one, you're always afraid of another. We've had 2 seizure cats and one seizure dog. Thinking about your sweet girl, and hoping she is seizure free for a long, long time.
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