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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. It's clear that he was very loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precius Kingsley.
  2. I'm so sorry. How devastating that you lost her so suddenly. I think it adds an extra level of pain to your grief to be emotionally unprepared. But you can cherish the knowledge that she was deeply loved in two wonderful homes, and was happy until the very end.
  3. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Manero. Could you post some pictures of him?
  4. It sounds like she was very well loved, and devotedly cared for. It's so hard to make that decision, even though you know it is best for her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Phaedra.
  5. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Chase. What a lovely reunion there must have been at the Bridge.
  6. Yes, the other toes look fine. I was worried about SLO too. I think the cut was right at the base of that nail. We think we located the culprit---a piece of sharp concrete at the bottom of the steps. Now covered! She's doing really well, thanks! I did have a feeling it had to be the expensive stuff. Thanks for confirming that. When we use it, I scoop it out with a clean spoon, so just in case I want to eat some, it will be clean. It's delicious! And the jar is pretty big, so that's a lot of wound care for $30.
  7. What a lovely tribute! Clearly, Casey knew exactly where she was meant to be. You kept every promise you made to her, even the one that hurt the most. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.
  8. Polly has had a recurring infection in one foot, which with systemic antibiotics and putting various ointments on it, clears up. But then it comes back. Last week, she cut that foot on something in the yard, and it looked really bad. When the vet was cleaning the wound, one of her toenails came off! She put more weight on it after that, but we needed something to put on the foot to promote healing. She reacted to the antibiotics, so we had to go the weekend without them, then change on Tuesday (her vet is off on Monday). I'd been reading about Manuka honey here, and thought I'd give it a try. OMG, it is great! Her foot looks better than it has for a LONG time! I'm so glad I tried it. But....is it always so expensive? My friend and I were looking for it at Whole Foods, and when I saw it, the jars were $32.99 and $29.99! I was so surprised I said, "Holy sh*t!" There was an employee standing right there, and he burst out laughing. He wasn't familiar with it's healing properties, and went to ask someone else who was. She said it had to be the Manuka, and not just the raw, which was $7.99. So I bit the bullet and got the $29.99 jar. I must say, I'm glad I did, but would the other, cheaper stuff be as good?
  9. What a beautiful tribute! It tells of a life well lived, and well loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Silver.
  10. I'm sorry I'm late to congratulate you! I did see something on Facebook, but missed it here. Melissa, you know I'm thrilled for you. She couldn't have found a more wonderful family. I remember like it was yesterday, you hanging out in my back yard with Rascal. We thought you would be a terrific home then, and we still think so now---how many years later. And we were absolutely sure that you would soon adopt another Greyhound because Rascal was so perfect. Look what she started! I'm so glad you got this beautiful girl. Are you coming to the picnic on the 14th? I would LOVE to meet her!
  11. Oh, Annette, that was such a lovely tribute. You gave each other so much happiness, and I can't imagine how much you will miss her. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dixie.
  12. I know you must be heartbroken, and we are sharing your sadness. It just doesn't seem fair that you didn't get more time together. But her lovely pictures show so clearly how happy and loved she was. It's true that they live in the moment, and I hope the knowledge that she had a wonderful month helps to ease your pain a bit. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Scarlett.
  13. A huge empty space is left with Joe's passing, not only in the home and hearts of his wonderful family, but in the hearts of the many people he touched. His spirit shone so brightly. Donna, thank-you for understanding him so well that you were able to lovingly translate that spirit into human words. And thank-you for sharing him with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Joe. Sending much sympathy and white light to you in this very sad time.
  14. queenwinniesmom


    Through so many changes......I can't imagine how much you will miss him. I'm so sorry you lost our precious Shep.
  15. Your lovely tribute left me in tears, and I felt like I really knew your boy. He was SO much like my Buster, in looks, the multiple bounces, the worried countenance, even similar in the end. How well you understood him---knowing that still waters run deep, and there were joyful layers just waiting to be peeled away by someone who loved him unconditionally. What better example than his exuberant "happy dance". This was a dog who was precisely where he was meant to be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Graham.
  16. I'm so sorry. I think your words bring back those strong emotions for all of us. Though the pain is still there, I hope it helps a little to know that so many understand. The grief is the same, but our ways of working through it are very individual. The first time, you are flying blind, not knowing how you'll get through it, and wondering if it will ever get better. If you have lost others, eventually you understand what your grieving process is, and you get by, and move on as best you can. Just know that there is no time frame. Let yourself feel those feelings, and at some point, you will realize it's become a bit easier, and you can find comfort in the love you shared. But sometimes, that sadness can sneak up on you, and you'll feel like you've walked into a wall. If you realize this, and recognize it as part of the process, it helps.
  17. queenwinniesmom


    So much sadness. I'm so sorry. I love this---"I swear I saw little hearts come off their heads like a bad cartoon." What a perfect way to describe love at first sight. Your precious boy was exactly where he was meant to be.
  18. Oh, he was just a youngster! It's especially sad to lose him so suddenly. I'm so sorry.
  19. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful lady.
  20. I can't imagine how much you are missing him. You knew him best, and loved him deeply, but I hope it brings you some comfort to know how much he was loved by others as well. Some dogs just seem to be able to speak to many hearts, and your sweet boy was one of them. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Buddy. Run free, Buddy, and let your Mom know you are safe and watching over her.
  21. Such a lovely boy. I wish you could have had more time together, but you and he packed a lot of love into those 2 years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Batman.
  22. You've probably heard Tess roo at some point, since Doug thinks it's endlessly amusing to make her roo on command. And she will. Always, whether another dog starts it, or we start it. Lydia and Calvin look at her with complete disinterest---I've never heard either of them roo. But Polly will join in at some point with a ladylike half bark, half roo, as if she thinks it's kind to support her little sister.
  23. I'm so sorry that I'm just seeing this now. Thinking of you with much sympathy, and hoping that your beloved boy has sent you a sign that he is fine and watching over you.
  24. How well you understood your brave boy. And how deeply you loved him. I think, when I know it's time to say goodbye, there will be sausage egg and cheese biscuits. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sam
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