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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a lovely idea to write the haikus for your sweet girl. They are a perfect tribute, and speak volumes in a way that is so simple and profound. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lady, and that you didn't have more time together. Here is another one for her. Fly free, sweet Lady. The angels are in awe of Your beautiful wings.
  2. You knew her best, loved her unconditionally till the very end, and were able to listen with your heart when she let you know it was time. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jackie.
  3. Too many of us understand the heartbreak that osteo brings. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Social.
  4. I think sometimes they tell us as clearly as if they could speak, and though the decision is heart wrenching, you make it out of love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.
  5. Oh, Ducky, how you loved that sweet lady. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Pudge.
  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Moose. Gettysburg will be bittersweet.
  7. Lydia must be! This winter has been horrible for her, and for us, with all the scrapes on her legs. At one point, she had FOUR bandages on her legs. Two wounds needed stapled, and one was so big that we treated it for a couple months. We've been to the vet at least 6 times since the end of January. She finally seems to be at a status quo, and hasn't broken the skin. We've been giving her coconut oil. Not sure if it's helping, but she and the others love it, and I guess it can't hurt.
  8. I'm so sorry that you lost your precious Scotch, and that you and Snow are missing him deeply. I hope, in time, that that empty space is filled with loving memories.
  9. Steve, my heart is breaking for you and your family. Such devastating losses, way too close together. Such a perfect lady, and you were always able to capture her essence, so that even those of us who had never met her fell in love with her too. Thank-you for sharing her with us. We're sharing your sadness now. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sadie.
  10. Oh, Jay, that was such a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry your precious girl had to leave.
  11. I love the "leaners"! He was probably responsible for many people falling in love with Greyhounds. He sounds like a lovely big guy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Woody.
  12. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. I think when you are ready, it will bring you comfort to write his tribute, celebrating him and sharing him with others.
  13. Oh, no! I'm so sorry. The pain in your words is very clear, and you must be feeling so many emotions, dealing with losing Dylan unexpectedly, so soon after losing Winnie. Please trust people who know from experience---be gentle with yourself during this terrible time. You loved your boy, and all you wanted was what was best for him.
  14. I wish a had some medical advice, but can only say how sorry I am that you and Dylan are going through this. I can't imagine how worried you must be for your boy. Please keep us up to date and let us know how he is doing. Sending out lots of prayers and good thoughts to you both.
  15. Oh, Judy, I'm just seeing this now, and can barely type, I am crying so hard. I always try to find something comforting to say in Remembrance, but I honestly don't think I have the words to tell you how terribly sorry I am. Sorry just doesn't come close. And neither do the comforting words, though we know they are true----that you are a kind, loving, compassionate Mom, that you did everything you possibly could. But that seems so ineffectual when your precious boy is gone. The heart and our rational, intellectual side are 2 different things, and are often far apart. I know you are hurting beyond words, and your heart is broken. There is too much pain right now to listen to the truth of reality pertaining to blame. But PLEASE PLEASE know this----you in fact ARE kind, loving and compassionate, and you cared for your Nadir in such an unselfish, responsible, intelligent way. They say that if love alone could keep them alive, they would be with us forever. And your love DID keep him alive. But it was also everything you did for him----all the research, questioning, stubborn desire to find a way to make him safe, to make him better. And it worked! Sometimes it works for a little while, sometimes for years, and sometimes everything we do just isn't enough. But you tried, always. And he knew that. If ever there was a dog who knew he was truly and completely loved, it was Nadir. We will miss him so deeply. I can't imagine the huge emply space he will leave in your home and heart. Sending many hugs and sympathy and white light from me, and gentle nose kisses from his true love, Lydia.
  16. Wow, no wonder you are devastated. It's hard to comprehend having to deal with that many losses in such a short time. Please know that so many are thinking of you, wishing you strength, and sending sympathy. We understand the shock and actual physical ache a sudden loss brings. I've experienced it several times, and the only way I find any comfort is to be grateful that they didn't suffer with a long drawn out illness, and we were able to have quality time together until the very end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cubby.
  17. Osteo is a monster. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Joey.
  18. It sounds like Casper was just as beautiful inside as he was outside. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet, brave boy.
  19. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Mimosa. Osteo is a monster.
  20. Thank-you for sharing Matt with us in your wonderful tribute and pictures---I especially loved the "big smile, big tongue" picture. What a great dog he must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  21. Oh, Robin, I'm so sorry you and your family lost your precious Sasha. What a huge loss of a very special dog. Sending white light for strength to your Mom as she struggles with missing her sweet girl.
  22. I'm so sorry Chris lost his precious lady.
  23. Oh, Lorinda, how you loved him! Surely he was meant to be with you and your DH, because I don't think anyone would have had the love and strength and patience, and absolute tenacity that you had to make his life as long and healthy as you possibly could. And he knew that, always. He trusted you, was safe within your love, and returned that love in so many ways. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lazer. He was indeed a miracle.
  24. Your beautiful tribute told of a long, happy life filled with shared experiences, growing, changing, and a lot of love. I can't imagine how much you will miss your precious companion. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Pawn, but so glad you were blessed to have found each other.
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