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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Jayne, you're right, it IS the end of an era. Bert was so very special, and I can't imagine the huge empty space he will leave in your family. He got to be a Texan for a while.... I'm so sorry you lost your wonderful old man. Sending hugs and sympathy.
  2. Tina, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sahara.
  3. What a beautiful little guy! From your photos, it's easy to see how well loved and happy he was. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Corey.
  4. I wish you could have had more time together---what you had was filled with so much love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  5. Such a lovely girl, and one who clearly had found her perfect home. The picture of her with her Dad brought tears to my eyes---worth a thousand words. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Heidi.
  6. So devastating to let a heart dog go, even when you are making that decision out of love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Fletcher.
  7. Oh, Donna, I can understand why you are so devastated---two precious girls in such a short time. I remember when you brought Mercedes home, and thinking, "Another lucky senior in the Wolfe family". But she gave so much in return for her wonderful forever home. What a lovely, complex, happy little lady she was. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Mercedes. Sending hugs to you and Dave, and to her brothers.
  8. Oh, Donna, I know how hard that was for you to do, but you let your sweet little old lady go with so much love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ellie.
  9. Agree with all of this! When Winnie had her amputation, we, probably foolishly, didn't think through just how she was going to go up and down our 21 outside steps. We too live on the second floor (of our 3 story house). Luckily, it was warm, and she was able to stay in the Florida room and porch of our tenant, where there are only 4 steps to go up. She did these pretty quickly. But those other steps were really intimidating. It was weeks and weeks. One day, my husband was calling the dogs for dinner. Winnie was always all about the food, and I guess that was sufficient incentive. She dashed up the steps, while I stood in the yard and cried! She just wasn't "thinking". Now she didn't repeat that accomplishment again for a while, but eventually, she was going up and down pretty normally. She had a right rear leg amp, and she had to shuffle around a little at the bottom of the steps and start out on the same leg to get up the way she wanted to. She knew she had to do it, so she did. So....I know it's frustrating, but I feel that Dash will be doing the steps too, in her own time frame. At 2 weeks, there is still so much to adjust to, as far as re-learning to navigate as a tripod. But they do, remarkably well. It's great to hear that your sweet girl is doing so well otherwise. I hope that her recovery continues quickly! And this is a good place to come with any questions, or for encouragement. Too many GT dogs have had to deal with osteo.
  10. Your love shines through in every word of that lovely tribute. It brought a smile that Daisy finally found the person she was meant to be with, and tears for your sadness and pain. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady. Oh---she was a girl after Lydia's heart. That clever bit of acting is called a "Faux Pee" at our house.
  11. This is such good news! Hope he continues to improve.
  12. Oh, Judy and Nadir, I wish I had some info or advice for you! You know I'm thinking about you a lot, and hoping that you can find something that will give Nadir some relief. I feel so bad for the sweet guy. I know he can't have the lovely Burpdog treats that he just sent to Lydia, so I am filled with gratitude each time Lydia and her sisters and brother enjoy one. Please let us know how he's doing, and Lydia says she will keep sending out "telepafic good thots" to her sweetie.
  13. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Spud. So devastating to lose a heart dog, especially suddenly.
  14. I was going to suggest this! When I put a Therapaw on Calvin's foot that has the corn, he doesn't limp. It could very well be something else (scar tissue like the vet thought), but I hope not! Therapaws might be worth a try.
  15. Oh, Nan, I'm so sorry that you and DaVid have been through so much! You are taking such good care of your boy, and I hope Dr. Au is able to help him. You are both in my prayers.
  16. queenwinniesmom


    What a heartbreaking way to say goodbye to such a beloved companion. Osteo is truly a monster. I'm so sorry.
  17. What an absolutely perfect tribute! How well you understood her, and how beautifully you shared her unique personality. Even as I teared up just thinking about how awesomely empty your home must feel, I was also smiling. And I think she would have not only liked that, she would have expected that. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Hannah.
  18. How blessed you were to have found each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Echo.
  19. So glad to see a positive update on Betty. I can't imagine how terrifying the attack was, and my heart is aching for you, as yours is aching for your sweet girl. Lots of prayers and white healing light still coming!
  20. Oh, Robin, I can't tell you how sorry I am. What a terrible shock to see her name here. I can't imagine how sad you must be to lose your precious little lady. She was pretty much perfection, wasn't she? Sending you hugs and much sympathy, and sharing your sadness.
  21. Yes, that is exactly what you are doing, and it's clear that he is a very loved and lucky dog. We hope it's sunny for a long time too!
  22. Oh, please, please don't blame yourself. So many random things happen, and sometimes they have tragic, unexpected results. We've had a lot of fosters. They are all different, and new, and still adjusting. One of our fosters bit Calvin in the face. One we had a few months ago almost killed one of my cats. You just can't predict what might happen. I know that this is logical, but what you are feeling now is from the heart and not the brain. It's very hard to think logically when you are in shock and in pain. Please know that you are in many thoughts and prayers. I'm so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet Trooper.
  23. It's sad that your first post was in Remembrance, but it's true that there is a lot of comfort here. Thank-you for sharing his beautiful pictures. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Trevor.
  24. Bless you for taking Shelby into your home in her senior years. I'm so sorry for her sudden passing.
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