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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Aw, your special boy was meant to be with you. How huge his loss must be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jakie.
  2. Reading all of these posts, it's clear that Arrow brought much happiness to so many people, even those who only knew him in cyberspace. There are some special ones who touch your heart, and he was one of those. What a wonderful life he had with you. Though his loss leaves a huge empty space, I hope that memories of those smiles, and the joy you were able to share, will ease your pain a bit. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Arrow.
  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. This must have been terribly difficult for you. Sometimes everything we do, every way we try to keep them safe and healthy, just isn't enough, and it's not our fault, or yours. He knew how much you loved him.
  4. No wonder your heart is broken. Two sweet angels gone in the space of under 4 months seems like too much to bear. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Moose and Duke.
  5. I wouldn't say ravenous, but she has a real good appetite.
  6. I could have written this post about my Polly, except she'll be 13 on July 4th. She looks so bony to me too, though she seems to be holding steady at 52 pounds every time we bring her back for a check-up. We've had her to the vets 4 times. And we've done the bloodwork, urinalysis, fecal, thyroid panel, lots of different meds, etc. Nothing remarkable, except finding the heart murmur, and knowing she needs a dental, but isn't a good candidate for it. We're at the point where we'll keep giving her all the food she wants, and just keep an eye on her for other changes, or signs she's in pain.
  7. Yeah, mine's been liquid on the shelf for the last week or so. It does harden back up in the fridge, but I noticed it has a slightly different consistency. I guess this is okay? I've been giving it to Polly and Lydia, but haven't noticed much difference in their coats. They are pretty soft, but still shedding like crazy. But it sure can't hurt. Think I'll try it on Calvin's pads too. It was more expensive at our Giant Eagle supermarkets ($9.00)---I'll check out Trader Joe's. And the Alberto VO tip sounds good.
  8. Not only happy, but really smart! He knew how to pick the perfect Mom and how to make her happy. What a lovely dog he must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Skeeterbug.
  9. Oh, my gosh, your tribute made me laugh and cry at the same time. I'm sure that's just the kinda guy Yvain was. What a huge presence he was in your home and heart, and what a huge empty space his sudden passing has left. I think the smiles contained in his wonderful tribute are the beginnings of more smiles to come---days when you realize you haven't cried, and finally, when there are more smiles than tears. How well you understood him, how deeply you loved him, and how blessed you were to have shared your life with such an exceptional dog. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Yvain.
  10. Hi Ann, please don't feel like you are facing this alone. As others have said, the osteo thread has a wealth of information, as well as support, which is often just as valuable. I remember the first time I dealt with osteo, back in 2004, when I had NO info, and felt such an avalanche of emotions that I thought of nothing else every day, and didn't know which way to turn. By mostly luck and Winnie's stubborn streak, I think, I made the right decision. But you know your precious boy best, and whatever decision you make will be the right one for you. Having as much info as you can helps, of course, and then you just do what is best for Bodhi. I think this time is the hardest because you are going over so many possibilities in your mind, and have no clear answers. Then when you get a diagnosis, that is hard too, but your next step is coming up with a plan. I think that makes it a bit easier because you have something to focus on. And you will have a lot of support from those (too many) who have walked this path as well. Please let us know what you find out, how he's doing, and how YOU are doing!
  11. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tractor. The suddenness and that he was young makes it doubly hard, and adds an extra layer to your grief.
  12. What a wonderful, unique dog she must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tess.
  13. I loved reading Blossom's story. Sometimes things are just meant to be, and a dog ends up in exactly the right family. Blossom was wise enough to realize this when she made her decision all those ago. And she enriched your life in so many ways. I'm so sorry your parents couldn't be with her, and so sorry your family lost their precious little lady.
  14. I've dreamed of many of my angel dogs and cats, and it is always very comforting. They are often quiet, normal, funny little stories, and I feel as if we're together again. I really love those dreams, and wish I could always remember them, but sadly, they fade pretty quickly. I do feel lucky, though, that I have them. Christine, I know how you feel about going to Grapehounds. We lost our Nick about 5 days after we came back from Grapehounds in 2005. He went downhill (Addison's and cardiomyopathy) so bewilderingly fast (3 days after we got back), and I couldn't help but associate that last trip with his decline and loss. And we had to put Winnie to sleep the day before we left for Dewey in 2006. That was excruciating. And I cried a lot that trip, partly because everyone was so understanding and sad as well. Many hugs and tears---I guess I needed that. But over time, my feelings have changed and mellowed. I somehow feel close to them at Dewey and Grapehounds because those were such happy times, and they loved being there and being with us so much.
  15. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sarge. It makes you feel so sad and helpless to see them go downhill like that, when you can still feel their spirit but know their bodies have given up. I'm glad you posted the Photobucket link. What a lovely, kind and noble face.
  16. It's amazing how much personality can be inside such a tiny body. He was adorable, and clearly, you were the one he adored! I'm so sorry you lost your precious little guy.
  17. The love you shared shines through in every word of your wonderful tribute. It's clear that the two of you were meant to be together, and you expressed that so eloquently. My heart is aching for you---how you will miss your precious girl. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Dory. And the pictures are beyond beautiful!
  18. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cooper. Having him for such a short time makes it doubly hard. Remember that they live in the moment, and that he knew he was so very loved.
  19. So sad. I always admired his very positive attitude, and thought that his bravery and sense of humor was inspiring. Such a loss.
  20. queenwinniesmom


    What a gorgeous guy he was---incredibly lovely, expressive eyes. The loss of a heart dog is devastating. I'm so sorry.
  21. Billy found his perfect family with you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  22. Beautiful inside and out. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Pepper.
  23. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Wren. Not only was she extraordinary, but she opened your hearts to many others.
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