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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, thanks! We're having a rough time. Her leg was a little swollen, and she was really favoring it for quite a while this afternoon. It had me really worried. But we changed the dressing---not quite the full blown war, but still a battle. We put less on, just the non stick pad with the Dermagel, and some vet wrap. So she started walking more, and putting that leg down. She actually ran to her crate to eat dinner. Her regular vet is off on Mondays, but I'm going to see if I can get her in on Tuesday, if she's still putting weight on the leg and going up and down the steps. If it's worse, we'll try and get in tomorrow. I'm going to ask about Manuka honey, and maybe some Tramadol if the Carprofen doesn't seem like enough. We're letting her out by herself so the other dogs don't get in her way. We tried the wide harness, and Doug walking her down the steps---she would have NONE of that! And this damn weather! We're out cleaning the steps all the time.
  2. I'm so sorry you've gotten this horrible news. It must be devastating, especially since she is so young. I know how you feel. I lost 2 to osteo, and our sweet Patsy was only 6 when we lost her to lymphoma. I agree with what the others have said. I don't think there is a need to wait for a biopsy. In retrospect, I think we waited too long before Winnie's amputation by doing the biopsy and then waiting for the results we knew were coming (even though we got lucky and she had 3 1/2 years after the amp). But she was in pain, and her leg could have broken while we waited. And since the toe amp will be less traumatic than a leg, your vet's plan seems sensible. My Nick had his middle 2 toes amputated because a bad injury that had been allowed to heal in a crippled form. It was up and down after the surgery (losing those 2 toes took away the cushioning from the other pads), but he healed and was fine. You'll get the biopsy, and proceed. As Charlies Dad said, the osteo thread is such a great source of info and support---I hope you introduce yourself there. They can help a lot. Please let us know how your sweet girl is doing, and what you decide. Lola and your family will be in lots of thoughts and prayers.
  3. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ghost. It sounds like you were the perfect family for a big guy who loved the ladies.
  4. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Millie. What a lovely girl she was!
  5. Ah, that's an idea---thanks! We do have Manuka honey that we've used for Polly's sore foot. Doug changed the bandage tonight while I was walking a client's dogs (Greyhounds!). I TOLD him not to do that. She nicked him through the muzzle. Tomorrow, when we re-bandage, I think we should use the honey.
  6. I talked to our vet this morning, and she prefers that it's changed every day so we can keep the Dermagel (I think) on it. The pads say they are no stick. But like Batmom said, I think the drainage made it stick. Maybe as it heals, it will be easier. Wetting the bandage did help a little, but I don't think ANY food would sufficiently distract her! I really appreciate all the good thoughts and suggestions. We'll see how it goes tonight---Doug refuses to admit defeat! But if its' so traumatic for everyone, I'd just as soon take her in to the vets.
  7. Charla, thank-you for sharing Gracie Rose with us, both on Greytalk and in your lovely tribute. I think we all feel as if we knew her, and are sharing your sadness. There is a line from a sympathy card I once received that I think describes her perfectly. "If we measure lives not in time, but in grace, in the joy with which they are lived, and in the love they leave behind, then we have much to learn from Gracie Rose. I'm so sorry you lost your precious dancing lady.
  8. She is doing remarkably well. She's walking fine, and doing the steps with no problem. She's hungry, eating well, and taking her pills. But we have a problem. We have to change the bandage and dressing on the largest wound, every day for a few days. And this is not easy. For any of us. Lydia is a study in contrasts. She is sweet, outgoing, affectionate, charismatic, and just the loveliest dog you could imagine---about 90% of the time. She is also a HUGE drama queen. If you are doing something to her (FOR her), and she doesn't want you to, or it hurts her, she will scream, lunge at you, try to bite you, or try to run away. And changing the bandage involved all four of those reactions. We knew it would be difficult, so we muzzled her first, so at least she didn't manage to bite us, but the GSOD, OMG! If she hadn't had the muzzle on, Doug and I would both be in the ER. I just don't know if we can do this on a regular basis. I felt like I'd been in a war by the time we got the dressing off (stuck to the wound, hard to get loose), got the ointment and dressing re-applied, and the vet wrap around it. I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to call our vet tomorrow to see if we can go a couple days between changes, or if we should suffer through this, or if they could possibly do it at the hospital. Sigh.... Here is what the 2 legs with the staples looked like after the vet appointment. And here is the beautiful girl looking just as sweet as she could possibly be---pre-bandage change.
  9. It's just the fall! It's just the fall! Thank-you all for your good thoughts. Doug and I were so worried. There is no break! But my poor lady, she really banged herself up. She had to have 2 wounds stapled. Another one is minor, no staples or bandages. One couldn't be stapled because the area is too wide. But it is not very deep. That one is bandaged. She is putting weight on that leg, and came up and down the steps well. We'll continue the carprofen twice a day---she's tolerating it well, and is eating. My relief is so great, but I still feel really bad for her---how it must hurt, and how scared she must have been. Thanks again for thinking about my precious girl. Nadir, she is sending some telepathic gentle nuzzles and nose kisses back! ETA Also, I love my vet! She is Grey savvy (has Greys of her own), loves my dogs, and gives us discounts..
  10. What a lovely dog your sweet Missy must have been. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  11. Oh, no! It's devastating to lose them, but when it happens suddenly, it's especially hard. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ike.
  12. Even though she's the oldest at 13, Lydia is normally the best and fastest at going up and down our outside steps. There are 23 of them, and I hate that the dogs (and I) have to go up and down them multiple times a day. Lydia hasn't had any problems, though she, like the others, has slipped a few times. This morning Doug let them out, and Lydia was starting up when Polly came up beside her and threw her off balance. I'm not sure how many steps she went down. I was still in bed, and that's probably a good thing, because I know I would have freaked out if I'd seen it. The poor baby has scrapes on 3 of her legs, some of which look pretty big. She is also limping on her left front leg, which is the one she was limping on back in November (no limping since then). She did come back up the steps, and ran up the inside steps to the bedroom, and onto the bed with me. Doug bandaged her up. She came back down the inside steps, but has been on the couch ever since. Our vet didn't open till 9:30, and our doctor was in surgery all morning. We have an appointment at 3:30. I feel so bad for her, and I'm worried too. She cried when I tried to manipulate that leg. I'm scared to try and make her go downstairs again, without Doug at home. I think I'll wait till we have to leave for the vets. I don't care if she pees in the house. In November, I chose not to X-ray, but I'm thinking we should do that today. The vet had given us carprofen, in case Lydia had more pain. I haven't had to give her any. This morning I gave her 1/2 pill with breakfast, like prescribed. I don't know if it's helped the pain. It doesn't seem like it. I can't help but feel scared. It's the same leg. We need an X-ray. I'm afraid of what it might show. Please, please, please, let it just be from the fall. It's hard enough to see her all scraped up, and in pain, and afraid of the steps. Please keep my precious girl in your thoughts.
  13. We're trying the duct tape on Calvin's 2 corns (both on the same paw). It's been a couple weeks, and one came to the surface. When he wears the Therapaw, it doesn't seem to bother him too much. That video made me cringe. No way would he hold still for that. Think I'd like to try the salicylic acid cream.
  14. Oh, Soren, I'm so sorry you lost your sweet old man. I know he and his sister had a joyful reunion at the Bridge.
  15. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dita. She sure had a long and wonderful life with you. I can picture her and her Mom, kicking butt at the Bridge.
  16. queenwinniesmom


    What a lovely tribute---eloquent, perceptive, funny. I feel as if I knew your sweet "king". I'm so sorry you lost your precious Doubles.
  17. I'm so sorry your friend lost her precious Oscar. He must have been very special to you as well.
  18. Lene', I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rudy.
  19. I'm so sorry you lost the dear companion that you had such a wonderful, complex history with. Rickie's absence will leave a huge empty space, but I'm glad you are able to smile through tears when thinking of his reunion with your Dad.
  20. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bishop.
  21. I keep thinking I need to try sardines, but now I'm going to. I think a can with the oil split 4 ways a couple times a week should be okay. I tried salmon oil (they all have semi-dry coats), but Calvin (who will eat ANYTHING) is the only one who likes it. Buying sardines tomorrow!
  22. I think that writing a tribute for our beloved pets brings some closure, and yours for Shilo was lovely. How blessed you were to have watched him grow from a puppy to the patient, handsome gentleman who shared your life for 14 years. What a huge empty space he will leave. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Shilo.
  23. How heartwrenching to lose your precious girl when you were so far away. I know how it feels---I lost my Nick when he was the same age, and I wasn't with him. Even though your vet was very compassionate to let you speak to her on the phone, and she surely found comfort in your voices, I know that you ached to hold her. I'm so sorry you lost your dear Swiftie.
  24. I'm going to start the duct tape on Calvin's corns today. He has 2 on his left front paw---one big and one small. I'm almost sure he will lick it off, though. He is a compulsive licker! Would it be okay to have his Therapaw on most of the time? Thanks for the info about the Corn/Callus Cream. I'm in Pittsburgh, so I'm going to try to visit when I have a chance.
  25. Ducky, thank-you for being Tessa's angel, and for sharing her with us. She brought smiles to many people. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
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