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Everything posted by Neighsayer

  1. Glad to hear that he has improved. Hoping for treatment options that will give you more time together. Hugs!
  2. Great news! You will work out what you need to do for him.
  3. I secure my pen to closet door knobs and furniture. I don't use the step over narrow door. I have six ex pens. I use them to divide my goat pen, protect the garden, make a small potty area within the dog yard, and around gates. I have some that don't have that built in gate, and prefer those. That gate can be dangerous. I removed that panel from a couple of pens, but had other uses for them to make cleaning the rabbit cage easier. For rehab purposes, I secure the pen in such a way that I can swing away two panels to let the dog in and out, instead of using that narrow opening. You will figure out what works best in your situation. Good luck!
  4. Glad he did ok. Hope recovery is smooth. I use a sling similar to the one pictured for my 12 year old tripod. Feels like walking with a suitcase.
  5. Great news from Dr C! Hope the surgery goes well.
  6. I have also used ex pens instead of a crate for recovering dogs. Thanks for the update. Good luck!
  7. Saw the picture on Facebook. That is a nasty break! As someone already mentioned, recovery from an amp could be easier than recovery from such a bad break. Most dogs do fine on three legs. I have a twelve year old foster who digs holes and runs around the yard on three legs! I hope you have a vet that you trust. Hope you could get better images to Dr C. Don't blame yourself, and take care of yourself. Your dog will need you in either option. Hugs!
  8. In February, I adopted a crazy two year old as a friend for Ace. My other remaining dog was 11, and not interested in playing with Ace. A few weeks ago, I took in a twelve year old tripod as a foster. She loves to play with my two year old!
  9. Try a bite not collar. There are several YouTube videos showing how to make your own if you don't want to buy one. Fold a bath towel in thirds, lengthwise, and wrap it around the neck. Secure it with vet wrap or tape. No cone in front of the face, but can't turn the head enough to get at the area. I brought my two broods home with cones after their spays but switched to bite not after one day. I had one actual bite not collar, and used a towel for the other girl.
  10. Carpo flex x is the one she showed me...with sheepskin lining. She doesn't need support to keep the foot from turning under, just support to cushion the impact when she runs around.
  11. I have been posting photos on Facebook of my twelve year old foster with one front leg. An animal physical therapist contacted me, and recommended the therapaw brace to provide support for her front leg. She sent photos of greyhounds in full flight wearing one. Has anyone used one? I work with disabled people, and these look like the splints that my wheelchair clients wear to walk. It makes sense that it would work on dogs. Thoughts...
  12. I've only had my crazy two year old for six weeks, so I have t been working on commands. She is a friendly and confidant dog who may make a good therapy dog when she chills out a bit. My original hound, Mickey, was a great therapy dog. He won best in class in his basic obedience class. The instructor has been in business for years. He had never awarded best to a greyhound, and before the class started, he would have bet a lot of money that he never would! Mickey was a natural! Loved to learn in any environment. Not all dogs are like that. Give your kid more time. It may or may not happen the way you want.
  13. I'm so sorry that you got this news. Hope you have lots of good time left.
  14. Ace is gone! My big, goofy, happy, popular meeter and greeter. He had a huge mass on his colon, about the size of a nerf football! It came out of nowhere! I'm still in shock. He ate very little for two days, and didn't poop. He was lethargic, and started pacing and panting. I was expecting a simple case of constipation. Probably colon cancer, but I didn't bother with a biopsy. He couldn't survive with it in him, and they don't put dogs on colostomy bags! I took in Ace and CeeCee when their owner died in 2013. I lost CeeCee to osteo in December. I lost Misty to a brain tumor in November, and Micky died in his sleep in September. I was so not ready for this one! At a meet and greet, Ace would approach people from ten feet away. He would lean on them until they pet him, and would continue to lean as they walked away. He was always smiling. He loved all people, and all dogs, but was terrified of the cat at the vet office. He enjoyed wearing silly hats and costumes, and was thrilled when people made a big deal over him. He never met a food that he didn't like, and went for several non food items when he could. If I was missing a hat, slipper, scarf, glove or book, I knew I could find it in the dog pen or stuck in the dog door. When I sat down to put on my sneakers, he would walk away with one while I was still tying the other. He watched over the property, and would let me know if one of the goats got out. He slept on my bed every night, and would put his head on my lap when I was on the couch. He took a huge chunk of my heart when he left. This is a tough one! Would someone please update his greyhound data page? My name is already on there. Just add that he was loved and will be missed! Thanks
  15. I loved Darcy and Duffy. How sad!
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