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Everything posted by Neighsayer

  1. You can also get it in tack shops and feed stores since it is used on horses. Pretty messy. How did you keep from getting it on floors and furniture?
  2. I got Meeka at age 11 after her owner died. She had already had kidney disease for two years. She refused all the "right" foods, so I fed her whatever she would eat. She died of something else at 12.5. We went through eggs, chicken, tuna, baby food, peanut butter, cat food, cream cheese, yogurt, milk, ensure, and anything else that worked. Make sure she is eating, try anything she will eat, and keep in touch with your vet. My Misty recently stopped eating, and we went through all of the above, and more. She would only eat if I hand fed her while she was flat on her bed. At the end, she was only eating raw ground beef, scrambled eggs, and ensure. She wasn't eating enough to sustain herself, and lost five pounds per week for the last two weeks. She was so skinny and weak that I had to let her go. The vets think she probably had a brain tumor. Try what you can, but watch what is going on besides refusing food. Keep an eye on her quality of life. In my case, Meeka was a happy, active dog until the end. Misty went downhill in two weeks. Besides not eating, she was lethargic and looked miserable. She was at the hospital once a week, had lots of tests, but was not responding to anything we tried. I'm so sorry that you are at this point, but it does sound like you are at the try anything just in case stage. Don't worry about the right good at this point. Spoil her and make sure that she is comfortable. It does sound like you are running out of time. Hugs!
  3. Im so sorry! I had to let my CeeCee go last week, just three days after diagnosis. I hope you have more time, that you can control the pain, and the bone doesn't break! Osteo sucks!
  4. I agree with possible neck or spine issues, and would hope for those. I lost two from osteo in the shoulder. Tucker's didn't show up on films for months, and then his shoulder looked like Swiss cheese. Have you checked for corns? Trying to keep a corn pad from hurting could cause a limp, and the change in gait could cause pain higher up. Good luck! Hope you can get to the bottom of it, and that it's an easy fix!
  5. Missing her! She was such a big part of GT for so long! Hugs!
  6. I just had to put down my nine year old earlier this week. the osteo was in her shoulder. Her X-ray didn't look too bad yet, so I brought her home with serious drugs. She was in so much pain this weekend, even all drugged up, that I had to let her go. I thought my main worry would be the chance of a break, was not expecting the quick increase in pain. I had another dog that I put down at diagnosis. He had been limping off and on for months, but there was an initial injury from chasing a bird. We kept treating him for a sprain. His shoulder looked like Swiss cheese, and my vet was amazed that he hadn't suffered a break. I had four other active dogs, a doggie door, and a small house. I didn't want to come home from work to a dog in more pain from a broken leg. Looks like amputation is not a good option for you. Please start the Gabapentin soon. Love your baby, but be ready for a break or a spike in pain. It is hard to walk on three legs with shoulder pain. They need the shoulder to move. Most dogs limp, then hold the paw up, and later just let it hang down due to the pain of holding it up. Then the paw drags on the ground, causing even more pain. Whatever you decide is the right decision. Decide, do it, and don't look back. There should be no regrets. You are doing what you need to do to prevent your dog from living with serious pain. Your dog doesn't know that there could have been a few more good days. That is the agony we put ourselves through. Hug your dog and hug yourself! It's never easy. It hurts Sooo much to do the right thing!
  7. I second manuka honey. Good luck!
  8. Osteo stole another grey baby today! Cancer sucks! CeeCee only ran one race. She knew that retirement was the life she wanted. I adopted CeeCee and Ace in February 2013. I had recently lost two dogs on the same day, and these two needed a home together because their owner had died. Five dogs was a number that worked for me for years. This past Labor Day, I lost Mickey. He was 12, and died in his sleep. A week before Thanksgiving, I lost 11 year old Misty to a brain tumor. Last night, CeeCee let me know that she was done fighting! This morning, the dogs had hamburgers at CeeCee's farewell breakfast. Ace and Gigi waited with her in the living room. When the vet arrived, CeeCee made her final trip outside. CeeCee was the last dog I had with a full tail. Now I have two stubbies here. Losing three since Labor Day was tough! I am ready for this year to end! Hug your hounds! Would someone please update her greyhound data page? Thanks!
  9. Two out of nine here. Mickey would growl and snap, but grew out of it. Maybe he got used to my movements on the bed, or maybe he just started sleeping more soundly as he got older. Ace growls and lunges or jumps up. Every once in a while he air snaps. I've had him two years, but he has only been on the bed every night since I lost the other two bed sleepers in September and November. He usually does it at least once a night, unless I make sure that he is aware that I'm getting into the bed. I have a tempurpedic mattress, so he probably isn't aware of my movements until I actually touch him.
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