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Everything posted by Neighsayer

  1. There is a greyhounds with SLO Facebook group with many personal experiences with dealing with it.Mickey lost all his nails within three months. After that, he could go several months without losing one, and often it was only one or two.
  2. The ultrasound might be the next step. They did an ammonia test today because those numbers could indicate liver issues. We are also going to increase her bp meds and try anipryl for a bit. She has lost five pounds since last week, but was a little more interested in food this morning and last night. I've started adding vanilla ensure to her dish when she starts eating on her own. She did eat last night, and probably ate close to her normal amount yesterday. I had to hand feed her on her bed this morning, but she ate a 5 ounce hamburger patty and some yogurt. She has been eating eggs scrambled with cheese, so I'm going to use ensure instead of milk in her egg tomorrow. I went out to lunch after her appointment today. I chopped up my leftover steak and combined it with mashed potatoes. Hope she will eat that.
  3. The blood pressure equipment is very expensive and quite sensitive. Her blood pressure was 220 last week before they increased the meds. The docs suggested that we could see an improvement n a few days if the high bp was the cause. They take into account that it could be higher at the hospital than at home. 220 there could be 200 at home. They also take three readings, and use the middle one. We bring her blanket from home and get her settled before they do it. They have also started using headphones because the noise of the equipment would sometimes scare her. I had asked about having it taken by my local vet, but he doesn't have the doplar equipment.
  4. What did they do for her? I don't want to put her under so they can tell me that her brain is old. I know that! I had an MRI for Suds, as well as a spinal tap, and they never did figure out what was wrong. I had to let him go because they couldn't control his pain. It's been over two years, but I still regret putting him through that. I spent $6000 and had no idea what was wrong with my dog! I'm hoping to try meds to reduce her anxiety. It's like she knows something is not right, and gets upset. Two or three times today I found her standing in the corner. I did get her to eat a little more today, but it was tough. She also forgets her routine. I call the dogs to go out, she comes with the others, walks out on the deck and comes back in. If she does go down in the yard, she sometimes just stands and shakes. I have to walk her around to get her to pee.
  5. Misty is being seen at Northstar. She saw a neurologist last week. We go back tomorrow. MRI? What would it show? What was going on with Onyx? It's just so sad watching her!
  6. Misty is an 11 year old broodie with hypertension. Five weeks ago, she came in from the yard with a front limp. She was holding the foot up and panting by evening, and still limping in the morning, but not as much. However, she was pacing, panting, shaking, and had a drippy nose.. By the time we got to the vet later, she was no longer limping. The vet manipulated her all over and could not get a pain response. He explained that the shaking could be many things. Since she was due for blood pressure check in a week, we put off blood work, and just went with rimidyl. She got worse a week before her appointment, so we went to the specialty hospital on an emergency basis. She was pacing, panting, nose dripping, shaking, and not eating. She would stand on her bed for over an hour, just shaking and not going down. Her blood pressure was high, so they increased her meds. She was seen by internal medicine and neurology, and did blood and urine testing. Nothing was found, lab work was perfect, and they suggested that she may get better with the increase in meds. My vet had already tested for TBD with negative results. She had lost 8 pounds in six months. She has been on the higher dose of meds for a week now. She shakes almost all the time, sometimes she just vibrates. She has always been a shaker, but usually only one leg at a time. I stopped taking her to meet and greets because people would comment that she must be cold or scared. Her litter mate is also a shaker. She continues to act confused and depressed. She pants and paces with her head down and tail tucked. I have to hand feed her, and she refuses most food she used to like. For the last two days, she has been standing in corners for an hour at a time. She has lost more weight and is miserable. She goes back to the hospital tomorrow. What should be the next step? This seems to have all come about within the last couple of months. Before that, she did shake, and had been slowing down some, but now she is a mess. I have to put a bit of food between her lips and teeth to get her to eat most meals. Saturday and Sunday she probably ate less than a cup each day. Monday was less than that. Yesterday I got her to eat an egg and some peanut butter in the morning. At dinner, she actually ate from her sisters dish. She probably had close to two cups of food yesterday...her regular amount. Today she won't eat. She won't play, and no longer greets me when I come in. She has no life! Suggestions?
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