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Long-distance road trip

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Greetings! First time posting, new greyhound Mum to a 5yr brindle female, Twiggy. 

We are planning a road trip from Austin, TX to Minneapolis, MN. It's about a 16hr drive and we're hoping to do it in two days. We've never done this with a dog though and we've had Twiggy for 6 weeks. We've done lots of car rides but only up to an hour at a time. I have a few long drives planned before we get to our travel date. She's always done really well but I'm starting to get cold feet. Is this too much too soon? 

Travel specific questions:

1. Have you done a road trip this long with a grey before?

2. Is it advisable to get an interstate travel certificate? (saw this advertised on a vet website)

3. Any safety/comfort tips for keeping her cozy?

Appreciate any and all opinions, comments, concerns, advice. 

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Mostly our dogs sleep on long road trips.  We would stop for them to get out and pee and maybe drink some water.  They were better on long trips than I.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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If you have copies of her vet records and vaccines you should not need a travel certificate. Make sure she has ID on her AT ALL TIMES! I assume you are taking her food, some people also take bottled water, but I never did. Give her a nice comfy place to sleep and that is probably what she will do :D. I took my dogs out to pee anytime I stopped for myself, sometimes they did, sometimes not. If you are staying in a motel on the trip I would not leave her alone in the room. 
I haven’t done too many long trips with my dogs, but many on here do it all the time, I am sure they will add whatever I have forgotten.

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You've only had her for 6 weeks. Does she have to come on this trip? Could her adoption group/foster family dogsit for you?


-tags with your cell phone number on a tag collar. If she backs out of a martingale and the tags are on that there goes your contact info. Make sure collar fits properly, use a carabiner to also secure collar to leash.

- never open a car door unless you have her leashed and that leash is in your hand

- always have the window locks activated

- have a photo of her and photos of all vet records/labwork on your phone

- know that motel doors all have lever handles. One paw swipe and she's out the door.

- research emergency vet clinics along your route.

- are you visiting friends/family? Educate them on preventing escapes while visiting.

-  make sure she potties before you hit the road. No need to stop every couple of hours to see if she has to pee. By the time you need to go and gas up, then she can go.

- bring stuff to clean your car if she barfs

- are you going through any states that may require YOU quarantine?

- prepare a basic Lost Greyhound flyer that you can have printed at any Staples store. Greyhound outline rather than a photo + cell phone number.

- read the information on the Greyhound Amber Alert subforum in the Everything Else Greyhound section

I did lost greyhound searches for eastern North Carolina for many many years, hence my angst over lost greyhounds. They can escape in the blink of an eye.

Edited by macoduck


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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I love traveling with dogs.  Main problem I have had in road trips in summer is the heat.  Sun beating down on highway rest-stop pavement can be brutal.  Sounds like there will be more than 1 human, so that helps.  You won't have to leave the dogs in the car while you dash into the bathroom.

I'd think about options.  Do you want a hotel with interior hallways that will help prevent a dog dashing out the door into the parking lot, or do you want a direct access door for frequent midnight potties?  Make reservations not at just one but two dog-friendly hotels, just in case.  And call ahead to make sure your reservation will be honored/or to cancel.  Take a sheet to put over the hotel bed, assuming Twiggy will be allowed to lounge in the comfort she deserves.  Always err on the side of cool.  Take some small fans to help cool down, and at least one of them battery-powered in case your car goes on the blink.  I would take lots of water.  Mine never drink it while car traveling, but it's good for cooling them down by spraying on their bodies and feet.  I put down an old shower curtain on the car seat, underneath all the bedding, in case nervous barf or poop happens.  My car trunk always has a "squawker," a hunting device that sounds like a wounded animal, that I have trained my dogs means they get a treat if they come running in response to it.  

And enjoy your trip and all the new greyhound converts Twiggy will make!  


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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One more thing you might bring if you have room is an adjustable baby gate to put in the door to the outside if you book a room with direct outside access.  That way, no matter who opens the door or why, there is a barrier to prevent your hound from bolting.  You want to place it a bit off the floor to gain height, but not so much that your girl can escape underneath.  This gate is insurance only, you don't want to leave the door open and rely on the gate alone to keep her in.

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We’re in the UK so travel here is a bit different as we don’t have to worry about crossing state boundaries. The longest journey we’ve done with ours is about five hours and he handled that no problem. I’m confident he could go for longer. Sometimes the only way to find out is to give it a try. It sounds like you’re planning on building up to that really big journey which will give you an idea of how well she handles it.
Ours travels in the boot of our car, and as long as we keep the temperature at a good level for him, he’s perfectly comfortable, although we might have to wear an extra layer to stay warm! The boot is lined with veterinary bedding and with a thin memory foam bed on top of that and that seems to fine for him. 
We’ve never had to stop overnight but I would treat the hotel the same way as any new place that I would take him too with regards to security/escapology.

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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On 8/9/2020 at 9:52 AM, EllenEveBaz said:

We started taking her places straight away and she's always done super. Texas heat is no joke though. We have temps over 100 this whole week. Pro-tips noted for packing extra sheet, shower curtain, fans, and water. Thank you!



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On 8/5/2020 at 5:42 PM, macoduck said:

Twiggy doesn't have to come. We had flights booked and decided to cancel though because she's adjusted so well. Checked the state rules after you mentioned it and we won't need to self-quarantine on arrival. Thanks for prompting me to check on that. LOTS of helpful notes. Really, really appreciate the thoughtfulness that everyone puts in to the replies. 

"- prepare a basic Lost Greyhound flyer that you can have printed at any Staples store. Greyhound outline rather than a photo + cell phone number.

- read the information on the Greyhound Amber Alert subforum in the Everything Else Greyhound section"



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I can't believe we forgot to list a basic first aid kit with stuff primarily for cuts, tick removal, and tummy troubles.   Something you can use for a temporary splint.  

I hope you'll love traveling with your hound as much as I do.  Their quiet behavior, willingness to go with the flow, and interested reactions to new things and people adds a really enjoyable aspect to travelling.  I also think having a hound along makes me a safer driver -- I'm not as willing to take chances and I stop more often for potty breaks, even though they can hold it longer than I can.   


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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i did a 13 hr trip w/ my first grey, Emily, a short time after adopting her. she was GREAT!!!! but she had 168 races behind her and was hauled in her career from Ct to Tx/AK/KS. 

we took felix at 9 months on a 12 hr trip from NY to Bloomington, IN with Emily. Emily let him know what appropiate behavior was on a haul.

Both Annie and Felix have driven from NY to San Antonio numerous times, no problem. Also NY to Sarasota, FL.

The only dog who stressed out was our current whippet, Lettuce. She behaved beautifully in the van. But it was either stress or possibly(the vets won't agree to my theory) worming from Drontal Plus during our 4 day journey from NY to Denver. She sprung a 105 temp- ER vet saved her. who knows?? Lepto? Lyme? Stress? Fever of unknown origin?

Just make sure the AC is turned up on high. I hang a water bucket from the front head rest facing rear- ice cubes and water in it. I use martingale leash combo, just slip it over the head before opening any car doors at rest stops and drive. I normally do not fee canned food but for traveling it entices them to eat and has extra moisture in it. 

They do sell clip on fans to keep the air circulating in the back of the car. We had a battery operated fan that died(returned it) that kept the van cooler.

And YES to a simple first aid kit. Vet wrap, quick stopp, roll of gauze, triple antibiotic ointment and a adult and if you can baby sock. if you have it, you will never need it. I see your in austin, driving night or day? i spent 4 summers teaching in san antonio. i know what you are talking about. as few pitt stops as possible- black top is HOT!!!

Edited by cleptogrey
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  • 3 weeks later...

I took Stella from Alberta to Detroit over 4 days. She laid quietly most of the way and was an angel in the hotels. She even got permission to lay under the table at an outdoor patio restaurant!! She hates the heat too so I like to lay a cool wet hand towel over her sometimes and she seems to like that. Crossing the border was no trouble and they didn't ask to see her vaxx papers. They were more concerned with the ingredients of her dog food, which they studied the label closely. 

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One thing that's pretty common is that they often will not drink when you make a rest stop.  I always offer water, but they mostly turn it down.  When we get to the hotel later they will eat and tank up on water.  Seems to be a pretty regular thing when we do longer trips so I don't worry about them not drinking during the ride if they turn down the water. 


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just made that trip (actually longer, went down to the Valley and it was roundtrip) with my Allie over Christmas.

I rented a minivan, folded away the middle seats and laid down beds and blankets (top layer cheap fleece blankets that I got for $2) so Allie had plenty of room.  There was no way I could get Allie and all the stuff we needed for a two week trip through all 4 seasons in my car.  I put a baby gate in the passenger side sliding door; just in case I pushed the wrong button.

Packing:  Allie had three bags (tote bags)

Go bag:  stayed close always; within reach in the car and also taken into the hotel.  Had leashes (multiple lengths), medications and first aid kit, folding water bowl, bottle of water, treats, trash bags and pack of wet wipes (in case she got car sick), a hand towel (for wiping feet before getting back in the car), extra roll of poop bags, vaccination records, squawker

Hotel bag:  food and water bowls, food for the overnight (she really didn't eat much on the trip), jammies/outerwear if season change for next day, toy

Extras bag:  jammies/outerwear not in use, food for remainder of trip, extra small blankets (in case she got sick in the car)


I didn't get a vet certificate, but I did get a copy of her rabies certificate and a full vaccination record signed by her vet. 

For medications:  I always keep rimadyl (arthritis) and metronidazole/flagyl (stress diarrhea) on hand.  Allie gets car sick, so dramamine is a must (her dose is 2 to 4 tablets per 8 hours).  She is also thunderphobic, so trazadone is always on hand.  I also always keep gas-x in the first aid kit.


We stopped every couple of hours, at rest stops as much as possible.  Allie was invited inside the gift shop a couple times to say hello.  I only left her in the car alone when I had to use the restroom.  Allie loved and hated the hotels.  Loved that she got an entire bed (covered by her blanket) to herself; hated because of all the noise.  She was unnerved by all the noises in the hall, doors slamming, etc.   Once we got to the hotels and settled in, I just ordered Doordash for myself.  Every hotel we stayed at had a chain or other extra type lock.  I did engage those as the doors had lever style handles.  A lot of hotels have removed carpeting from the rooms; the floors were all laminate.  If you pup has difficulty on slick floors, maybe take something to put down.  I used one of Allies beds to give her a spot to get a grip to jump on the big bed.  I avoided leaving her alone in the room as much as possible, but it was unavoidable since I was traveling alone.  Although there was one front desk clerk who begged and was thrilled to hold on to her while I unloaded the car.  


AMF All for One "Allie" (1/15/2010 - 3/25/22)

Color Print "Davis" (1/29/2009 - 2/24/19)

Craigie Skynyrd "Zipper" 

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