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Ava Visit Went Badly And She Has 103.8 Fever

Guest avadogner

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Guest GreytOD

Sending healing thoughts for Ava.


Have you tried putting a heating pad around her hips? I have bad hips myself and the winter makes the pain much worse because of the cold- much worse than NSAIDs can help. Heat makes a world of difference though- especially dry heat. I love my rice heating pad. Maybe it can offer her some relief. :grouphug

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My heart is aching for Ava, you and your entire family. It is so hard to think of losing them. I always try to restore the quality of life, as you are doing, but never want them to suffer. I pray you can make her comfortable, bring back that spark in her eye so you can have more time together.


Would like to also weigh in on the possible addition of gabapentin. It can be a godsend and frequently used in combo with NSAIDs & tramadol. The color of that blow out in the vet's hallway would worry me very much. Sending hopes for acceptable results from the lab work & prayers for pain relief.

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I hope the new pain meds can help, and if acupuncture is an option for you (don't know if there is anyone in your area), I would highly recommend it. My first grey had very similar issues to Ava, plus heart disease, and the acupuncture gave her another (mostly good) 10 months. :bighug

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Guest LokisMom

More prayers for Ava.


I wanted to weigh in on the option of putting her to sleep. I am not saying do or don't do so. We had an older dog with osteo who we chose to just pain manage until the pain became too great. Everyone(including people on GT) kept saying that I would know when it was time and I thought they were crazy. How could I ever make a decision like that? But it turned out they were right. I looked into his eyes one day and knew it was time. There was just something on his look. I could tell he was ready and keeping him alive longer would have been for me, not for his sake. If/when it is time you will know.


Another wise GTer also told me better a day too early than a day too late. If she is in perpetual pain and the options for treatment are exhausted or not working, you'll make the best decision you can for her. You love her enough to do right for her when that time comes. Which I hope for your sake isn't for years yet.

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Alicia, in so many responses to me, you have shared how Ava helped you through so much - and your post here regarding her loving vigil with you brought me to tears.


Whatever the outcome (and I hope that it is a positive one), you are both better beings for have founding each other. No matter what, when you hold her, she knows that she is held with love.


Please keep us posted.






Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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I am sorry that you and your girl are having this struggle right now. Also, tramadol and an NSAID is not a death sentence. Fuzzy is only 6 years old and we were told that he might be on deramax and tramadol, long term. He didn't do well on the deramax and has been on yucca and an occasional tramadol or gabapentin now for a while and is doing well (except for his sheath infection, totally unrelated).


Could you try yucca? You are your dog's best friend and have her trust and love. Whatever you decide is the right decision for you and her. I wish you both the best.

Edited by Houndtime

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
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103 sounds fearfully high, since our own temps are supposed to be 98.5, but for a dog, it's really not. I can't believe someone in a vet's office told you it shouldn't be higher than 101.


Me either. :dunno I was taught that 101.5 is normal for dogs and you can give them a little leeway for stress etc.


I have one suggestion which may be useful .. well, two actually, although your vet should be able to rule out septic arthritis, I would think. I've seen an old girl with this - believe it or not her owner was not thinking of taking her to the vet, until I commented on her joints and felt the heat and was shocked. She made a good recovery after a long bout of antibiotics. When I saw her she was dull eyed and looked five years older than her age, but she did well.


Anyway, my possibly useful thought is this. It is now possible to get stem cell treatment for dogs with seriously bad arthritis which has resulted in huge loss of cartilege, causing major pain for them. What they do is anaesthetise your dog and take her own abdominal fat cells to obtain the stem cells, they culture them, and introduce the stem cells into the hip joint. Apparently, this has a very high success rate and eliminates - or greatly reduces - pain. It's expensive, and insurance might not cover it, also they might want to do one joint at a time, but I know they are doing this in the US, and I've already made tentative enquiries at my vet for Sid, who has a little arthritis in his one functional hip. My vet is quite pro the idea, though it's by no means routine over here yet. I think they do it at Newmarket for horses, but not dogs yet.


These are the people who do it - Vet-Stem


It's something you could perhaps ask about, if it turns out that hip pain is her main problem. Poor old girl - I do feel for you both, and send you my best wishes.


Edited to provide a more accurate link, to the original company instead of a vet group. ;)

Edited by silverfish


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Am adding my prayers & hopes to everyone else's.......


At this point, I would try nsaids, tramadol, gabapentin, anything to ease her pain.


We're all thinking of you tonight & hoping for the best.


Kathy, DesiRay, Skeeter

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Just checking in to see how Ava is doing today.


Sending healing and comforting thoughts.




Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest avadogner

Hi GT Friends,


First i want to say how amazed I am with all the kind thoughts and prayers :bow :bow I have always said that anyone who loves a greyhound is a special person. As many of y'all have figured out I am a talker. I talk out my issues and god bless who has to listen to my verbal diarhrea.:arpr




Last night was horrible but today has been better. Ava seems to be more comfortable.:clap She has stopped panting and her fever has resolved. Our vet called today and the news was good. No signs of infection, renal and hepatic labs WNL. Her hematocrit was elevated so I know she is a little deyhdrated and I've been pushing fluids with her. Her white blood cell counts were good and there were no shifts in the bands. My vet and I feel her issues are pain based. We are to continue the tramadol and switching off the Rymadyl to Mobic.


She ate a whole bottle of Ensure with a half cup of her Blue Buffalo GF Salmon kibble. It's the biggest meal she has had in 4 days.:banana She even chewed on a bully stick for a few minutes. So in my book, that is a huge improvement. When I went to the pharmacy and came home, she was standing up wagging her tail with her Augie and happy to see me. I cried tears of joy to see her up and moving without being hunched over and tail tucked.


I will keep y'all posted on Ava and my condition. I am going to enjoy each moment we have. My mom is office manager for a much respected Chiropractor and they have a Reiki specialist, massage therapist and and herbalist. The chiropractor is a huge animal lover (has a farm with horses, dogs and cats) and rescue supporter. I am going to see if she can treat Ava or recommend someone who can. I appreciate the advice about stem cells and hip surgery but to my sadness, they are not financial options for us. My monthly pharmacy bill (with BCBS and medicare) is over $700.. All our extra money goes to my medical bills. I really wish I could give her more time with those options but we are barely getting by.


Thank you again for all your kind thoughts and prayers. It really helped me to get all my feelings out. Being owned by greyhound is such a unique experience that sometimes friends and family don't fully get how strongly connected we are to our hounds. Pity party is over and now it's time to take care of my best girl and goofy boy. Day to Day until she gives me the sign. I would rather be one day early than a day too late. I wish I could reschedule my surgery on the 21st but I have to go on with it. Hopefully Ava will be ok staying with her grandparents (who she adores) until I get out of the hospital. Our vet is a family friend and said he would make a house call if needed during my hospital stay.

thanks again,

ava and augie's mum



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That is a very good update. Praying the improvements continue moving in the right direction. I know it must have been amazing to see her standing up & waggy tailed when you returned. Tears of joy were certainly appropriate. The right pain control can work wonders. Go Ava!

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