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Doolin Needs Some Healing Thoughts

Guest zombrie

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Guest zombrie

Doolin started doing this:



After I ended this video, he started running around trying to eat everything.. his bed, the couch, etc. And then proceeded to vomit 4 times. We put him in the car and may have gone over the speed limit getting him to the vet.


The vet looked down his throat and saw nothing but a scratch (of course Doolin screamed bloody murder when the vet opened his mouth, being the big baby that he is). He believes Doolin scratched his trachea and occasionally spasms. He said it can become dangerous if this continues tomorrow morning. If it continues, it is off to the E vet. He cannot eat or drink anything, because it will make him vomit. And he cannot eat anything until the trachea heals to avoid infection(he can have yogurt).


Keep Doolin in your thoughts. I HATE the waiting game.


By the way, the vet loved that I videoed Doolin doing this, he wishes everyone did that

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Oh, no! Poor Doolin!!

Feel better soon, handsome boy!!


Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest zombrie

Poor guy, how is he supposed to stay hydrated if he can't drink?


Whoops, didn't mention. He can have ice cubes tonight and if all goes well he can drink normally tomorrow

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Guest zombrie

I'm googling trying to find something...has he eaten anything out of the ordinary? Perhaps it's a stomach issue, and not throat?


Thanks for looking! It's definitely his throat, you can actually see the scratches start in the back of his mouth.

He isn't one that eats things, but you never know, he is still pretty new to us. We have a theory that it is the treat he was given earlier. It was really hard and ate it really fast


He seemed to have calmed down a lot and his "bouts" weren't so bad. But now he is back to pacing and trying to eat everything in sight, which is completely not like him (he is muzzled)

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Many well wishes from our house to Doolin!




Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest LindsaySF

Thinking good thoughts for you guys.


My boy Cody has had a few tracheal spasm attacks in the past. Usually in the middle of the night of course. Also a few coughing attacks which turned into spasms. It starts out from something irritating his throat (we usually don't discover what it was, though one time I suspect a piece of rabbit hay, another time I suspect a piece of chicken jerky that wasn't properly chewed). Then he has an attack, which stresses him out, which affects his breathing, which makes him panic, which makes more spasms happen, it just snowballs. For him the best way to snap him out of it is to distract him with a potty trip outside, or give him a cookie. (The swallowing motion seems to help "reset" things). He's never had an attack severe enough to warrant an e-vet visit thankfully. Of course if Doolin is also vomiting, then feeding him might not help and probably isn't recommended.


I'll throw this out there, since I come from seizure-land with Sophie. It's also possible it was a focal seizure (which affects a certain part of the body/certain muscle groups, in Doolin's case the throat muscles and lip-licking). Sophie's focals manifest as either jaw-chomping and swallowing, or head shaking side to side. She's still conscious and aware of her surroundings, and she'll walk around while her head and jaws are moving on their own. A tracheal spasm is far more likely given that you can visualize the throat scratches, but I mention it because the frantic eating of things (including furniture) makes me think of the post-ictal state.







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