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Update on Wonder: He's still eating very well, going outside....not necessarily when everyone else does but will pick and choose when he wants to join them (when he really has to go).


This week his vet said you can really see the tumor and it has grown very big this week and is pronounced.




He is still on the Metacam, Tramadol and Pepcid. He looked so peaceful tonight that I took a picture of him which took my breath away. I can only imagine what the light is....any ideas? Is it his time soon or a light of comfort? There wasn't anything that could have been a reflection. Somehow, it brings both comfort and sadness. I just don't know what to make of it. Any thoughts?



Alice (missing 12/7/05), Wonder and Ben


And our beloved Bridge Kids... Inky, Maui, Murphy, Ragamuffin, Della and Natalie

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Lucy had a rough night/morning.


I'm sad to read this! I hope Lucy feeling better today. Please give Lucy :grouphug from us and for you too!


Tiny now has Rimadyl, Tramadol and Gabapentin on board. It seems to be helping a lot. He's now working on a CET chew with great gusto. There is noticeable swelling in his leg. I think those zoomie photos I posted in Cute and Funny (Linky) will be his last. Not sure I want to allow him to run, even if he feels up to it. If he breaks his leg or breaks his shoulder he's done.


I am glad to hear Tiny is more comfortable now. I hope the swelling it just from his zoomies and will go away quickly.


I feel the same was about Callie, if she breaks another leg, I don't even want to say it. :weep




I've had dreams about her again the last 2 nights too, makes the wound feel so fresh when I wake up and realize all over that she's gone. :angry:


I have had those dreams too, they're awful. :weep:bighug




After Friday when the vet closed the wound and put in a suction drain tube, Dude didn't bounce back as quickly as he had before. Saturday he was very drugged up and feeling down. He slept most of the day, which was probably a good thing. The suction egg part of the drain is actually sutured into the skin on his upper thigh ( :eek :eek :eek ) and it's really bothering him. He hates hates hates having stuff on him - even his harness and collar - so this "thing" he has dangling from his leg is annoying in the extreme. We're hoping that the drain can come out Monday, though It's still draining very well.


His amputation incision actually looks good - closed and not puffy or infected. On the whole, I'm hoping for the best. Next hurdle after the drain being pulled is starting chemo. I'm very worried about the time that this infection has stolen from furthering his treatment.




I had the same feelings about the delay in getting Callie's first chemo done. Hoping Dude gets that drain out soon and can get that first chemo treatment over with. :bighug




Jen :grouphug


I took the pups on a group walk today. One of the people there is someone I first met when I joined the group. She gave me a hug and I started tearing up. Both her orig hounds are gone as well. I said I think all the orig hounds that I met when I joined are now gone :(

Last night at work I started tearing up. A lady was loving on Lucky and Pumpkin and it was just so sweet- I teared up for some reason.

It's strange how our emotions work


Oh Kari, I'm so sorry. :bighug



Update on Wonder: He's still eating very well, going outside....not necessarily when everyone else does but will pick and choose when he wants to join them (when he really has to go).


This week his vet said you can really see the tumor and it has grown very big this week and is pronounced.




He is still on the Metacam, Tramadol and Pepcid. He looked so peaceful tonight that I took a picture of him which took my breath away. I can only imagine what the light is....any ideas? Is it his time soon or a light of comfort? There wasn't anything that could have been a reflection. Somehow, it brings both comfort and sadness. I just don't know what to make of it. Any thoughts?




Wonder is very handsome. I choose to think it's a light of comfort, his guardian angel. :bighug





Callie did have her first chemo on Friday and she and I came home and zonked out until around 8pm. No changes in appetite and in good spirits, but the vet did say that around the 3rd or 4th or 4th or 5th day after, I forget which, she may get some nausea. We have some meds just in case.


So far our regular vet and the oncologist are really good about making sure we have drugs on hand "just in case" Callie needs them.


It's my birthday Tuesday so my brother and SIL invited us over for dinner last night. We wouldn't leave Callie home alone so we took her with us...since her 12th birthday is on February 28th, we celebrated hers too. She was the perfect guest! I took along her new bed that I bought at Bluegrass TWO YEARS AGO and just found it! It's REALLY REALLY comfy and she laid right down.



Let's get this party started...



I can't make a wish if you don't light my candle!



Enough with the pictures, bring on the presents!



This looks scrumptious!



Nom Nom Nom



Callie all partied out.....




Hope all our pups have a good week and Dude gets his drain out and his first chemo!

Edited by brindlebaby

Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Does anyone have any articles or any info I can send to our vet regarding Gabapentin? I don't think she's familiar with it and I want to talk to her about using it for Lucy.


Jess, I'm not fond of Wikipedia as a source of info, but it's often great as a source of sources. Take a look at the bottom of the page here: links to online publications and lists of print publications. The MedLinePlus link goes to a government source that discusses use in people. And Googling "gabapentin for dogs" brings up a list of sources/articles. Gabapentin was originally developed to help control epilepsy in humans and usage was extended for controlling epilepsy in animals. But because Gabapentin affects how the brain reacts to stimulus--whether it's the stimulus that triggers a seizure or the stimulus that provokes a pain response--it's now used to control pain. (At the bottom of the Google page are more links for dosage in dogs and side effects in dogs.)


But be aware that this drug often is prescribed in liquid form, and the liquid version sometimes contains Xylitol as a sweetener. (The Wikipedia article mentions this.) If you get the liquid form for Lucy, make sure there's no Xylitol in it. Your vet may not know if the liquid version is safe, so be sure to check with the dispensing pharmacist.


I hope you and Lucy have a better night...

Edited by KF_in_Georgia

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest roselle

Lucy had a rough night/morning.


I'm sad to read this! I hope Lucy feeling better today. Please give Lucy :grouphug from us and for you too!


Tiny now has Rimadyl, Tramadol and Gabapentin on board. It seems to be helping a lot. He's now working on a CET chew with great gusto. There is noticeable swelling in his leg. I think those zoomie photos I posted in Cute and Funny (Linky) will be his last. Not sure I want to allow him to run, even if he feels up to it. If he breaks his leg or breaks his shoulder he's done.


I am glad to hear Tiny is more comfortable now. I hope the swelling it just from his zoomies and will go away quickly.


I feel the same was about Callie, if she breaks another leg, I don't even want to say it. :weep


What a little cute e pie. Happy birthday to the 2 of you. :b-day:confetti



I've had dreams about her again the last 2 nights too, makes the wound feel so fresh when I wake up and realize all over that she's gone. :angry:


I have had those dreams too, they're awful. :weep:bighug




After Friday when the vet closed the wound and put in a suction drain tube, Dude didn't bounce back as quickly as he had before. Saturday he was very drugged up and feeling down. He slept most of the day, which was probably a good thing. The suction egg part of the drain is actually sutured into the skin on his upper thigh ( :eek :eek :eek ) and it's really bothering him. He hates hates hates having stuff on him - even his harness and collar - so this "thing" he has dangling from his leg is annoying in the extreme. We're hoping that the drain can come out Monday, though It's still draining very well.


His amputation incision actually looks good - closed and not puffy or infected. On the whole, I'm hoping for the best. Next hurdle after the drain being pulled is starting chemo. I'm very worried about the time that this infection has stolen from furthering his treatment.




I had the same feelings about the delay in getting Callie's first chemo done. Hoping Dude gets that drain out soon and can get that first chemo treatment over with. :bighug




Jen :grouphug


I took the pups on a group walk today. One of the people there is someone I first met when I joined the group. She gave me a hug and I started tearing up. Both her orig hounds are gone as well. I said I think all the orig hounds that I met when I joined are now gone :(

Last night at work I started tearing up. A lady was loving on Lucky and Pumpkin and it was just so sweet- I teared up for some reason.

It's strange how our emotions work


Oh Kari, I'm so sorry. :bighug



Update on Wonder: He's still eating very well, going outside....not necessarily when everyone else does but will pick and choose when he wants to join them (when he really has to go).


This week his vet said you can really see the tumor and it has grown very big this week and is pronounced.




He is still on the Metacam, Tramadol and Pepcid. He looked so peaceful tonight that I took a picture of him which took my breath away. I can only imagine what the light is....any ideas? Is it his time soon or a light of comfort? There wasn't anything that could have been a reflection. Somehow, it brings both comfort and sadness. I just don't know what to make of it. Any thoughts?




Wonder is very handsome. I choose to think it's a light of comfort, his guardian angel. :bighug





Callie did have her first chemo on Friday and she and I came home and zonked out until around 8pm. No changes in appetite and in good spirits, but the vet did say that around the 3rd or 4th or 4th or 5th day after, I forget which, she may get some nausea. We have some meds just in case.


So far our regular vet and the oncologist are really good about making sure we have drugs on hand "just in case" Callie needs them.


It's my birthday Tuesday so my brother and SIL invited us over for dinner last night. We wouldn't leave Callie home alone so we took her with us...since her 12th birthday is on February 28th, we celebrated hers too. She was the perfect guest! I took along her new bed that I bought at Bluegrass TWO YEARS AGO and just found it! It's REALLY REALLY comfy and she laid right down.



Let's get this party started...



I can't make a wish if you don't light my candle!



Enough with the pictures, bring on the presents!



This looks scrumptious!



Nom Nom Nom



Callie all partied out.....




Hope all our pups have a good week and Dude gets his drain out and his first chemo!

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Aw, happy birthday sweet Callie. :kiss2


Wonder, I don't want to ruin the meaning of the photo to you, but since you asked, it looks like a strand of hair got in the way of the lens. But I could be wrong. :)


Hope Dude's drain can come out asap. :goodluck


Off to take Zuri for a visit with Tash, my friend's dog witht eh brain tumor. They are probably doing this crazy expensive advanced radiation treatment with her in NYC next week to treat the tumor, but she's recovering well from her splenectoomy and is up for some company for now. :thumbs-up


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Happy Birthday Callie and Momma!!!! Love those pics! She looks great!


Dude had a better day Sunday and a quiet night. The fluid output from the drain has dropped off considerably, so hopefully the drs will feel the stoopid drain can come out this afternoon.


Hugs to everyone!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Happy Birthday, Callie! :confetti


Dude, I hope the dr. gives the ok to get that yucky drain out!


Wonder looks very peaceful. Give him a kiss for us.



Lucy has not had a great day. My mom came to see her and she was not herself at all, just wanted to stay in her bed and was whining off and on for a good part of the day. :( She also somehow re-irritated a little "raw" spot near her incision and it was bleeding and really bothering her. I spoke with the vet and she was absolutely on board with the Gabapentin (she actually uses it a lot, so I didn't have to sell her on it). We gave her 100mg today and will go up to 200mg tomorrow if needed (the fentanyl will start to wear off tomorrow). I really, really hope it helps her.


For those of you with pups on Gabapentin, does it seem to take effect pretty quickly, or is it one of those things that has to build up in their system?

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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"Wonder, I don't want to ruin the meaning of the photo to you, but since you asked, it looks like a strand of hair got in the way of the lens. But I could be wrong. :)"


I looked at the picture again and wondered why you can see through whatever it is. It doesn't look solid to me. Wouldn't there be some tiny line if it was hair? Don't worry about ruining the meaning...I appreciate all the thoughts.


"Wonder looks very peaceful. Give him a kiss for us."


I did and he says, "Thank you." This afternoon when I was home at lunch, he went to one of the porch beds and fell asleep in the sun. Hated to wake him up to go back to work but he did get some treats so that made it a little better. :)

Alice (missing 12/7/05), Wonder and Ben


And our beloved Bridge Kids... Inky, Maui, Murphy, Ragamuffin, Della and Natalie

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Happy belated B-day Callie! :b-day

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Drain out and hole closed up! Dude is soooooooooooo happy!


Now, if I can confirm the chemo getting sent from OSU, he'll start that on Wednesday. We all feel so much better!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest roselle



Drain out and hole closed up! Dude is soooooooooooo happy!


Now, if I can confirm the chemo getting sent from OSU, he'll start that on Wednesday. We all feel so much better!


Great news, go fight Dude :kickbutt:yay

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For those of you with pups on Gabapentin, does it seem to take effect pretty quickly, or is it one of those things that has to build up in their system?


Can't say for certain, because I give it at the same time as Tramadol. So it's not possible for me to tell which one works faster. I do notice a marked difference within 30 minutes, but it could be either/both medications kicking in.

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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For those of you with pups on Gabapentin, does it seem to take effect pretty quickly, or is it one of those things that has to build up in their system?


Can't say for certain, because I give it at the same time as Tramadol. So it's not possible for me to tell which one works faster. I do notice a marked difference within 30 minutes, but it could be either/both medications kicking in.


Do you find it to be very sedating?

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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For those of you with pups on Gabapentin, does it seem to take effect pretty quickly, or is it one of those things that has to build up in their system?


Can't say for certain, because I give it at the same time as Tramadol. So it's not possible for me to tell which one works faster. I do notice a marked difference within 30 minutes, but it could be either/both medications kicking in.


Do you find it to be very sedating?

I don't think it works immediately as in 30 minutes, but you don't need days for it to build in the system either. It can be sedating although I only noticed side effects for Neyla at much higher dosages (when we got to 400 mg 3/day and she was also maxed out on Tramadol at that point) and for her, it was more just dizziness, especially when she first stood up. If she's sleeping more, it could also be that she's now more comfortable from the increased meds and able to rest better.



Glad Dude was able to get his drain out! :yay Go kick some butt with the chemo!



Wonder, I don't know the technical reasons why, I just know that hair can appear that way in a photo. Probably something to do with the fact that the hair is right up against the lens while the camera is focusing on/setting the exposure based on something much farther away.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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I was told by my vet that you should see the effect of gabapentin within 2 doses (12 hrs apart). I personally find the tramadol works faster in my pup. I found the best method for FedX is the give the gabapentin at 12 and 12 (i work till 1130pm so this works well for us) and to give the tramadol at least one hour prior to our morning and afternoon walk. If i know he is going to be very excited or walking a bit further i give either an extra dose of tramadol (he gets 1 tab, 50mg, each dose) right before the walk so it kicks in by the time we are finished, or i give a double dose for the morning dose.


The human Davis's Drug Guide info says that gabapentin onset is 'rapid' (ie <30min), peaks in 2-4hrs, and has a duration of 8hrs. Tramadol has an onset of 1hr, a peak within 2-3hrs, and a duration of 4-6hrs. Now of course this is in humans, but it gives you a rough guide.



I haven't found any sedation in fedX from either medication, but he is on 100mg twice a day, we haven't had to go up yet.

Edited by snakes
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I'm at work so can't post long, but wanted to know how is Lucy feeling today. :hope


:yay Dude!!! Praying you get your chemo tomorrow.

Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Just stopping in to see how Lucy is too. Hugs to the sweet girl.

And Callie...you look SO beeeeeeeeyoutiful! I think you should celebrate for several weeks at least. Your pictures are wonderful, and make us smile.

Yay for Dude! I know he will feel better without that drain (and so will his Mom).

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Lucy seems ok today. I decreased the Tramadol dose and increased the Gabapentin - so she's at 50mg Tramadol 3x day and 200mg Gaba 1x a day. She's not showing any signs of serious pain like we saw before...she was whining this morning but has been sleeping/laying in her bed since I gave her the Gaba at noon. I'm not sure if the whining is from discomfort, anxiety or just a plea for attention. I also think she's probably a bit depressed, but who knows, it could just be the meds.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Jess, I would do 100 mg Gabapentin 2x/day rather than 200 1x/day just to keep a more even level in her system/reduce the possible side effects. You can still give it away from the Tramadol on that schedule. Glad she's feeling a bit better. Hang in there.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Jess, I would do 100 mg Gabapentin 2x/day rather than 200 1x/day just to keep a more even level in her system/reduce the possible side effects. You can still give it away from the Tramadol on that schedule. Glad she's feeling a bit better. Hang in there.

Hmmm, the vet specifically said to give it once a day, I wonder why? I agree that spreading it out makes more sense. I'll ask her about it tomorrow.


I just wish she could tell me how she's feeling so I could stop second guessing every little thing. The new thing I've noticed over the past couple of days is that sometimes her stump trembles, always when she's up moving around but also sometimes when she's in her bed. I wonder if it's just a nerve signal thing, like a reflex, or if it's a sign of pain. When it's trembling she seems nervous if I put my hand there. Has anyone else noticed that?

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Jess, I would do 100 mg Gabapentin 2x/day rather than 200 1x/day just to keep a more even level in her system/reduce the possible side effects. You can still give it away from the Tramadol on that schedule. Glad she's feeling a bit better. Hang in there.

Hmmm, the vet specifically said to give it once a day, I wonder why? I agree that spreading it out makes more sense. I'll ask her about it tomorrow.


I just wish she could tell me how she's feeling so I could stop second guessing every little thing. The new thing I've noticed over the past couple of days is that sometimes her stump trembles, always when she's up moving around but also sometimes when she's in her bed. I wonder if it's just a nerve signal thing, like a reflex, or if it's a sign of pain. When it's trembling she seems nervous if I put my hand there. Has anyone else noticed that?

Well keep in mind I know nearly nothing about amputation, but I don't necessarily see a reason why administration of it would be different post amp. The only reason I can think to give it once per day is because you are giving it to her before she is most active and more likely to be in pain. For instance, my vet recommended I give Neyla her NSAID in the morning rather than the evening when we were administering it once per day simply b/c she's up and about during the day. But even with that drug, where administering once daily is the recommendation, we switched to 2x/day pretty early on. Of course, if you don't see signs of increased pain around the time it would be worn off (according to the info snakes recommended and what I know, 8 hrs later probably at the most) then maybe there's no need to change it. I am not a vet though!


The trembling sounds neurologic to me and probably not painful, but again I have no real knowledge so take my opinion with a grain of salt. ;)


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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I agree going to 2x100mg a day makes the most sense. As for the trembling, that is normal. Charlie's stump trembles sometimes so it's nothing to get too worried about. For example, Charlie used to scratch his ears a lot, well after the amp you can guess it is a little difficult. So what happens is he will try to scratch and his stump will move like he still has his leg. Both myself and DW always try to scratch his ear for him as he likes it so much but when you first see this, it's little unnerving. Oh and one other thing, Charlie has become A LOT more vocal since his amp, he'll whine to go out, he'll whine if he wants food, he'll whine if wants attention, etc, etc..

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Not sure about Lucy's amp site, but Dude actually has quite a bit of leg left - almost half his thigh at least - including all the muscles. So I would think, as he's moving around, his nerves/brain are continuing to send 'walking" signals, so his leg keeps responding and twitching. He doesn't ever act like it hurts.


In fact, Dude has never really acted like he's in pain after the first few days. We have kept up on his pain meds (codeine every 6-8 hours) and nsaid (rimadyl twice a day), but his ortho surgeon said he shouldn't really need them much longer at all, and has told us to try and stretch out the time between doses.


Dude has been so much more better since that stupid drain came out yesterday! He has a good expression and he's moving around and acting almost like normal. He even chased a squirrel in the yard!


Question: What do you all feed your hounds diagnosed with cancer??? I know several are doing raw diets. How about kibble people? Also, Dude has always been a complete chow hound. His bowl has always been the cleanest one since he licked out every last morsel. The last few days he's been leaving two or three mouthfuls (not much, in other words) behind, even though he's been eating with enthusiasm up to that point. Any thoughts as to why he might be doing this? We're feeding him the same amount, at the same times, and same food (kibble plus a bit of canned and water plus salmon oil) as he was getting before the surgery.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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