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Triciaszoo...peatie Has Lymphoma..

Guest tiffyks

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Guest TriciasZoo

Thanks everyone. I spoke with Dr. Couto today, and I believe I will take a conservative approach, but yet more than just Pred. We just have to figure out which drugs based on the biopsy and what he and Dr. Blackburn decide is best. He'll only be on oral meds at home to give us a little extra time AND keep him comfortable. If I find that it is NOT helping or is making things worse, then we will withdraw from that. I'm hoping the Pred itself won't be too hard on him, so we can at least get the size of the nodes down and make his neck more comfortable. So far the nodes aren't too large to inhibit his eating and breathing.


He continues to run, play, eat, poop, pee, etc. normally. I have a feeling he's becoming a bit lethargic, but it's hard to tell. He also doesn't seem quite as patient with the ferrets. They're never loose together. The ferrets, if out, are in their ex-pen, so they're seperated, but I watched him sit there and growl at two of them earlier. :dunno


It's almost like he's aged in the past couple of weeks. Everyone comments on how white his face is for only four, maybe he's trying to catch up with his looks. I don't know.

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Just reading this now......so sad to hear since Peatie was one of the first dogs I fell in love with on GT. I know Peatie will go through this as painlessly as is possible because of your wise decision-making!


Just make sure you do the same for yourself! Not that I have any experience in that but it sure does sound smart.


Woodie just turned 5 this month and Hurley is still 4 so I feel your pain. Woodie developed a limp earlier this month and I bawled my eyes out just because I thought if I didn't, I would be taken by surprise if he developed something "C" wordish. His limp is gone but the same leg still "falls asleep" more often than usual...I am keeping an eye on it and will get some chondroitin to go with his glucosamine since I thought I had both but realized I didn't. Sorry to ramble.


:inlove Have a good day today, Peatie and Trish!!! :grouphug:brokenheart:heart

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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Checking in to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you and Peatie :grouphug

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Guest bonscoby

Diz iz Free to Run heer. Mommy iz habbin a hard time dealin wid sicknezz an such, so she cant call, butz I wanted to pozt becauze Peatie iz my bere firzt lub. I am bezide myzelf wid sadnezz. I donno whatz to say eggsept dat I lubz my Peatie so much!!!! I am bere bere sorry, Mizz Trish, my mudder in law. Pleeze tell Peatie dat I lubz him an dat I wud do anythin to make him feel bedder. I am hiz wife and lub. He will alwayz be in my heart an in my prayerz. Hugz to you both an lotz ob lub. I lubz you my huzband!

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Deer Peatie,

I hab luved yu from afar ebber since i saws yur picktur long ago. I knows Free to Run haz furst dibs on yu, buts yu can nebber hab tu many fwends.

Furrebber yors,



p.s. Mrs. Peatie, I hopes dis iz OK wit yu. In times like dis, da more lub da better.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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When will the biopsy be back?


Sending scritchies to your boy and hugs to yourself.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Thinking of your sweet boy this evening. :candle:hope

Melanie and Eric with Leminim and Eieio and silly kitty Elsa.
See you again someday, my sweet Payton (Flying Payton May 9, 2000-March 18, 2012)
Missing my sweet JJ, world's sweetest cat (April 1997-November 30, 2015)

Stealing food in heaven, my darling Minnie (2006-April 21, 2016)
Reunited with her favorite person in heaven, my Dad, Satin the skittish kitty (2002-May 7, 2016)

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Guest TriciasZoo

D#)(*% it guys, every time I check in here, read my messages from CoG, etc. the tears just burst out. Not trickle, but explode. There is a hole in the gut that just aches and aches. Nothing soothes it. The biopsy was the final confirmation, and it's as suspected. Dr. B will be consulting with Dr. Couto. We'll treat him conservatively with oral meds only.


Yes, Free and Gracie, he can use all the friends he can get right now.


I feel so lost. I'm lashing out at DH because he's always out of town for work, and I know it's not his fault, but I need a husband right now, not a weekend visitor. I basically have no real human companionship during the week, besides work, and they just don't understand. *sigh*


Sorry. :( I'm just not doing the best today.

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